const fs = require('fs').promises
let cachedContents
function getContents() {
// If we have already read the file, just return its contents
if (cachedContents !== undefined) {
return Promise.resolve(cachedContents)
// Otherwise, read the file and store its contents
const readPromise = fs.readFile('file.txt', 'utf8')
readPromise.then(contents => {
cachedContents = contents
return readPromise
const start1 = process.hrtime()
getContents().then(_ => {
// Reading file took 1946343 ns
const time1 = process.hrtime(start1)
console.log(`Reading file took ${time1[1]} ns`)
const start2 = process.hrtime()
getContents().then(_ => {
// Using cached file took 29273 ns
const time2 = process.hrtime(start2)
console.log(`Using cached file took ${time2[1]} ns`)
Caleb C. Sander authored53fbefe6