package edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException; /** * <p> * This class implements string matching operations. The supported operations * are: * </p> * <ul> * <li>basic SQL pattern matching, <tt>a [NOT] LIKE b</tt></li> * <li>regex pattern matching, <tt>a [NOT] SIMILAR TO b</tt></li> * </ul> * <p> * The <tt>a NOT LIKE ...</tt> and <tt>a NOT SIMILAR TO ...</tt> operation is * translated into <tt>NOT (a LIKE ...)</tt> etc. by the parser. * </p> */ public class StringMatchOperator extends Expression { /** A logging object for reporting anything interesting that happens. **/ private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(StringMatchOperator.class); /** * This enumeration specifies the types of matching that can be performed. */ public enum Type { LIKE("LIKE"), REGEX("SIMILAR TO"); /** The string representation for each operator. Used for printing. */ private final String stringRep; /** * Construct a Type enum with the specified string representation. * * @param rep the string representation of the comparison type */ Type(String rep) { stringRep = rep; } /** * Accessor for the operator type's string representation. * * @return the string representation of the comparison type */ public String stringRep() { return stringRep; } } /** The kind of comparison, such as "LIKE" or "SIMILAR TO." */ Type type; /** The left expression in the comparison. */ Expression leftExpr; /** The right expression in the comparison. */ Expression rightExpr; public StringMatchOperator(Type type, Expression lhs, Expression rhs) { if (type == null || lhs == null || rhs == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.type = type; leftExpr = lhs; rightExpr = rhs; } public ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(Schema schema) throws SchemaNameException { // Comparisons always return Boolean values, so just pass a Boolean // value in to the TypeConverter to get out the corresponding SQL type. ColumnType colType = new ColumnType(TypeConverter.getSQLType(Boolean.FALSE)); return new ColumnInfo(colType); } /** * This helper method converts a SQL <tt>LIKE</tt> match-expression into * a corresponding regular expression. The challenge is that the match * expression might contain regular-expression characters, so characters * other than "%" and "_" must be quoted so they don't cause any effects. * * @param sqlLike the SQL <tt>LIKE</tt> match-expression * * @return a regular expression corresponding to the match-expression */ private String sqlLikeToRegex(String sqlLike) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); boolean inText = false; for (int i = 0; i < sqlLike.length(); i++) { char ch = sqlLike.charAt(i); if (ch == '%') { if (inText) buf.append("\\E"); buf.append(".*"); inText = false; } else if (ch == '_') { if (inText) buf.append("\\E"); buf.append("."); inText = false; } else { if (!inText) buf.append("\\Q"); buf.append(ch); inText = true; } } if (inText) buf.append("\\E"); return buf.toString(); } /** * Evaluates this comparison expression and returns either * {@link java.lang.Boolean#TRUE} or {@link java.lang.Boolean#FALSE}. If * either the left-hand or right-hand expression evaluates to * <code>null</code> (representing the SQL <tt>NULL</tt> value), then the * expression's result is always <code>FALSE</code>. */ public Object evaluate(Environment env) throws ExpressionException { // Evaluate the left and right subexpressions, and coerce them into // strings. String lhsValue = TypeConverter.getStringValue(leftExpr.evaluate(env)); String rhsValue = TypeConverter.getStringValue(rightExpr.evaluate(env)); // If either the LHS value or RHS value is NULL (represented by Java // null value) then the entire expression evaluates to FALSE. if (lhsValue == null || rhsValue == null) return null; boolean result; switch (type) { case LIKE: // Convert the LIKE pattern into a regular expression. First, // escape all the characters that could be meaningful in // regex, and then replace the SQL wildcard expressions with // corresponding regex expressions. String rhsRegex = sqlLikeToRegex(rhsValue); rhsRegex = rhsRegex.replaceAll("_", ".").replaceAll("%", ".*");"Received LIKE pattern \"" + rhsValue + "\", converted to regex \"" + rhsRegex + "\"."); result = Pattern.matches(rhsRegex, lhsValue); break; case REGEX: try { result = Pattern.matches(rhsValue, lhsValue); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw new ExpressionException("Regex pattern \"" + rhsValue + "\" is invalid!", e); } break; default: throw new ExpressionException( "Unrecognized string-matching type " + type); } return Boolean.valueOf(result); } @Override public Expression traverse(ExpressionProcessor p) { p.enter(this); leftExpr = leftExpr.traverse(p); rightExpr = rightExpr.traverse(p); return p.leave(this); } /** * Returns a string representation of this comparison expression and its * subexpressions. */ public String toString() { // Convert all of the components into string representations. String leftStr = leftExpr.toString(); String rightStr = rightExpr.toString(); String opStr = " " + type.stringRep() + " "; // For now, assume we don't need parentheses. return leftStr + opStr + rightStr; } /** * Returns the type of this comparison operator. * * @return the type of comparison */ public Type getType() { return type; } /** * Returns the left expression. * * @return the left expression */ public Expression getLeftExpression() { return leftExpr; } /** * Returns the right expression. * * @return the right expression */ public Expression getRightExpression() { return rightExpr; } /** * Checks if the argument is an expression with the same structure, but not * necessarily the same references. * * @param obj the object to which we are comparing */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof StringMatchOperator) { StringMatchOperator other = (StringMatchOperator) obj; return (type == other.type && leftExpr.equals(other.leftExpr) && rightExpr.equals(other.rightExpr)); } return false; } /** * Computes the hashcode of an Expression. This method is used to see if * two expressions might be equal. */ @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 31 * hash + type.hashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + leftExpr.hashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + rightExpr.hashCode(); return hash; } /** * Creates a copy of expression. This method is used by the * {@link Expression#duplicate} method to make a deep copy of an expression * tree. */ @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { StringMatchOperator expr = (StringMatchOperator) super.clone(); // Type is immutable; copy it. expr.type = type; // Clone the subexpressions expr.leftExpr = (Expression) leftExpr.clone(); expr.rightExpr = (Expression) rightExpr.clone(); return expr; } }