package edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnType; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema; import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException; /** * This class provides the standard Boolean logical operators AND, OR, and NOT, * for two or more terms (or exactly one term, in the case of NOT). In * addition, there are several methods provided for manipulating Boolean * expressions, since many plan equivalence-rules involve manipulations of the * Boolean logical expressions associated with Select and Theta-Join plan nodes. */ public class BooleanOperator extends Expression { /** * This enumeration specifies the different kinds of Boolean operators that * this class can implement. */ public enum Type { AND_EXPR("AND"), OR_EXPR("OR"), NOT_EXPR("NOT"); /** The string representation for each operator. Used for printing. **/ private final String stringRep; /** * Construct a Type enum with the specified string representation. * * @param rep the string representation of the type */ Type(String rep) { stringRep = rep; } /** * Accessor for the operator type's string representation. * * @return the string representation of the operator type */ public String stringRep() { return stringRep; } } /** Specifies the type of this Boolean operator. */ private Type type; /** * The list of one or more terms in this expression. If the expression type * is {@link BooleanOperator.Type#NOT_EXPR} then this will contain exactly * one term. */ private ArrayList<Expression> terms; public BooleanOperator(Type type, Collection<Expression> terms) { if (type == null) throw new NullPointerException("type cannot be null"); this.type = type; this.terms = new ArrayList<>(); if (terms != null) { for (Expression term : terms) addTerm(term); } } public BooleanOperator(Type type) { this(type, null); } /** * Returns the type of this Boolean expression. * * @return the type of this Boolean expression. */ public Type getType() { return type; } public void addTerm(Expression term) { if (term == null) throw new NullPointerException("term cannot be null"); terms.add(term); } public Expression getTerm(int i) { return terms.get(i); } public ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(Schema schema) throws SchemaNameException { // Boolean operators always return Boolean values, so just pass a // Boolean value in to the TypeConverter to get out the corresponding // SQL datatype. ColumnType colType = new ColumnType(TypeConverter.getSQLType(Boolean.FALSE)); return new ColumnInfo(colType); } public Object evaluate(Environment env) throws ExpressionException { if (terms.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("Boolean " + type + " expression contains no terms!"); } Object objResult; boolean boolResult; if (type == Type.NOT_EXPR) { if (terms.size() != 1) { throw new ExpressionException( "NOT-expressions may have only one term."); } // Evaluate the term... objResult = terms.get(0).evaluate(env); if (objResult == null) boolResult = false; // TODO: this is UNKNOWN, not FALSE. else boolResult = TypeConverter.getBooleanValue(objResult); // ...then negate it. boolResult = !boolResult; } else { // AND/OR expression. if (terms.size() < 1) { throw new ExpressionException(type.stringRep() + "-expressions must have at least one term."); } if (type == Type.AND_EXPR) { boolResult = true; } else { assert type == Type.OR_EXPR : "Unexpected type value " + type + "!"; boolResult = false; } for (Expression term : terms) { // Evaluate the i-th term, and combine it with the current answer. objResult = term.evaluate(env); boolean termValue; if (objResult == null) termValue = false; // TODO: this is UNKNOWN, not FALSE. else termValue = TypeConverter.getBooleanValue(objResult); if (type == Type.AND_EXPR && !termValue) { // AND term is false, so we are done. Answer is false. boolResult = false; break; } else if (type == Type.OR_EXPR && termValue) { // OR term is true, so we are done. Answer is true. boolResult = true; break; } } } return Boolean.valueOf(boolResult); } @Override public Expression traverse(ExpressionProcessor p) { p.enter(this); for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { Expression e = terms.get(i).traverse(p); terms.set(i, e); } return p.leave(this); } /** * Returns a string representation of this Boolean logical expression and * its subexpressions, including parentheses where necessary to specify * precedence. */ @Override public String toString() { // Convert all of the components into string representations. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (type == Type.NOT_EXPR) { assert terms.size() == 1 : "NOT expressions must have exactly one term"; buf.append(type.stringRep()); buf.append(' '); Expression term = terms.get(0); String termStr = term.toString(); if (term instanceof BooleanOperator) { BooleanOperator termOp = (BooleanOperator) term; if (termOp.type != Type.NOT_EXPR) termStr = '(' + termStr + ')'; } buf.append(termStr); } else if (type == Type.AND_EXPR) { assert terms.size() >= 1 : "AND expressions must have at least one term"; boolean first = true; for (Expression term : terms) { if (first) first = false; else buf.append(' ').append(type.stringRep()).append(' '); String termStr = term.toString(); if (term instanceof BooleanOperator) { BooleanOperator termOp = (BooleanOperator) term; if (termOp.type == Type.OR_EXPR) termStr = '(' + termStr + ')'; } buf.append(termStr); } } else { // OR_EXPR assert type == Type.OR_EXPR; assert terms.size() >= 1 : "OR expressions must have at least one term"; boolean first = true; for (Expression term : terms) { if (first) first = false; else buf.append(' ').append(type.stringRep()).append(' '); buf.append(term.toString()); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * This method returns true if this Boolean expression contains any terms * that reference the exact set of tables specified in the arguments. See * the documentation for {@link #getTermsReferencingAllTables} for more * details on what is considered to be a "matching" term by this method. * * @design This method is <em>slightly</em> more efficient than the * get/remove methods, since it stops after it has found the first * term that satisfies the specified conditions. However, if there * will be a subsequent call to the get or remove method, it's * probably most efficient to just call it directly. * * @param tableNames a collection of table-names to look for in the terms. * * @return A list of terms that reference all of the tables specified in the * input list, and no others. */ public boolean hasTermsReferencingAllTables(String... tableNames) { // Put table names into a set so we can easily do membership tests. HashSet<String> inputTables = new HashSet<String>(); for (String tableName : tableNames) inputTables.add(tableName); // Iterate through each term in this Boolean operator. For each term, // find out what symbols the term contains. Then, see if the term only // references the tables in the input set. HashSet<ColumnName> symbols = new HashSet<ColumnName>(); HashSet<String> exprTables = new HashSet<String>(); for (Expression term : terms) { symbols.clear(); exprTables.clear(); term.getAllSymbols(symbols); for (ColumnName colName : symbols) { if (colName.isTableSpecified()) exprTables.add(colName.getTableName()); } if (inputTables.equals(exprTables)) return true; } return false; } /** * This method finds and returns a list of all terms in this Boolean * expression that reference the exact set of tables specified in the * arguments. If a term references other tables outside of this set then it * will not be returned. If a term doesn't reference some table in this set * then it will not be returned. * * @param tableNames a collection of table-names to look for in the terms. * * @return A list of terms that reference all of the tables specified in the * input list, and no others. */ public List<Expression> getTermsReferencingAllTables(String... tableNames) { // Call the helper, with "remove" flag set to false. return _getTermsReferencingAllTables(tableNames, false); } /** * This method finds, removes, and returns a list of all terms in this * Boolean expression that reference the exact set of tables specified in * the arguments. If a term references other tables outside of this set * then it will not be returned. If a term doesn't reference some table in * this set then it will not be returned. * <p> * The sole difference between this and {@link #getTermsReferencingAllTables} * is that this method also removes the found terms from this Boolean * expression object. * * @param tableNames a collection of table-names to look for in the terms. * * @return A list of terms that reference all of the tables specified in the * input list, and no others. These terms are also removed from the * Boolean expression object. */ public List<Expression> removeTermsReferencingAllTables(String... tableNames) { // Call the helper, with "remove" flag set to true. return _getTermsReferencingAllTables(tableNames, true); } /** * This is a private helper function used by both the * {@link #getTermsReferencingAllTables} and * {@link #removeTermsReferencingAllTables} methods. * * @param tableNames an array of table-names to look for in the terms. * @param remove if <tt>true</tt> then matching terms will be removed from * this Boolean operator's list of terms. * * @return A list of terms that reference all of the tables specified in the * input list, and no others. */ private List<Expression> _getTermsReferencingAllTables(String[] tableNames, boolean remove) { ArrayList<Expression> found = new ArrayList<>(); // Put table names into a set so we can easily do membership tests. HashSet<String> inputTables = new HashSet<>(); for (String tableName : tableNames) inputTables.add(tableName); // Iterate through each term in this Boolean operator. For each term, // find out what symbols the term contains. Then, see if the term only // references the tables in the input set. HashSet<ColumnName> symbols = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<String> exprTables = new HashSet<>(); Iterator<Expression> termIter = terms.iterator(); while (termIter.hasNext()) { Expression term =; symbols.clear(); exprTables.clear(); term.getAllSymbols(symbols); for (ColumnName colName : symbols) { if (colName.isTableSpecified()) exprTables.add(colName.getTableName()); } if (inputTables.equals(exprTables)) { found.add(term); if (remove) termIter.remove(); } } return found; } /** * Returns the number of terms in the boolean expression. * * @return the number of terms in the boolean expression. */ public int getNumTerms() { return terms.size(); } /** * Removes the i<sup>th</sup> term, starting from 0. * * @param i the index of the term to remove. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified index is invalid. */ public void removeTerm(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= getNumTerms()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Term-index " + i + " is out of range [0, " + getNumTerms() + ")"); } terms.remove(i); } /** * Simplifies a Boolean expression by eliminating and de-nesting as much of * the expression as possible. */ @Override public Expression simplify() { // Go through and try to simplify anything we can inside the operator for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { Expression e = terms.get(i); terms.set(i, e.simplify()); } // There is only one simplification for the NOT expression: // NOT (NOT P) = P if (type == Type.NOT_EXPR) { assert terms.size() == 1; if (terms.get(0) instanceof BooleanOperator) { BooleanOperator nested = (BooleanOperator) terms.get(0); if (nested.type == Type.NOT_EXPR) { assert nested.terms.size() == 1; return nested.terms.get(0); } } // If we fall through to here, we can't do any simplification of // the NOT expression. return this; } // Handle AND and OR expression simplifications. assert type == Type.AND_EXPR || type == Type.OR_EXPR; // If there is only one term, just return the term. if (terms.size() == 1) return terms.get(0); int i = 0; while (i < terms.size()) { Expression e = terms.get(i); if (e instanceof BooleanOperator) { BooleanOperator b = (BooleanOperator) e; // If the nested Boolean operator is the same type as this // one, we can lift up the terms and put them in this // operator. if (b.type == type) { terms.remove(i); terms.addAll(i, b.terms); } else { i++; } // The way this loop is constructed, we will repeat this // check/lift process for any child nodes we just lifted up, // that are also BooleanOperators of the same type, since // the new nodes will now be at index i. } else { // Some other kind of term - skip it. i++; } } return this; } /** * Performs a value-eqality test for whether the specified object is an * expression with the same structure and contents. * * @param obj the object to which we are comparing */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof BooleanOperator) { BooleanOperator other = (BooleanOperator) obj; return (type == other.type && terms.equals(other.terms)); } return false; } /** * Computes the hash-code of an Expression. */ @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 31 * hash + type.hashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + terms.hashCode(); return hash; } /** * Creates a copy of expression. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { BooleanOperator expr = (BooleanOperator) super.clone(); // Type is immutable, copy it. expr.type = this.type; expr.terms = (ArrayList<Expression>) terms.clone(); return expr; } }