package cfg; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; public class CFG { public static class Symbol { protected String value; public String getValue() { return this.value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // Subclasses are considered not equal even if the value is the same if (obj == null || this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } return value.equals(((Symbol) obj).value); } @Override public int hashCode() { // Subclasses should hash differently return Objects.hash(value, getClass()); } @Override public String toString() { return this.value; } } public static class Terminal extends Symbol { public Terminal(String v) { // Use multiple terminals for longer strings assert v.length() == 1; this.value = v; } } public static class Nonterminal extends Symbol { public Nonterminal(String v) { this.value = v; } } public final Nonterminal start; private final Map<Nonterminal, List<Symbol[]>> ruleMap; public CFG(Nonterminal nt) { this.start = nt; this.ruleMap = new HashMap<>(); } public CFG(String string) { this(nt(string)); } public List<Symbol[]> getRules(Nonterminal symbol) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(ruleMap.getOrDefault(symbol, List.of())); } /** * Add a production to the grammar of the form lhs -> rhs * * @param lhs nonterminal on the LHS of the production * @param rhs Symbols on the RHS of the production, may be either terminal or nonterminal */ public void addRule(Nonterminal lhs, Symbol... rhs) { this.ruleMap.putIfAbsent(lhs, new ArrayList<>()); this.ruleMap.get(lhs).add(rhs); } // Various ergonomic ways of adding multiple rules for a single LHS /** * Add multiple productions for a single LHS to the grammar * * @param lhs nonterminal on the LHS of the production * @param rhss Iterable of RHS's */ public void addRules(Nonterminal lhs, Iterable<Symbol[]> rhss) { rhss.forEach(rhs -> addRule(lhs, rhs)); } /** * Add multiple productions for a single LHS to the grammar * * @param lhs nonterminal on the LHS of the production * @param rhss array of RHS's */ public void addRules(Nonterminal lhs, Symbol[]... rhss) { -> addRule(lhs, rhs)); } // Shorthand constructors public static Terminal t(String v) { return new Terminal(v); } public static Nonterminal nt(String v) { return new Nonterminal(v); } }