package edu.caltech.cs2.datastructures; import edu.caltech.cs2.helpers.Inspection; import edu.caltech.cs2.helpers.Reflection; import edu.caltech.cs2.helpers.RuntimeInstrumentation; import edu.caltech.cs2.interfaces.*; import org.junit.jupiter.api.*; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import; import static edu.caltech.cs2.project03.Project03TestOrdering.*; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; @TestMethodOrder(MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation.class) @Tag("C") public class ArrayDequeTests implements IDequeTests, IStackTests, IQueueTests { private static String ARRAY_DEQUE_SOURCE ="src/edu/caltech/cs2/datastructures/"; private Constructor arrayDequeConstructor = Reflection.getConstructor(ArrayDeque.class); public ICollection<Object> newCollection() { return Reflection.newInstance(arrayDequeConstructor); } public IDeque<Object> newDeque() { return Reflection.newInstance(arrayDequeConstructor); } public IStack<Object> newStack() { return Reflection.newInstance(arrayDequeConstructor); } public IQueue<Object> newQueue() { return Reflection.newInstance(arrayDequeConstructor); } public IQueue<Object> newQueue(int size) { return newQueue(); } // ARRAYDEQUE-SPECIFIC TESTS ---------------------------------------- @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("Does not use or import disallowed classes") @Test public void testForInvalidClasses() { List<String> regexps = List.of("java\\.util\\.(?!Iterator)", "java\\.lang\\.reflect", "java\\.io"); Inspection.assertNoImportsOf(ARRAY_DEQUE_SOURCE, regexps); Inspection.assertNoUsageOf(ARRAY_DEQUE_SOURCE, regexps); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("There is an integer default capacity static field and an integer default grow factor static field") @Test public void testConstantFields() { Reflection.assertFieldsEqualTo(ArrayDeque.class, "static", 2); Stream<Field> fields = Reflection.getFields(ArrayDeque.class); fields.filter(Reflection.hasModifier("static")).forEach((field) -> { Reflection.checkFieldModifiers(field, List.of("private", "static", "final")); assertEquals(field.getType(), int.class, "static fields must be of type int"); }); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("The overall number of fields is small") @Test public void testSmallNumberOfFields() { Reflection.assertFieldsLessThan(ArrayDeque.class, "private", 5); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("There are no public fields") @Test public void testNoPublicFields() { Reflection.assertNoPublicFields(ArrayDeque.class); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("There are no protected fields") @Test public void testNoProtectedFields() { Reflection.assertNoProtectedFields(ArrayDeque.class); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("All fields in ArrayDeque have modifiers") @Test public void testFieldModifiers() { Reflection.assertFieldModifiers(ArrayDeque.class); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("The public interface is correct") @Test public void testPublicInterface() { Reflection.assertPublicInterface(ArrayDeque.class, List.of( "addFront", "addBack", "removeFront", "removeBack", "enqueue", "dequeue", "push", "pop", "peek", "peekFront", "peekBack", "iterator", "size", "toString" )); } @Order(classSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("Uses this(...) notation in all but one constructor") @Test public void testForThisConstructors() { Inspection.assertConstructorHygiene(ARRAY_DEQUE_SOURCE); } // ARRAYDEQUE TESTS --------------------------------------------------- @Order(implSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("The default capacity of the array is 10") @Test public void testArrayDequeDefaultInitialCapacity() throws IllegalAccessException { ArrayDeque<Integer> impl = new ArrayDeque<>(); // Reflect and get the backing array // It's actually an Object[] since that's how it (should!) be initialized internally // Casting it doesn't change the type of the field. // It's fine since there should only be one array. Field arr = Reflection.getFieldByType(ArrayDeque.class, Object[].class); arr.setAccessible(true); Integer[] backingArray = (Integer[]) arr.get(impl); assertEquals(10, backingArray.length, "Default initial capacity is not 10"); } @Order(implSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("enqueue should always succeed") @Test public void testThatArrayDequeEnqueueAlwaysSucceeds() { ArrayDeque<Integer> impl = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i ++) { assertTrue(impl.enqueue(i), "enqueue() should always succeed for ArrayDeque"); } } @Order(implSpecificTestLevel) @DisplayName("push should always succeed") @Test public void testThatArrayDequePushAlwaysSucceeds() { ArrayDeque<Integer> impl = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i ++) { assertTrue(impl.push(i), "push() should always succeed for ArrayDeque"); } } // TOSTRING TESTS --------------------------------------------------- @Order(toStringTestLevel) @DisplayName("toString is correctly overridden") @Test public void testToStringOverride() { Reflection.assertMethodCorrectlyOverridden(ArrayDeque.class, "toString"); } @Order(toStringTestLevel) @DisplayName("toString() matches java.util.ArrayDeque") @ParameterizedTest(name = "Test toString() on [{arguments}]") @ValueSource(strings = { "0, 1, 2, 3", "5, 4, 3, 2, 1", "8, 3, 5, 7, 4, 3, 12, 12, 1" }) public void testToString(String inputs) { java.util.ArrayDeque<String> reference = new java.util.ArrayDeque<String>(); edu.caltech.cs2.datastructures.ArrayDeque<String> me = new edu.caltech.cs2.datastructures.ArrayDeque<>(); for (String value : inputs.trim().split(", ")) { assertEquals(reference.toString(), me.toString(), "toString outputs should be the same"); reference.addLast(value); me.addBack(value); } } // TIME COMPLEXITY TESTS ------------------------------------------------ @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("addFront() and removeFront() take linear time") @Timeout(value = 20, unit = SECONDS) @Test() public void testFrontDequeOperationComplexity() { Function<Integer, IDeque<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IDeque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.addFront(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IDeque<Integer>> addFront = (IDeque<Integer> q) -> q.addFront(0); Consumer<IDeque<Integer>> removeFront = (IDeque<Integer> q) -> q.removeFront(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("addFront", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.LINEAR, provide, addFront, 8); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("removeFront", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.LINEAR, provide, removeFront, 8); } @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("addBack() and removeBack() take constant time") @Timeout(value = 20, unit = SECONDS) @Test public void testBackDequeOperationComplexity() { Function<Integer, IDeque<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IDeque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.addBack(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IDeque<Integer>> addBack = (IDeque<Integer> q) -> q.addBack(0); Consumer<IDeque<Integer>> removeBack = (IDeque<Integer> q) -> q.removeBack(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("addBack", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, addBack, 8); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("removeBack", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, removeBack, 8); } @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("enqueue() and dequeue() take linear time") @Timeout(value = 20, unit = SECONDS) @Test public void testQueueOperationComplexity() { Function<Integer, IQueue<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IQueue<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.enqueue(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IQueue<Integer>> enqueue = (IQueue<Integer> q) -> q.enqueue(0); Consumer<IQueue<Integer>> dequeue = (IQueue<Integer> q) -> q.dequeue(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("enqueue", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.LINEAR, provide, enqueue, 8); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("dequeue", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.LINEAR, provide, dequeue, 8); } @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("push() and pop() take constant time") @Timeout(value = 10, unit = SECONDS) @Test public void testStackOperationComplexity() { Function<Integer, IStack<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IStack<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.push(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IStack<Integer>> push = (IStack<Integer> q) -> q.push(0); Consumer<IStack<Integer>> pop = (IStack<Integer> q) -> q.pop(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("push", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, push, 8); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("pop", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, pop, 8); } @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("peek() takes constant time") @Timeout(value = 10, unit = SECONDS) @Test public void testPeekComplexity() { Function<Integer, IStack<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IStack<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.push(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IStack<Integer>> peek = (IStack<Integer> q) -> q.peek(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("peek", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, peek, 8); } @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("peekFront() takes constant time") @Timeout(value = 10, unit = SECONDS) @Test() public void testPeekFrontComplexity() { Function<Integer, IDeque<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IDeque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.addFront(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IDeque<Integer>> peekFront = (IDeque<Integer> q) -> q.peekFront(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("peekFront", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, peekFront, 8); } @Order(complexityTestLevel) @DisplayName("peekBack() takes constant time") @Timeout(value = 10, unit = SECONDS) @Test public void testPeekBackComplexity() { Function<Integer, IDeque<Integer>> provide = (Integer numElements) -> { IDeque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { q.addBack(i); } return q; }; Consumer<IDeque<Integer>> peekBack = (IDeque<Integer> q) -> q.peekBack(); RuntimeInstrumentation.assertAtMost("peekBack", RuntimeInstrumentation.ComplexityType.CONSTANT, provide, peekBack, 8); } }