Commit 0381c219 authored by David Lawrence Ramsey's avatar David Lawrence Ramsey
Browse files

clarifications to comments explaining exactly what control characters

and escape sequences are supported

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
parent 4b741b9c
Showing with 148 additions and 107 deletions
+148 -107
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ CVS code -
shortcut_init(), die_save_file(), and nanogetstr().
- Call nano_disabled_msg() directly from the shortcut list
instead of inside the disabled functions. (David Benbennick)
- Clarifications to comments explaining exactly what control
characters and escape sequences are supported. (DLR)
- files.c:
- Rearrange the NANO_SMALL #ifdef so that the code to set the
......@@ -34,14 +34,63 @@ static int statblank = 0; /* Number of keystrokes left after
we call statusbar(), before we
actually blank the statusbar */
/* Note on the following input routines: VT100s and derived terminals
* generate Ctrl-H for Backspace and Ctrl-? (Ctrl-8) for Delete, while
* VT220s/VT320s and derived terminals generate Ctrl-? (Ctrl-8) for
* Backspace (VT320 only) and Esc [ 3 ~ for Delete (VT220/VT320). The
* FreeBSD console is VT100-derived, but sometimes xterm wrongly assumes
* it's VT220/VT320-derived. The workarounds for the problems that this
* causes, in get_accepted_kbinput() and get_escape_seq_kbinput(), are
* indicated by the comments beginning with "Terminal breakage". */
/* Control character compatibility:
* - NANO_BACKSPACE_KEY is Ctrl-H, which is Backspace under ASCII, ANSI,
* VT100, and VT220.
* - NANO_TAB_KEY is Ctrl-I, which is Tab under ASCII, ANSI, VT100,
* VT220, and VT320.
* - NANO_ENTER_KEY is Ctrl-M, which is Enter under ASCII, ANSI, VT100,
* VT220, and VT320.
* - NANO_XON_KEY is Ctrl-Q, which is XON under ASCII, ANSI, VT100,
* VT220, and VT320.
* - NANO_XOFF_KEY is Ctrl-S, which is XOFF under ASCII, ANSI, VT100,
* VT220, and VT320.
* - NANO_CONTROL_8 is Ctrl-? (Ctrl-8), which is Delete under ASCII,
* ANSI, VT100, and VT220, and which is Backspace under VT320.
* Note: VT220s and VT320s also generate Esc [ 3 ~ for Delete. By
* default, xterm assumes it's running on a VT320 and generates Ctrl-?
* (Ctrl-8) for Backspace and Esc [ 3 ~ for Delete. This causes
* problems for VT100-derived terminals such as the FreeBSD console,
* which expect Ctrl-H for Backspace and Ctrl-? (Ctrl-8) for Delete, and
* on which the VT320 sequences are translated by the keypad to KEY_DC
* and [nothing]. We work around this conflict via the REBIND_DELETE
* flag: if it's not set, we assume VT320 compatibility, and if it is,
* we assume VT100 compatibility. Thanks to Lee Nelson and Wouter van
* Hemel for helping work this conflict out.
* Escape sequence compatibility:
* We support escape sequences for ANSI, VT100, VT220, VT320, the Linux
* console, the FreeBSD console, the Hurd console (a.k.a. the Mach
* console), xterm, rxvt, and Eterm. Among these, there are several
* conflicts and omissions, outlined as follows:
* - Tab on ANSI == PageUp on FreeBSD console; the former is omitted.
* (Ctrl-I is also Tab on ANSI, which we already support.)
* - PageDown on FreeBSD console == Center (5) on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on Linux console; the latter is omitted. (The editing
* keypad key is more important to have working than the numeric
* keypad key, because the latter actually has no value when NumLock
* is off.)
* - F1 on FreeBSD console == the mouse key on xterm/rxvt/Eterm; the
* latter is omitted. (Mouse input will only work properly if the
* extended keypad value KEY_MOUSE is generated on mouse events
* instead of the escape sequence.)
* - F9 on FreeBSD console == PageDown on Hurd console; the former is
* omitted. (The editing keypad is more important to have working
* than the function keys, because the functions of the former are not
* arbitrary and the functions of the latter are.)
* - F10 on FreeBSD console == PageUp on Hurd console; the former is
* omitted. (Same as above.)
* - F13 on FreeBSD console == End on Hurd console; the former is
* omitted. (Same as above.)
* - The Hurd console has no escape sequences for F11, F12, F13, F14, or
* Center (5) on the numeric keypad with NumLock off.
* Note that Center (5) on the numeric keypad with NumLock off can also
* be the Begin key. */
/* Read in a single input character. If it's ignored, swallow it and go
* on. Otherwise, try to translate it from ASCII, extended keypad
......@@ -199,12 +248,6 @@ int get_accepted_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int kbinput, int *meta_key)
case 'O':
case 'o':
/* Terminal breakage, part 1: When Delete is pressed,
* xterm generates the VT220/VT320 sequence, Esc [ 3 ~,
* for it instead of the VT100 sequence, Ctrl-?
* (Ctrl-8). Work around this by always interpreting
* the VT220/VT320 sequence as Delete. Thank you,
* Wouter van Hemel. */
case '[':
int old_kbinput = kbinput, *escape_seq;
......@@ -233,11 +276,6 @@ int get_accepted_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int kbinput, int *meta_key)
/* Terminal breakage, part 2: When Backspace is pressed,
* xterm generates the VT320 sequence, Ctrl-? (Ctrl-8), for
* it instead of the VT100 sequence, Ctrl-H. Work around
* this by interpreting the VT320 sequence as Delete when
* REBIND_DELETE isn't set, and as Backspace when it is. */
case KEY_DOWN:
......@@ -262,13 +300,6 @@ int get_accepted_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int kbinput, int *meta_key)
case KEY_DC:
/* Terminal breakage, part 3: When Backspace is pressed,
* xterm generates the VT320 sequence, Ctrl-? (Ctrl-8), for
* it instead of the VT100 sequence, Ctrl-H. Ctrl-?
* (Ctrl-8) then gets translated into the keypad value
* KEY_DC. Work around this by interpreting KEY_DC as
* Delete when REBIND_DELETE isn't set, and as Backspace
* when it is. Thank you, Lee Nelson. */
case KEY_IC:
......@@ -392,34 +423,7 @@ int get_ascii_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int kbinput)
/* Translate escape sequences, most of which correspond to extended
* keypad values. These sequences are generated when the terminal
* doesn't support the needed keys. Assume that Escape has already been
* read in, and that nodelay(win) is TRUE.
* The supported terminals are the Linux console, the FreeBSD console,
* the Hurd console (a.k.a. the Mach console), xterm, rxvt, and Eterm.
* There are several escape sequence conflicts and omissions, outlined
* as follows:
* - PageDown on FreeBSD console == Center (5) on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on Linux console. (The editing keypad key is more
* important to have working than the numeric keypad key, because the
* latter actually has no value when NumLock is off.)
* - F1 on FreeBSD console == kmous on xterm/rxvt/Eterm; the latter is
* omitted. (Mouse input will only work properly if the extended
* keypad value KEY_MOUSE is generated on mouse events instead of the
* kmous escape sequence.)
* - F9 on FreeBSD console == PageDown on Hurd console; the former is
* omitted. (The editing keypad is more important to have working
* than the function keys, because the functions of the former are not
* arbitrary and the functions of the latter are.)
* - F10 on FreeBSD console == PageUp on Hurd console; the former is
* omitted. (Same as above.)
* - F13 on FreeBSD console == End on Hurd console; the former is
* omitted. (Same as above.)
* - The Hurd console has no escape sequences for F11, F12, F13, F14, or
* Center (5) on the numeric keypad with NumLock off.
* Note that Center (5) on the numeric keypad with NumLock off can be
* either kb2 or kbeg, or both. */
* read in, and that nodelay(win) is TRUE. */
int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
......@@ -443,10 +447,13 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
case 'A': /* Esc O A == Up on xterm. */
case 'B': /* Esc O B == Down on xterm. */
case 'C': /* Esc O C == Right on xterm. */
case 'D': /* Esc O D == Left on xterm. */
case 'A': /* Esc O A == Up on VT100/VT320/xterm. */
case 'B': /* Esc O B == Down on
* VT100/VT320/xterm. */
case 'C': /* Esc O C == Right on
* VT100/VT320/xterm. */
case 'D': /* Esc O D == Left on
* VT100/VT320/xterm. */
kbinput = get_escape_seq_abcd(escape_seq[1]);
case 'E': /* Esc O E == Center (5) on numeric keypad
......@@ -460,19 +467,24 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
kbinput = NANO_HOME_KEY;
case 'M': /* Esc O M == Enter on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on xterm/Eterm. */
* NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/Eterm. */
kbinput = NANO_ENTER_KEY;
case 'P': /* Esc O P == F1 on Hurd console. */
case 'P': /* Esc O P == F1 on VT100/VT220/VT320/Hurd
* console. */
kbinput = KEY_F(1);
case 'Q': /* Esc O Q == F2 on Hurd console. */
case 'Q': /* Esc O Q == F2 on VT100/VT220/VT320/Hurd
* console. */
kbinput = KEY_F(2);
case 'R': /* Esc O R == F3 on Hurd console. */
case 'R': /* Esc O R == F3 on VT100/VT220/VT320/Hurd
* console. */
kbinput = KEY_F(3);
case 'S': /* Esc O S == F4 on Hurd console. */
case 'S': /* Esc O S == F4 on VT100/VT220/VT320/Hurd
* console. */
kbinput = KEY_F(4);
case 'T': /* Esc O T == F5 on Hurd console. */
......@@ -500,67 +512,83 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
kbinput = get_escape_seq_abcd(escape_seq[1]);
case 'j': /* Esc O j == '*' on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on xterm/rxvt. */
* NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/rxvt. */
kbinput = '*';
case 'k': /* Esc O k == '+' on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on xterm/rxvt. */
* NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/rxvt. */
kbinput = '+';
case 'l': /* Esc O l == ',' on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on xterm/rxvt. */
* NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/rxvt. */
kbinput = '+';
case 'm': /* Esc O m == '-' on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on xterm/rxvt. */
* NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/rxvt. */
kbinput = '-';
case 'n': /* Esc O n == Delete (.) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/rxvt. */
kbinput = NANO_DELETE_KEY;
case 'o': /* Esc O o == '/' on numeric keypad with
* NumLock off on xterm/rxvt. */
* NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/xterm/rxvt. */
kbinput = '/';
case 'p': /* Esc O p == Insert (0) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
case 'q': /* Esc O q == End (1) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
kbinput = NANO_END_KEY;
case 'r': /* Esc O r == Down (2) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
case 's': /* Esc O s == PageDown (3) on numeric
* keypad with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* keypad with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
case 't': /* Esc O t == Left (4) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
kbinput = NANO_BACK_KEY;
case 'u': /* Esc O u == Center (5) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt/Eterm. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = '5';
case 'v': /* Esc O v == Right (6) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
case 'w': /* Esc O w == Home (7) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
kbinput = NANO_HOME_KEY;
case 'x': /* Esc O x == Up (8) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
case 'y': /* Esc O y == PageUp (9) on numeric keypad
* with NumLock off on rxvt. */
* with NumLock off on
* VT100/VT220/VT320/rxvt. */
......@@ -600,15 +628,18 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
* xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(5);
case '7': /* Esc [ 1 7 ~ == F6 on Linux
case '7': /* Esc [ 1 7 ~ == F6 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(6);
case '8': /* Esc [ 1 8 ~ == F7 on Linux
case '8': /* Esc [ 1 8 ~ == F7 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(7);
case '9': /* Esc [ 1 9 ~ == F8 on Linux
case '9': /* Esc [ 1 9 ~ == F8 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(8);
......@@ -650,8 +681,8 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
default: /* Esc [ 1 ~ == Home on Linux
* console. */
default: /* Esc [ 1 ~ == Home on
* VT320/Linux console. */
kbinput = NANO_HOME_KEY;
......@@ -660,53 +691,60 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
case '2':
if (escape_seq_len >= 3) {
switch (escape_seq[2]) {
case '0': /* Esc [ 2 0 ~ == F9 on Linux
case '0': /* Esc [ 2 0 ~ == F9 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(9);
case '1': /* Esc [ 2 1 ~ == F10 on Linux
case '1': /* Esc [ 2 1 ~ == F10 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(10);
case '3': /* Esc [ 2 3 ~ == F11 on Linux
case '3': /* Esc [ 2 3 ~ == F11 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(11);
case '4': /* Esc [ 2 4 ~ == F12 on Linux
case '4': /* Esc [ 2 4 ~ == F12 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(12);
case '5': /* Esc [ 2 5 ~ == F13 on Linux
case '5': /* Esc [ 2 5 ~ == F13 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(13);
case '6': /* Esc [ 2 6 ~ == F14 on Linux
case '6': /* Esc [ 2 6 ~ == F14 on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = KEY_F(14);
default: /* Esc [ 2 ~ == Insert on Linux
default: /* Esc [ 2 ~ == Insert on
* VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm. */
case '3': /* Esc [ 3 ~ == Delete on Linux
* console/xterm. */
case '3': /* Esc [ 3 ~ == Delete on
* VT220/VT320/Linux console/xterm. */
kbinput = NANO_DELETE_KEY;
case '4': /* Esc [ 4 ~ == End on Linux
case '4': /* Esc [ 4 ~ == End on VT220/VT320/Linux
* console/xterm. */
kbinput = NANO_END_KEY;
case '5': /* Esc [ 5 ~ == PageUp on Linux
* console/xterm; Esc [ 5 ^ == PageUp on
* Eterm. */
case '5': /* Esc [ 5 ~ == PageUp on
* VT220/VT320/Linux console/xterm; Esc [
* 5 ^ == PageUp on Eterm. */
case '6': /* Esc [ 6 ~ == PageDown on Linux
* console/xterm; Esc [ 6 ^ == PageDown on
* Eterm. */
case '6': /* Esc [ 6 ~ == PageDown on
* VT220/VT320/Linux console/xterm; Esc [
* 6 ^ == PageDown on Eterm. */
case '7': /* Esc [ 7 ~ == Home on rxvt. */
......@@ -721,15 +759,16 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
case '@': /* Esc [ @ == Insert on Hurd console. */
case 'A': /* Esc [ A == Up on Linux console/FreeBSD
* console/Hurd console/rxvt/Eterm. */
case 'B': /* Esc [ B == Down on Linux
case 'A': /* Esc [ A == Up on ANSI/VT220/Linux
* console/FreeBSD console/Hurd
* console/rxvt/Eterm. */
case 'B': /* Esc [ B == Down on ANSI/VT220/Linux
* console/FreeBSD console/Hurd
* console/rxvt/Eterm. */
case 'C': /* Esc [ C == Right on Linux
case 'C': /* Esc [ C == Right on ANSI/VT220/Linux
* console/FreeBSD console/Hurd
* console/rxvt/Eterm. */
case 'D': /* Esc [ D == Left on Linux
case 'D': /* Esc [ D == Left on ANSI/VT220/Linux
* console/FreeBSD console/Hurd
* console/rxvt/Eterm. */
kbinput = get_escape_seq_abcd(escape_seq[1]);
......@@ -746,7 +785,7 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
* console. */
case 'H': /* Esc [ H == Home on FreeBSD
case 'H': /* Esc [ H == Home on ANSI/VT220/FreeBSD
* console/Hurd console/Eterm. */
kbinput = NANO_HOME_KEY;
......@@ -754,7 +793,7 @@ int get_escape_seq_kbinput(WINDOW *win, int *escape_seq, size_t
* console. */
case 'L': /* Esc [ L == Insert on FreeBSD
case 'L': /* Esc [ L == Insert on ANSI/FreeBSD
* console. */
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