Commit 1044d74f authored by David Lawrence Ramsey's avatar David Lawrence Ramsey
Browse files

add DB's refactored search code and a few of his minor display code

changes, plus a few minor search and display fixes of mine

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
No related merge requests found
Showing with 530 additions and 495 deletions
+530 -495
......@@ -36,10 +36,17 @@ CVS code -
- Remove the now-unneeded code to disable XON, XOFF, and
suspend, since we now go into raw mode in
get_verbatim_kbinput() and bypass them. (DLR)
do_spell(), do_int_speller(), do_alt_speller()
do_int_speller(), do_alt_speller(), do_spell()
- Modify to write only the current selection from a file to the
temporary file used for spell checking when the mark is on,
and add a few miscellaneous cosmetic cleanups. (DLR)
- Store the value of current_x in a size_t instead of an int,
and add a few minor efficiency tweaks. (David Benbennick)
- Remove comment explaining why findnextstr() is called with
bracket_mode set to TRUE even though we aren't doing a bracket
search, since after the above efficiency tweaks, it's now more
accurately called can_display_wrap. (DLR)
- Trap SIGQUIT in addition to turning it off via termios in
main(). This is consistent with SIGINT, which we trap here
......@@ -59,10 +66,76 @@ CVS code -
curses setup routines, and turn the keypad on before setting
the input mode. (DLR)
- search.c:
- Only do anything if REGEXP_COMPILED is set. (David Benbennick)
- Only test if the mark is set when NANO_SMALL isn't defined.
(David Benbennick)
- Add some more comments and comment tweaks, don't indicate that
the search has been canceled when we enter a blank string in
replace mode, only call regexp_init() when USE_REGEXP is set,
and return -1 instead of -3 since a canceled search and a
canceled replace should be mostly equivalent. (David
Benbennick) DLR: Tweak to use the old behavior if we try to
search for invalid regexes.
- Refactor to use a loop invariant, and tweak for greater
efficiency and simplicity. Also modify so that all searches
start one character after (or before, if we're doing a
backwards search) the current one, as opposed to all searches
except for regex searches for "^" and the like, for
consistency with other searches. (David Benbennick)
- Handle search_init()'s no longer returning -3 above. (David
- Port the code from do_replace_loop() to skip the current line
if we're searching for a regex with "^" and/or "$" in it and
end up on the same line to this function. This fixes a
problem where doing a forward search for "^" on a file with
more than one line would erroneously stop at the magicline and
indicate that that was the only occurrence. (DLR)
- Port David Benbennick's efficiency tweaks and the
aforementioned code ported from do_replace_loop() to this
function. (DLR)
- Completely refactor for increased efficiency. (David
- Use a char* parameter for the replacement string instead of
last_search, and add minor efficiency tweaks. (David
- Fix segfault when doing a regex replace of a string that
matches inside a line (e.g. replace the "b" in "abc" with
anything). (David Benbennick)
- If the mark is on at the beginning of the functio, turn it off
and turn it back on just before returning. Also overhaul to
rely on the return value of findnextstr() instead of a loop
invariant, to not need to take an int* parameter, and store
the beginning x-coordinate in a size_t instead of an int.
(David Benbennick)
- Handle search_init()'s no longer returning -3 above, and add
efficiency tweaks. (David Benbennick) DLR: Tweak to follow
the old behavior of adding non-blank strings entered at the
"Replace: " prompt to the search history. (DLR)
- Add efficiency tweaks. (David Benbennick) DLR: Remove
reliance on the hardcoded bracket string length; instead, only
require that the bracket string length be even.
- utils.c:
- Wrap in HAVE_REGEX_H #ifdefs. (DLR)
- New function used to check if a regex contains "^" and/or "$",
assuming that the regex would be found if the REG_NOT(BOL|EOL)
flags aren't used in the regexec() call; it replaces the
direct regexec()s used before. (DLR)
- Refactor for increased efficiency, and eliminate the need for
the line_pos parameter. (David Benbennick)
- winio.c:
- Set keypad() to FALSE and switch to raw mode while reading
......@@ -96,6 +169,16 @@ CVS code -
(a) when we move onto the "$" at the end of the line on the
first page and (b) when we move onto the character just before
the "$" on subsequent pages. (DLR)
- Tweak for efficiency. (David Benbennick)
- Move leaveok() calls here from edit_refresh(), since the
places where they were used in edit_refresh() mainly affected
the update_line()s. (DLR)
- Tweak for efficiency. (David Benbennick)
- Remove the aforementioned leaveok() calls from this function.
- Use nanosleep() instead of usleep(). The latter is only
standard under BSD, whereas the former is POSIX compliant.
......@@ -1510,13 +1510,13 @@ int do_wrap(filestruct *inptr)
/* A word is misspelled in the file. Let the user replace it. We
* return False if the user cancels. */
* return zero if the user cancels. */
int do_int_spell_fix(const char *word)
char *save_search;
char *save_replace;
filestruct *current_save = current;
int current_x_save = current_x;
size_t current_x_save = current_x;
filestruct *edittop_save = edittop;
/* Save where we are. */
int i = 0;
......@@ -1527,37 +1527,35 @@ int do_int_spell_fix(const char *word)
int mark_set = ISSET(MARK_ISSET);
/* Make sure the marking highlight is off during Spell Check */
/* Make sure the marking highlight is off during spell-check. */
/* Make sure Spell Check goes forward only */
/* Make sure spell-check goes forward only. */
/* save the current search/replace strings */
/* Save the current search/replace strings. */
save_search = last_search;
save_replace = last_replace;
/* set search/replace strings to mis-spelt word */
/* Set search/replace strings to misspelled word. */
last_search = mallocstrcpy(NULL, word);
last_replace = mallocstrcpy(NULL, word);
/* start from the top of file */
/* Start from the top of the file. */
current = fileage;
current_x = -1;
search_last_line = FALSE;
/* We find the first whole-word occurrence of word. We call
findnextstr() with bracket_mode set to TRUE in order to disable
search wrapping. */
while (findnextstr(TRUE, TRUE, fileage, -1, word, 0))
/* Find the first whole-word occurrence of word. */
while (findnextstr(TRUE, TRUE, fileage, 0, word, FALSE) != 0)
if (is_whole_word(current_x, current->data, word)) {
do_replace_highlight(TRUE, word);
/* allow replace word to be corrected */
/* Allow the replace word to be corrected. */
i = statusq(0, spell_list, word,
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
......@@ -1567,26 +1565,26 @@ int do_int_spell_fix(const char *word)
do_replace_highlight(FALSE, word);
if (i != -1 && strcmp(word, answer)) {
int j = 0;
search_last_line = FALSE;
do_replace_loop(word, current_save, &current_x_save, TRUE, &j);
do_replace_loop(word, current_save, &current_x_save, TRUE);
/* restore the search/replace strings */
free(last_search); last_search=save_search;
free(last_replace); last_replace=save_replace;
/* Restore the search/replace strings. */
last_search = save_search;
last_replace = save_replace;
/* restore where we were */
/* Restore where we were. */
current = current_save;
current_x = current_x_save;
edittop = edittop_save;
/* restore Search/Replace direction */
/* Restore search/replace direction. */
if (reverse_search_set)
......@@ -1594,7 +1592,7 @@ int do_int_spell_fix(const char *word)
if (!case_sens_set)
/* restore marking highlight */
/* Restore marking highlight. */
if (mark_set)
......@@ -364,19 +364,19 @@ void not_found_msg(const char *str);
void search_abort(void);
void search_init_globals(void);
int search_init(int replacing);
int is_whole_word(int curr_pos, const char *datastr, const char *searchword);
filestruct *findnextstr(int quiet, int bracket_mode,
const filestruct *begin, int beginx,
const char *needle, int no_sameline);
int is_whole_word(int curr_pos, const char *datastr, const char
int findnextstr(int can_display_wrap, int wholeword, const filestruct
*begin, size_t beginx, const char *needle, int no_sameline);
int do_search(void);
int do_research(void);
void replace_abort(void);
int replace_regexp(char *string, int create_flag);
char *replace_line(void);
int do_replace_loop(const char *prevanswer, const filestruct *begin,
int *beginx, int wholewords, int *i);
char *replace_line(const char *needle);
int do_replace_loop(const char *needle, const filestruct *real_current,
size_t *real_current_x, int wholewords);
int do_replace(void);
int do_gotoline(int line, int save_pos);
int do_gotoline_void(void);
......@@ -401,10 +401,13 @@ void save_history(void);
/* Public functions in utils.c */
int regexec_safe(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch,
regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags);
int regexp_bol_or_eol(const regex_t *preg, const char *string);
int is_cntrl_char(int c);
int num_of_digits(int n);
void align(char **strp);
......@@ -425,7 +428,7 @@ const char *revstristr(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
const char *stristr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
const char *strstrwrapper(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
const char *rev_start, int line_pos);
const char *start);
void nperror(const char *s);
void *nmalloc(size_t howmuch);
void *nrealloc(void *ptr, size_t howmuch);
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
......@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ int regexp_init(const char *regexp)
void regexp_cleanup(void)
......@@ -68,13 +70,12 @@ void not_found_msg(const char *str)
void search_abort(void)
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
......@@ -90,9 +91,11 @@ void search_init_globals(void)
/* Set up the system variables for a search or replace. Return -1 on
* abort, 0 on success, and 1 on rerun calling program. Return -2 to
* run opposite program (search -> replace, replace -> search).
/* Set up the system variables for a search or replace. Return -1 if
* the search should be cancelled (due to Cancel, Go to Line, or a
* failed regcomp()). Return 0 on success, and 1 on rerun calling
* program. Return -2 to run opposite program (search -> replace,
* replace -> search).
* replacing = 1 if we call from do_replace(), 0 if called from
* do_search(). */
......@@ -101,9 +104,12 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
int i = 0;
char *buf;
static char *backupstring = NULL;
const char *regex_error = _("Invalid regex \"%s\"");
#endif /* HAVE_REGEX_H */
/* We display the search prompt below. If the user types a partial
* search string and then Replace or a toggle, we will return to
* do_search() or do_replace() and be called again. In that case,
* we should put the same search string back up. backupstring holds
* this string. */
......@@ -119,7 +125,8 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
char *disp = display_string(last_search, 0, COLS / 3);
buf = charalloc(COLS / 3 + 7);
/* We use COLS / 3 here because we need to see more on the line */
/* We use COLS / 3 here because we need to see more on the
* line. */
sprintf(buf, " [%s%s]", disp,
strlenpt(last_search) > COLS / 3 ? "..." : "");
......@@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
buf[0] = '\0';
/* This is now one simple call. It just does a lot */
/* This is now one simple call. It just does a lot. */
i = statusq(0, replacing ? replace_list : whereis_list, backupstring,
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
......@@ -137,19 +144,19 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* This string is just a modifier for the search prompt,
no grammar is implied */
/* This string is just a modifier for the search prompt; no
* grammar is implied. */
ISSET(CASE_SENSITIVE) ? _(" [Case Sensitive]") :
/* This string is just a modifier for the search prompt,
no grammar is implied */
/* This string is just a modifier for the search prompt; no
* grammar is implied. */
ISSET(USE_REGEXP) ? _(" [Regexp]") : "",
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* This string is just a modifier for the search prompt,
no grammar is implied */
/* This string is just a modifier for the search prompt; no
* grammar is implied. */
ISSET(REVERSE_SEARCH) ? _(" [Backwards]") :
......@@ -157,14 +164,15 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
replacing ? _(" (to replace)") : "",
/* Release buf now that we don't need it anymore */
/* Release buf now that we don't need it anymore. */
backupstring = NULL;
/* Cancel any search, or just return with no previous search */
if (i == -1 || (i < 0 && last_search[0] == '\0')) {
/* Cancel any search, or just return with no previous search. */
if (i == -1 || (i < 0 && last_search[0] == '\0') ||
(!replacing && i == 0 && answer[0] == '\0')) {
statusbar(_("Search Cancelled"));
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
......@@ -173,29 +181,24 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
return -1;
} else {
switch (i) {
case -2: /* Same string */
case -2: /* It's the same string. */
/* If answer is "", use last_search! */
if (regexp_init(last_search) == 0) {
statusbar(regex_error, last_search);
return -3;
/* Since answer is "", use last_search! */
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexp_init(last_search) == 0) {
statusbar(_("Invalid regex \"%s\""), last_search);
return -1;
case 0: /* They entered something new */
case 0: /* They entered something new. */
last_replace[0] = '\0';
if (regexp_init(answer) == 0) {
statusbar(regex_error, answer);
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
search_history.current =;
return -3;
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexp_init(answer) == 0) {
statusbar(_("Invalid regex \"%s\""), answer);
return -1;
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
......@@ -216,226 +219,194 @@ int search_init(int replacing)
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
backupstring = mallocstrcpy(backupstring, answer);
return -2; /* Call the opposite search function */
return -2; /* Call the opposite search function. */
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
search_history.current =;
i = (int)strtol(answer, &buf, 10); /* Just testing answer here */
i = (int)strtol(answer, &buf, 10); /* Just testing answer here. */
if (!(errno == ERANGE || *answer == '\0' || *buf != '\0'))
do_gotoline(-1, 0);
return -3;
/* Fall through. */
return -3;
return -1;
return 0;
int is_whole_word(int curr_pos, const char *datastr, const char *searchword)
int is_whole_word(int curr_pos, const char *datastr, const char
size_t sln = curr_pos + strlen(searchword);
/* start of line or previous character not a letter and end of line
or next character not a letter */
/* Start of line or previous character is not a letter and end of
* line or next character is not a letter. */
return (curr_pos < 1 || !isalpha((int)datastr[curr_pos - 1])) &&
(sln == strlen(datastr) || !isalpha((int)datastr[sln]));
filestruct *findnextstr(int quiet, int bracket_mode,
const filestruct *begin, int beginx,
const char *needle, int no_sameline)
/* Look for needle, starting at current, column current_x. If
* no_sameline is nonzero, skip over begin when looking for needle.
* begin is the line where we first started searching, at column beginx.
* If can_display_wrap is nonzero, we put messages on the statusbar, and
* wrap around the file boundaries. The return value specifies whether
* we found anything. */
int findnextstr(int can_display_wrap, int wholeword, const filestruct
*begin, size_t beginx, const char *needle, int no_sameline)
filestruct *fileptr = current;
const char *searchstr, *rev_start = NULL, *found = NULL;
int current_x_find = 0;
search_offscreen = 0;
if (!ISSET(REVERSE_SEARCH)) { /* forward search */
/* Argh, current_x is set to -1 by nano.c:do_int_spell_fix(), and
* strlen returns size_t, which is unsigned. */
assert(current_x < 0 || current_x <= strlen(fileptr->data));
current_x_find = current_x;
if (current_x_find < 0 || fileptr->data[current_x_find] != '\0')
searchstr = &fileptr->data[current_x_find];
/* Look for needle in searchstr. Keep going until we find it
* and, if no_sameline is set, until it isn't on the current
* line. If we don't find it, we'll end up at
* current[current_x] regardless of whether no_sameline is
* set. */
while ((found = strstrwrapper(searchstr, needle, rev_start, current_x_find)) == NULL || (no_sameline && fileptr == current)) {
/* finished processing file, get out */
if (search_last_line) {
if (!quiet)
update_line(fileptr, current_x);
return NULL;
update_line(fileptr, 0);
/* reset current_x_find between lines */
current_x_find = 0;
fileptr = fileptr->next;
if (fileptr == editbot)
search_offscreen = 1;
/* EOF reached?, wrap around once */
if (fileptr == NULL) {
/* don't wrap if looking for bracket match */
if (bracket_mode)
return NULL;
fileptr = fileage;
search_offscreen = 1;
if (!quiet)
statusbar(_("Search Wrapped"));
const char *rev_start = NULL, *found = NULL;
size_t current_x_find = 0;
/* Where needle was found. */
/* rev_start might end up 1 character before the start or after the
* end of the line. This won't be a problem because strstrwrapper()
* will return immediately and say that no match was found, and
* rev_start will be properly set when the search continues on the
* previous or next line. */
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
rev_start = fileptr->data + (current_x - 1);
rev_start = fileptr->data + (current_x + 1);
/* Original start line reached */
if (fileptr == begin)
search_last_line = 1;
/* Look for needle in searchstr. */
while (1) {
found = strstrwrapper(fileptr->data, needle, rev_start);
searchstr = fileptr->data;
if (found != NULL && (!wholeword || is_whole_word(found -
fileptr->data, fileptr->data, needle))) {
if (!no_sameline || fileptr != current)
/* We found an instance */
current_x_find = found - fileptr->data;
/* Ensure we haven't wrapped around again! */
if (search_last_line && current_x_find > beginx) {
if (!quiet)
/* Finished processing file, get out. */
if (search_last_line) {
if (can_display_wrap)
return NULL;
return 0;
fileptr =
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
else { /* reverse search */
current_x_find = current_x - 1;
/* Make sure we haven't passed the beginning of the string */
rev_start = &fileptr->data[current_x_find];
searchstr = fileptr->data;
/* Look for needle in searchstr. Keep going until we find it
* and, if no_sameline is set, until it isn't on the current
* line. If we don't find it, we'll end up at
* current[current_x] regardless of whether no_sameline is
* set. */
while ((found = strstrwrapper(searchstr, needle, rev_start, current_x_find)) == NULL || (no_sameline && fileptr == current)) {
/* finished processing file, get out */
if (search_last_line) {
if (!quiet)
return NULL;
update_line(fileptr, 0);
/* reset current_x_find between lines */
current_x_find = 0;
ISSET(REVERSE_SEARCH) ? fileptr->prev :
fileptr = fileptr->prev;
/* Start or end of buffer reached; wrap around. */
if (fileptr == NULL) {
if (!can_display_wrap)
return 0;
fileptr =
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
if (can_display_wrap)
statusbar(_("Search Wrapped"));
if (fileptr == edittop->prev)
search_offscreen = 1;
/* Original start line reached. */
if (fileptr == begin)
search_last_line = 1;
rev_start = fileptr->data;
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
rev_start += strlen(fileptr->data);
/* SOF reached?, wrap around once */
/* ? */ if (fileptr == NULL) {
if (bracket_mode)
return NULL;
fileptr = filebot;
search_offscreen = 1;
if (!quiet)
statusbar(_("Search Wrapped"));
/* Original start line reached */
if (fileptr == begin)
search_last_line = 1;
/* We found an instance. */
current_x_find = found - fileptr->data;
searchstr = fileptr->data;
rev_start = fileptr->data + strlen(fileptr->data);
/* Ensure we haven't wrapped around again! */
if (search_last_line &&
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
((!ISSET(REVERSE_SEARCH) && current_x_find > beginx) ||
(ISSET(REVERSE_SEARCH) && current_x_find < beginx))
current_x_find > beginx
) {
/* We found an instance */
current_x_find = found - fileptr->data;
/* Ensure we haven't wrapped around again! */
if ((search_last_line) && (current_x_find < beginx)) {
if (!quiet)
return NULL;
if (can_display_wrap)
return 0;
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
/* Set globals now that we are sure we found something */
/* Set globals now that we are sure we found something. */
current = fileptr;
current_x = current_x_find;
if (!bracket_mode) {
update_line(current, current_x);
placewewant = xplustabs();
return fileptr;
return 1;
/* Search for a string. */
int do_search(void)
int i;
filestruct *fileptr = current, *didfind;
int fileptr_x = current_x;
filestruct *fileptr = current;
int fileptr_x = current_x, didfind;
i = search_init(0);
switch (i) {
case -1:
current = fileptr;
return 0;
case -3:
if (i == -1) /* Cancel, Go to Line, blank search string, or
* regcomp() failed. */
return 0;
case -2:
else if (i == -2) /* Replace. */
return 0;
case 1:
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
else if (i == 1) /* Case Sensitive, Backwards, or Regexp search
* toggle. */
return 1;
/* If answer is now "", copy last_search into answer... */
if (i != 0)
return 0;
/* If answer is now "", copy last_search into answer. */
if (answer[0] == '\0')
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, last_search);
last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, answer);
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* add this search string to the search history list */
/* If answer is not "", add this search string to the search history
* list. */
if (answer[0] != '\0')
update_history(&search_history, answer);
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
search_last_line = 0;
didfind = findnextstr(FALSE, FALSE, current, current_x, answer, 0);
didfind = findnextstr(TRUE, FALSE, current, current_x, answer, FALSE);
placewewant = xplustabs();
if (fileptr == current && fileptr_x == current_x && didfind != NULL)
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
else if (current->lineno <= edittop->lineno
|| current->lineno >= editbot->lineno)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
/* Check to see if there's only one occurrence of the string and
* we're on it now. */
if (fileptr == current && fileptr_x == current_x && didfind) {
/* Do the search again, skipping over the current line, if we're
* doing a bol and/or eol regex search ("^", "$", or "^$"), so
* that we find one only once per line. We should only end up
* back at the same position if the string isn't found again, in
* which case it's the only occurrence. */
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexp_bol_or_eol(&search_regexp, last_search)) {
didfind = findnextstr(TRUE, FALSE, current, current_x, answer, TRUE);
if (fileptr == current && fileptr_x == current_x && !didfind)
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
} else {
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
......@@ -445,11 +416,8 @@ int do_search(void)
/* Search for the next string without prompting. */
int do_research(void)
filestruct *fileptr = current, *didfind;
int fileptr_x = current_x;
const char *regex_error = _("Invalid regex \"%s\"");
#endif /* HAVE_REGEX_H */
filestruct *fileptr = current;
int fileptr_x = current_x, didfind;
......@@ -459,23 +427,39 @@ int do_research(void)
if (last_search[0] != '\0') {
if (regexp_init(last_search) == 0) {
statusbar(regex_error, last_search);
/* Since answer is "", use last_search! */
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexp_init(last_search) == 0) {
statusbar(_("Invalid regex \"%s\""), last_search);
return -3;
return -1;
search_last_line = 0;
didfind = findnextstr(FALSE, FALSE, current, current_x, last_search, 0);
if (fileptr == current && fileptr_x == current_x && didfind != NULL)
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
else if (current->lineno <= edittop->lineno
|| current->lineno >= editbot->lineno)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
didfind = findnextstr(TRUE, FALSE, current, current_x, last_search, FALSE);
placewewant = xplustabs();
/* Check to see if there's only one occurrence of the string and
* we're on it now. */
if (fileptr == current && fileptr_x == current_x && didfind) {
/* Do the search again, skipping over the current line, if
* we're doing a bol and/or eol regex search ("^", "$", or
* "^$"), so that we find one only once per line. We should
* only end up back at the same position if the string isn't
* found again, in which case it's the only occurrence. */
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexp_bol_or_eol(&search_regexp, last_search)) {
didfind = findnextstr(TRUE, FALSE, current, current_x, answer, TRUE);
if (fileptr == current && fileptr_x == current_x && !didfind)
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
} else {
statusbar(_("This is the only occurrence"));
} else
statusbar(_("No current search pattern"));
......@@ -486,9 +470,9 @@ int do_research(void)
void replace_abort(void)
/* Identical to search_abort, so we'll call it here. If it
does something different later, we can change it back. For now
it's just a waste to duplicate code */
/* Identical to search_abort(), so we'll call it here. If it does
* something different later, we can change it back. For now, it's
* just a waste to duplicate code. */
placewewant = xplustabs();
......@@ -496,57 +480,39 @@ void replace_abort(void)
int replace_regexp(char *string, int create_flag)
/* Split personality here - if create_flag is NULL, just calculate
/* Split personality here - if create_flag is zero, just calculate
* the size of the replacement line (necessary because of
* subexpressions like \1 \2 \3 in the replaced text). */
* subexpressions \1 to \9 in the replaced text). */
char *c;
int new_size = strlen(current->data) + 1;
const char *c = last_replace;
int search_match_count = regmatches[0].rm_eo - regmatches[0].rm_so;
new_size -= search_match_count;
int new_size = strlen(current->data) + 1 - search_match_count;
/* Iterate through the replacement text to handle subexpression
* replacement using \1, \2, \3, etc. */
c = last_replace;
while (*c != '\0') {
if (*c != '\\') {
int num = (int)(*(c + 1) - '0');
if (*c != '\\' || num < 1 || num > 9 || num > search_regexp.re_nsub) {
if (create_flag)
*string++ = *c;
} else {
int num = (int) *(c + 1) - (int) '0';
if (num >= 1 && num <= 9) {
int i = regmatches[num].rm_eo - regmatches[num].rm_so;
if (num > search_regexp.re_nsub) {
/* Ugh, they specified a subexpression that doesn't
* exist. */
return -1;
/* Skip over the replacement expression */
c += 2;
int i = regmatches[num].rm_eo - regmatches[num].rm_so;
/* But add the length of the subexpression to new_size */
new_size += i;
/* Skip over the replacement expression. */
c += 2;
/* And if create_flag is set, append the result of the
* subexpression match to the new line */
if (create_flag) {
strncpy(string, current->data + current_x +
regmatches[num].rm_so, i);
string += i;
/* But add the length of the subexpression to new_size. */
new_size += i;
} else {
if (create_flag)
*string++ = *c;
/* And if create_flag is nonzero, append the result of the
* subexpression match to the new line. */
if (create_flag) {
strncpy(string, current->data + current_x +
regmatches[num].rm_so, i);
string += i;
......@@ -558,146 +524,116 @@ int replace_regexp(char *string, int create_flag)
char *replace_line(void)
char *replace_line(const char *needle)
char *copy, *tmp;
char *copy;
int new_line_size;
int search_match_count;
/* Calculate size of new line */
/* Calculate the size of the new line. */
search_match_count = regmatches[0].rm_eo - regmatches[0].rm_so;
search_match_count = regmatches[0].rm_eo - regmatches[0].rm_so;
new_line_size = replace_regexp(NULL, 0);
/* If they specified an invalid subexpression in the replace
* text, return NULL, indicating an error */
if (new_line_size < 0)
return NULL;
} else {
search_match_count = strlen(last_search);
new_line_size = strlen(current->data) - strlen(last_search) +
strlen(last_replace) + 1;
search_match_count = strlen(needle);
new_line_size = strlen(current->data) - search_match_count +
strlen(answer) + 1;
/* Create buffer */
/* Create the buffer. */
copy = charalloc(new_line_size);
/* Head of Original Line */
/* The head of the original line. */
strncpy(copy, current->data, current_x);
copy[current_x] = '\0';
/* Replacement Text */
strcat(copy, last_replace);
/* The replacement text. */
replace_regexp(copy + current_x, TRUE);
replace_regexp(copy + current_x, 1);
strcpy(copy + current_x, answer);
/* The tail of the original line */
/* This may expose other bugs, because it no longer goes through
* each character in the string and tests for string goodness. But
* because we can assume the invariant that current->data is less
* than current_x + strlen(last_search) long, this should be safe.
* Or it will expose bugs ;-) */
tmp = current->data + current_x + search_match_count;
strcat(copy, tmp);
/* The tail of the original line. */
assert(current_x + search_match_count <= strlen(current->data));
strcat(copy, current->data + current_x + search_match_count);
return copy;
/* Step through each replace word and prompt user before replacing
* word. Return -1 if the string to replace isn't found at all.
* Otherwise, return the number of replacements made. */
int do_replace_loop(const char *prevanswer, const filestruct *begin,
int *beginx, int wholewords, int *i)
/* Step through each replace word and prompt user before replacing.
* Parameters real_current and real_current_x are needed by the internal
* speller, to allow the cursor position to be updated when a word
* before the cursor is replaced by a shorter word.
* needle is the string to seek. We replace it with answer. Return -1
* if needle isn't found, else the number of replacements performed. */
int do_replace_loop(const char *needle, const filestruct *real_current,
size_t *real_current_x, int wholewords)
int replaceall = 0, numreplaced = -1;
const filestruct *current_save = current;
size_t current_x_save = current_x;
/* The starting-line match and bol/eol regex flags. */
int beginline = 0, bol_eol = 0;
int begin_line = 0, bol_or_eol = 0;
filestruct *fileptr = NULL;
switch (*i) {
case -1: /* Aborted enter. */
if (last_replace[0] != '\0')
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, last_replace);
statusbar(_("Replace Cancelled"));
return 0;
case 0: /* They actually entered something. */
if (*i != -2) { /* First page, last page, for example, could
* get here. */
return 0;
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
int mark_set = ISSET(MARK_ISSET);
last_replace = mallocstrcpy(last_replace, answer);
while (1) {
size_t match_len;
/* Sweet optimization by Rocco here. */
fileptr = findnextstr(fileptr || replaceall || search_last_line,
FALSE, begin, *beginx, prevanswer,
while (findnextstr(TRUE, wholewords, current_save, current_x_save,
/* We should find a bol and/or eol regex only once per
* line. If the bol_eol flag is set, it means that the
* last search found one on the beginning line, so we
* should skip over the beginning line when doing this
* search. */
/* We should find a bol and/or eol regex only once per line. If
* the bol_or_eol flag is set, it means that the last search
* found one on the beginning line, so we should skip over the
* beginning line when doing this search. */
) != 0) {
int i = 0;
size_t match_len;
/* If the bol_eol flag is set, we've found a match on the
/* If the bol_or_eol flag is set, we've found a match on the
* beginning line already, and we're still on the beginning line
* after the search, it means that we've wrapped around, so
* we're done. */
if (bol_eol && beginline && fileptr == begin)
fileptr = NULL;
/* Otherwise, set the beginline flag if we've found a match on
* the beginning line, reset the bol_eol flag, and continue. */
if (bol_or_eol && begin_line && current == real_current)
/* Otherwise, set the begin_line flag if we've found a match on
* the beginning line, reset the bol_or_eol flag, and
* continue. */
else {
if (fileptr == begin)
beginline = 1;
bol_eol = 0;
if (current == real_current)
begin_line = 1;
bol_or_eol = 0;
if (current->lineno <= edittop->lineno
|| current->lineno >= editbot->lineno)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
/* No more matches. Done! */
if (fileptr == NULL)
/* Make sure only whole words are found. */
if (wholewords && !is_whole_word(current_x, fileptr->data, prevanswer))
/* If we're here, we've found the search string. */
if (numreplaced == -1)
numreplaced = 0;
match_len = regmatches[0].rm_eo - regmatches[0].rm_so;
match_len = strlen(prevanswer);
match_len = strlen(needle);
/* Record for the return value that we found the search string. */
if (numreplaced == -1)
numreplaced = 0;
if (!replaceall) {
char *exp_word;
......@@ -709,36 +645,32 @@ int do_replace_loop(const char *prevanswer, const filestruct *begin,
do_replace_highlight(TRUE, exp_word);
*i = do_yesno(1, _("Replace this instance?"));
i = do_yesno(1, _("Replace this instance?"));
do_replace_highlight(FALSE, exp_word);
if (*i == -1) /* We canceled the replace. */
if (i == -1) /* We canceled the replace. */
/* Set the bol_eol flag if we're doing a bol and/or eol regex
/* Set the bol_or_eol flag if we're doing a bol and/or eol regex
* replace ("^", "$", or "^$"). */
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexec(&search_regexp, prevanswer, 0, NULL, REG_NOTBOL | REG_NOTEOL) == REG_NOMATCH)
bol_eol = 1;
if (ISSET(USE_REGEXP) && regexp_bol_or_eol(&search_regexp,
bol_or_eol = 1;
if (*i > 0 || replaceall) { /* Yes, replace it!!!! */
if (i > 0 || replaceall) { /* Yes, replace it!!!! */
char *copy;
int length_change;
if (*i == 2)
if (i == 2)
replaceall = 1;
copy = replace_line();
if (copy == NULL) {
statusbar(_("Replace failed: unknown subexpression!"));
return 0;
copy = replace_line(needle);
length_change = strlen(copy) - strlen(current->data);
......@@ -752,10 +684,10 @@ int do_replace_loop(const char *prevanswer, const filestruct *begin,
assert(0 <= match_len + length_change);
if (current == begin && current_x <= *beginx) {
if (*beginx < current_x + match_len)
*beginx = current_x + match_len;
*beginx += length_change;
if (current == real_current && current_x <= *real_current_x) {
if (*real_current_x < current_x + match_len)
*real_current_x = current_x + match_len;
*real_current_x += length_change;
/* Set the cursor at the last character of the replacement
......@@ -781,15 +713,20 @@ int do_replace_loop(const char *prevanswer, const filestruct *begin,
if (filebot->data[0] != '\0')
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
if (mark_set)
return numreplaced;
/* Replace a string. */
int do_replace(void)
int i, numreplaced, beginx;
filestruct *begin;
char *prevanswer = NULL;
int i, numreplaced;
filestruct *edittop_save, *begin;
size_t beginx;
......@@ -798,35 +735,28 @@ int do_replace(void)
i = search_init(1);
switch (i) {
case -1:
statusbar(_("Replace Cancelled"));
if (i == -1) { /* Cancel, Go to Line, blank search
* string, or regcomp() failed. */
return 0;
case 1:
return 1;
case -2:
} else if (i == -2) { /* No Replace. */
return 0;
case -3:
} else if (i == 1) /* Case Sensitive, Backwards, or Regexp
* search toggle. */
if (i != 0)
return 0;
/* If answer is not "", add answer to the search history list and
* copy answer into last_search. */
if (answer[0] != '\0') {
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
if (answer[0] != '\0')
update_history(&search_history, answer);
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
/* If answer is now == "", copy last_search into answer
(and prevanswer)... */
if (answer[0] == '\0')
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, last_search);
last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, answer);
prevanswer = mallocstrcpy(prevanswer, last_search);
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
replace_history.current = (historytype *)&;
......@@ -840,29 +770,42 @@ int do_replace(void)
_("Replace with"));
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
if (i == 0 && answer[0] != '\0')
/* Add this replace string to the replace history list. i == 0
* means that the string is not "". */
if (i == 0)
update_history(&replace_history, answer);
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
if (i != 0 && i != -2) {
if (i == -1) { /* Cancel. */
if (last_replace[0] != '\0')
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, last_replace);
statusbar(_("Replace Cancelled"));
return 0;
last_replace = mallocstrcpy(last_replace, answer);
/* Save where we are. */
begin = current;
beginx = current_x;
search_last_line = 0;
edittop_save = edittop;
search_last_line = FALSE;
numreplaced = do_replace_loop(prevanswer, begin, &beginx, FALSE, &i);
numreplaced = do_replace_loop(last_search, begin, &beginx, FALSE);
/* restore where we were */
/* Restore where we were. */
current = begin;
current_x = beginx;
edit_update(current, CENTER);
edit_update(edittop_save, TOP);
if (numreplaced >= 0)
statusbar(P_("Replaced %d occurrence", "Replaced %d occurrences",
numreplaced), numreplaced);
return 1;
......@@ -940,65 +883,56 @@ int do_find_bracket(void)
char ch_under_cursor, wanted_ch;
const char *pos, *brackets = "([{<>}])";
char regexp_pat[] = "[ ]";
int offset, have_search_offscreen = 0, flagsave, current_x_save, count = 1;
int flagsave, current_x_save, count = 1;
filestruct *current_save;
ch_under_cursor = current->data[current_x];
/* if ((!(pos = strchr(brackets, ch_under_cursor))) || (!((offset = pos - brackets) < 8))) { */
if (((pos = strchr(brackets, ch_under_cursor)) == NULL) || (((offset = pos - brackets) < 8) == 0)) {
pos = strchr(brackets, ch_under_cursor);
if (ch_under_cursor == '\0' || pos == NULL) {
statusbar(_("Not a bracket"));
return 1;
wanted_ch = *(brackets + ((strlen(brackets) - (offset + 1))));
assert(strlen(brackets) % 2 == 0);
wanted_ch = brackets[(strlen(brackets) - 1) - (pos - brackets)];
current_x_save = current_x;
current_save = current;
flagsave = flags;
/* apparent near redundancy with regexp_pat[] here is needed, [][] works, [[]] doesn't */
/* Apparent near redundancy with regexp_pat[] here is needed.
* "[][]" works, "[[]]" doesn't. */
if (offset < (strlen(brackets) / 2)) { /* on a left bracket */
if (pos < brackets + (strlen(brackets) / 2)) { /* On a left bracket. */
regexp_pat[1] = wanted_ch;
regexp_pat[2] = ch_under_cursor;
} else { /* on a right bracket */
} else { /* On a right bracket. */
regexp_pat[1] = ch_under_cursor;
regexp_pat[2] = wanted_ch;
/* We constructed regexp_pat to be a valid expression. */
search_last_line = 0;
while (1) {
search_last_line = 0;
if (findnextstr(TRUE, TRUE, current, current_x, regexp_pat, 0) != NULL) {
have_search_offscreen |= search_offscreen;
/* found identical bracket */
if (findnextstr(FALSE, FALSE, current, current_x, regexp_pat, FALSE) != 0) {
/* Found identical bracket. */
if (current->data[current_x] == ch_under_cursor)
else {
/* found complementary bracket */
if (!(--count)) {
if (have_search_offscreen)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
update_line(current, current_x);
placewewant = xplustabs();
/* Found complementary bracket. */
else if (--count == 0) {
placewewant = xplustabs();
} else {
/* didn't find either left or right bracket */
/* Didn't find either a left or right bracket. */
statusbar(_("No matching bracket"));
current_x = current_x_save;
current = current_save;
......@@ -1007,8 +941,7 @@ int do_find_bracket(void)
flags = flagsave;
return 0;
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "proto.h"
#include "nano.h"
#undef regexec
int regexec_safe(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch,
......@@ -40,7 +41,16 @@ int regexec_safe(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch,
#define regexec(preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags) regexec_safe(preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags)
#endif /* BROKEN_REGEXEC */
/* Assume that string will be found by regexec() if the REG_NOTBOL and
* REG_NOTEOL glags are not set. */
int regexp_bol_or_eol(const regex_t *preg, const char *string)
return (regexec(preg, string, 0, NULL, REG_NOTBOL | REG_NOTEOL) ==
#endif /* HAVE_REGEX_H */
int is_cntrl_char(int c)
......@@ -182,29 +192,32 @@ const char *stristr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
return NULL;
/* If we are searching backwards, we will find the last match
* that starts no later than rev_start. If we are doing a regexp search,
* then line_pos should be 0 if haystack starts at the beginning of a
* line, and positive otherwise. In the regexp case, we fill in the
* global variable regmatches with at most 9 subexpression matches. Also,
* all .rm_so elements are relative to the start of the whole match, so
* regmatches[0].rm_so == 0. */
/* If we are searching backwards, we will find the last match that
* starts no later than start. Otherwise we find the first match
* starting no earlier than start. If we are doing a regexp search, we
* fill in the global variable regmatches with at most 9 subexpression
* matches. Also, all .rm_so elements are relative to the start of the
* whole match, so regmatches[0].rm_so == 0. */
const char *strstrwrapper(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
const char *rev_start, int line_pos)
const char *start)
/* start can be 1 character before the start or after the end of the
* line. In either case, we just say there is no match found. */
if ((start > haystack && *(start - 1) == '\0') || start < haystack)
return NULL;
assert(haystack != NULL && needle != NULL && start != NULL);
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
/* When doing a backwards search, haystack is a whole line. */
if (regexec(&search_regexp, haystack, 1, regmatches, 0) == 0 &&
haystack + regmatches[0].rm_so <= rev_start) {
if (regexec(&search_regexp, haystack, 1, regmatches, 0) == 0
&& haystack + regmatches[0].rm_so <= start) {
const char *retval = haystack + regmatches[0].rm_so;
/* Search forward until there is no more match. */
while (regexec(&search_regexp, retval + 1, 1, regmatches,
REG_NOTBOL) == 0 &&
retval + 1 + regmatches[0].rm_so <= rev_start)
REG_NOTBOL) == 0 && retval + 1 +
regmatches[0].rm_so <= start)
retval += 1 + regmatches[0].rm_so;
/* Finally, put the subexpression matches in global
* variable regmatches. The REG_NOTBOL flag doesn't
......@@ -214,9 +227,9 @@ const char *strstrwrapper(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
} else
#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
if (regexec(&search_regexp, haystack, 10, regmatches,
line_pos > 0 ? REG_NOTBOL : 0) == 0) {
const char *retval = haystack + regmatches[0].rm_so;
if (regexec(&search_regexp, start, 10, regmatches,
start > haystack ? REG_NOTBOL : 0) == 0) {
const char *retval = start + regmatches[0].rm_so;
regexec(&search_regexp, retval, 10, regmatches, 0);
return retval;
......@@ -224,16 +237,21 @@ const char *strstrwrapper(const char *haystack, const char *needle,
return NULL;
#endif /* HAVE_REGEX_H */
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
#if !defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) || !defined(NANO_SMALL)
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
return revstrstr(haystack, needle, rev_start);
return revstrstr(haystack, needle, start);
return strstr(haystack, needle);
return revstristr(haystack, needle, rev_start);
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
return revstristr(haystack, needle, start);
return stristr(haystack, needle);
return stristr(start, needle);
/* This is a wrapper for the perror function. The wrapper takes care of
......@@ -1523,23 +1523,17 @@ size_t get_page_start(size_t column)
* cursor at (current_y, current_x). */
void reset_cursor(void)
const filestruct *ptr = edittop;
size_t x;
/* Yuck. This condition can be true after open_file() when opening
* the first file. */
if (edittop == NULL)
current_y = 0;
while (ptr != current && ptr != editbot && ptr->next != NULL) {
ptr = ptr->next;
current_y = current->lineno - edittop->lineno;
if (current_y < editwinrows) {
size_t x = xplustabs();
x = xplustabs();
wmove(edit, current_y, x - get_page_start(x));
wmove(edit, current_y, x - get_page_start(x));
/* edit_add() takes care of the job of actually painting a line into the
......@@ -1878,6 +1872,9 @@ void update_line(const filestruct *fileptr, size_t index)
if (line < 0 || line >= editwinrows)
/* Don't make the cursor jump around the screen while updating. */
leaveok(edit, TRUE);
/* First, blank out the line (at a minimum) */
mvwaddstr(edit, line, 0, hblank);
......@@ -1898,6 +1895,9 @@ void update_line(const filestruct *fileptr, size_t index)
mvwaddch(edit, line, 0, '$');
if (strlenpt(fileptr->data) > page_start + COLS)
mvwaddch(edit, line, COLS - 1, '$');
/* Let the cursor jump around the screen again. */
leaveok(edit, FALSE);
/* This function updates current, based on where current_y is;
......@@ -1948,27 +1948,27 @@ void edit_refresh(void)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
else {
int nlines = 0;
const filestruct *foo = edittop;
/* Don't make the cursor jump around the screen whilst
* updating. */
leaveok(edit, TRUE);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "edit_refresh(): edittop->lineno = %ld\n", edittop->lineno);
editbot = edittop;
while (nlines < editwinrows) {
update_line(editbot, current_x);
update_line(foo, current_x);
if (editbot->next == NULL)
if (foo->next == NULL)
editbot = editbot->next;
foo = foo->next;
while (nlines < editwinrows) {
mvwaddstr(edit, nlines, 0, hblank);
/* What the hell are we expecting to update the screen if this
* isn't here? Luck? */
leaveok(edit, FALSE);
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