Commit 14ac4751 authored by Benno Schulenberg's avatar Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

spelling: don't abort when a misspelled word isn't found, just note it

This fixes doubly, in case there
are other ways in which 'spell' sees words differently from 'nano'.
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+7 -6
......@@ -2666,14 +2666,15 @@ bool do_int_spell_fix(const char *word)
/* Find the first whole occurrence of word. */
result = findnextstr(TRUE, NULL, 0, word, NULL);
/* The word must exist; if not, something is wrong. */
if (result == 0)
statusline(ALERT, "Internal error: "
"speller listed unfindable word: %s", word);
else if (result == 1) {
/* If the word isn't found, alert the user; if it is, allow correction. */
if (result == 0) {
statusline(ALERT, _("Unfindable word: %s"), word);
lastmessage = HUSH;
proceed = TRUE;
} else if (result == 1) {
exp_word = display_string(openfile->current->data, xplustabs(),
strlenpt(word), FALSE);
spotlight(TRUE, exp_word);
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