From 186c795b8849ac5135a5c59b70043e8b2ac4cda9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Lawrence Ramsey <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 14:18:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] in help_line_len(), properly handle the case where we can't
 break the line of help text, and wrap the line of help text at (COLS - 1)
 instead of (COLS - 8), for consistency

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
 ChangeLog  |  6 ++++++
 src/help.c | 11 ++++++-----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index a92a28d1..0c9b39ad 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -267,6 +267,12 @@ CVS code -
 	  consistency with the file browser. (DLR, suggested by Benno
 	- Remove redundant key checks. (DLR)
+  help_line_len()
+	- Properly handle the case where we can't break the line of help
+	  text. (DLR)
+	- Wrap the line of help text at (COLS - 1) instead of
+	  (COLS - 8), for consistency. (DLR, suggested by Benno
+	  Schulenberg)
 - nano.c:
 	- Rename to print_opt_full(), for consistency. (DLR)
diff --git a/src/help.c b/src/help.c
index 84b7ba3d..9beb74dc 100644
--- a/src/help.c
+++ b/src/help.c
@@ -596,21 +596,22 @@ void parse_help_input(int *kbinput, bool *meta_key, bool *func_key)
 /* Calculate the next line of help_text, starting at ptr. */
 size_t help_line_len(const char *ptr)
-    int help_cols = (COLS > 24) ? COLS - 8 : 24;
+    int help_cols = (COLS > 24) ? COLS - 1 : 24;
-    /* Try to break the line at (COLS - 8) columns if we have more than
+    /* Try to break the line at (COLS - 1) columns if we have more than
      * 24 columns, and at 24 columns otherwise. */
-    size_t retval = break_line(ptr, help_cols, TRUE);
+    ssize_t wrap_loc = break_line(ptr, help_cols, TRUE);
+    size_t retval = (wrap_loc < 0) ? 0 : wrap_loc;
     size_t retval_save = retval;
     /* Get the length of the entire line up to a null or a newline. */
     while (*(ptr + retval) != '\0' && *(ptr + retval) != '\n')
 	retval += move_mbright(ptr + retval, 0);
-    /* If the entire line doesn't go more than 8 columns beyond where we
+    /* If the entire line doesn't go more than 1 column beyond where we
      * tried to break it, we should display it as-is.  Otherwise, we
      * should display it only up to the break. */
-    if (strnlenpt(ptr, retval) > help_cols + 8)
+    if (strnlenpt(ptr, retval) > help_cols + 1)
 	retval = retval_save;
     return retval;