From 47162bc4280e6b840249957b381d3f1fef97315c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Lawrence Ramsey <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:01:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add verbatim input question and a few minor fixes to the faq

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
 ChangeLog    |  3 +++
 doc/faq.html | 18 ++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 1be17c38..a62e75db 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ CVS code -
 	  suggested by Mike Frysinger)
 	- Check for glib 2.x and then 1.2.x if we need glib. (DLR)
+- faq.html:
+	- Add question explaining how verbatim input works, as well as a
+	  few minor fixes. (DLR)
 	- Update for the 1.3 branch of nano. (DLR)
diff --git a/doc/faq.html b/doc/faq.html
index 8384a3b1..dfe1b409 100644
--- a/doc/faq.html
+++ b/doc/faq.html
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
   <a href="#3.5">3.5. Nano should automatically run strip on the binary when installing it!</a><br>
   <a href="#3.6">3.6. How can I make the executable smaller? This is too bloated!</a><br>
   <a href="#3.7">3.7. Tell me more about this multibuffer stuff!</a><br>
-  <a href="#3.8">3.8. How do I make a .nanorc file that nano will read when I start it?</a></p></blockquote>
+  <a href="#3.8">3.8. Tell me more about this verbatim input stuff!</a><br>
+  <a href="#3.9">3.9. How do I make a .nanorc file that nano will read when I start it?</a></p></blockquote>
 <h2><a href="#4">4. Running</a></h2>
 <blockquote><p><a href="#4.1">4.1. Ack! My backspace/delete/enter/double bucky/meta key doesn't seem to work! What can I do?</a><br>
   <a href="#4.2">4.2. Nano crashes when I type &lt;insert keystroke here&gt;!</a><br>
@@ -157,10 +158,14 @@
   <b>--enable-multibuffer</b>    Enables having multiple file buffers open
   <b>--enable-all</b>            Enables all of the above features</pre></blockquote>
 <h2><a name="3.7"></a>3.7. Tell me more about this multibuffer stuff!</h2>
-<blockquote><p>To use multiple file buffers, you must be using nano 1.1.12 or newer, and you must have configured nano with <b>--enable-multibuffer</b> or <b>--enable-extra</b> (use nano -V to check). Then when you want to enable inserting a file into its own buffer instead of into the current file, just hit <b>Meta-F</b>, then insert the file as normal with <b>^R</b>.  If you always want files to be loaded into their own buffers, use the <b>--multibuffer</b> or <b>-F</b> flag when you invoke nano. </p>
+<blockquote><p>To use multiple file buffers, you must be using nano 1.1.12 or newer, and you must have configured nano with <b>--enable-multibuffer</b> or <b>--enable-extra</b> (use nano -V to check). Then when you want to enable inserting a file into its own buffer instead of into the current file, just hit <b>Meta-F</b>, then insert the file as normal with <b>^R</b>.  If you always want files to be loaded into their own buffers, use the <b>--multibuffer</b> or <b>-F</b> flag when you invoke nano.</p>
   <p>You can move between the buffers you have open with the <b>Meta-&lt;</b> and <b>Meta-&gt;</b> keys, or more easily with <b>Meta-,</b> and <b>Meta-.</b> (clear as mud, right? =-). When you have more than one file buffer open, the ^X shortcut will say &quot;Close&quot;, instead of the normal &quot;Exit&quot; when only one buffer is open.</p></blockquote>
-<h2><a name="3.8"></a>3.8. How do I make a .nanorc file that nano will read when I start it?</h2>
-<blockquote>It's not hard at all! But, your version of nano must have been compiled with <b>--enable-nanorc</b>, and again must be version 1.1.12 or newer (use nano -V to check your version and compiled features). Then simply copy the <b>nanorc.sample</b> that came with the nano source or your nano package (most likely in /usr/doc/nano) to .nanorc in your home directory. If you didn't get one, the syntax is simple. Flags are turned on and off by using the word <b>set</b> and the getopt_long flag for the feature, for example &quot;set pico&quot; or &quot;set nowrap&quot;.</blockquote>
+<h2><a name="3.8"></a>3.8. Tell me more about this verbatim input stuff!</h2>
+<blockquote><p>To use verbatim input, you must be using nano 1.3.1 or newer. When you want to insert a literal character into the file you're editing, such as a control character that nano usually treats as a command, first press <b>Meta-V</b>. (If you're not at a prompt, you'll get the message &quot;Verbatim input&quot;.) Then press the key(s) that generate the character you want.</p>
+  <p>Alternatively, you can press <b>Meta-V</b> and then type a three-digit ASCII code from 000 to 255, and the character with that ASCII code will be inserted instead.</p>
+  <p><b>NOTE:</b> Verbatim input doesn't work at prompts right now. This will be fixed soon.</p></blockquote>
+<h2><a name="3.9"></a>3.9. How do I make a .nanorc file that nano will read when I start it?</h2>
+<blockquote><p>It's not hard at all! But, your version of nano must have been compiled with <b>--enable-nanorc</b>, and again must be version 1.1.12 or newer (use nano -V to check your version and compiled features). Then simply copy the <b>nanorc.sample</b> that came with the nano source or your nano package (most likely in /usr/doc/nano) to .nanorc in your home directory. If you didn't get one, the syntax is simple. Flags are turned on and off by using the word <b>set</b> and the getopt_long flag for the feature, for example &quot;set nowrap&quot; or &quot;set suspend&quot;.</p></blockquote>
 <hr width="100%">
 <h1><a name="4"></a>4. Running</h1>
 <h2><a name="4.1"></a>4.1. Ack! My backspace/delete/enter/double bucky/meta key doesn't seem to work! What can I do?</h2>
@@ -195,7 +200,7 @@
   <p><b>my_hdr X-Composer: nano x.y.z</b></p>
   <p>Again, replace x.y.z with the version of nano you use.</p></blockquote>
 <h2><a name="4.8"></a>4.8. I've compiled nano with color support, but I don't see any color when I run it!</h2>
-<blockquote><p>If you want nano to actually use color, you have to specify the color configurations you want it to use in your .nanorc. Some example configurations are in the <b>nanorc.sample</b> that comes with the nano source or your nano package. See Section <a href="#3.8">3.8</a>.</p></blockquote>
+<blockquote><p>If you want nano to actually use color, you have to specify the color configurations you want it to use in your .nanorc. Some example configurations are in the <b>nanorc.sample</b> that comes with the nano source or your nano package. See Section <a href="#3.9">3.9</a>.</p></blockquote>
 <hr width="100%">
 <h1><a name="5"></a>5. Internationalization</h1>
 <h2><a name="5.1"></a>5.1. There's no translation for my language!</h2>
@@ -236,8 +241,9 @@
 <h2><a name="8"></a>8. ChangeLog</h2>
+2003/12/31 - Added question about the new verbatim input function, and a few minor fixes.  Removed reference to &quot;set pico&quot; (DLR).<br>
 2003/07/02 - Added question about nano's not showing color when it's compiled with color support (DLR; suggested by Jordi).<br>
-2003/02/23 - Updated RPM links for nano 1.2.x. (DLR).<br>
+2003/02/23 - Updated RPM links for nano 1.2.x (DLR).<br>
 2003/01/16 - Split section 4.5 into 4.5a and 4.5b for search string behavior. Added --enable-all docs.<br>
 2002/12/28 - More misc. fixes (David Benbennick, DLR).<br>
 2002/10/25 - Misc. fixes and link updates (DLR).<br>