diff --git a/nano.info b/nano.info
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-This is nano.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.0b from nano.texi.
-* Nano: (nano).                 Small and friendly text editor.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)
-   This manual documents GNU nano, a small and friendly text editor.
-* Menu:
-* Introduction::
-* Editor Basics::
-* Online Help::
-* Feature Toggles::
-* The File Browser::
-* Pico Compatibility::
-* Building and Configure Options::
-File: nano.info,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Editor Basics,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top
-   GNU `nano' is a small and friendly text editor.  Besides basic text
-editing, `nano' offers many extra features like an interactive search
-and replace, goto line number, auto-indentation, feature toggles,
-internationalization support, and filename tab completion.
-* Menu:
-* Overview::
-* Command Line Options::
-File: nano.info,  Node: Overview,  Next: Command Line Options,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Introduction
-   `nano' [GNU long option] [option] +LINE [  FILE ... ]
-   The original goal for `nano' was a complete bug-for-bug compatible
-emulation of Pico, but consistency is now a slightly higher priority.
-There is a flag to implement (nearly) complete Pico emulation, (option
--p or GNU long option -pico).  This can also be toggled from within
-`nano' by typing Meta-P.  *Note Pico Compatibility::, for more info.
-   Email bug reports to <nano@nano-editor.org>.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Command Line Options,  Prev: Overview,  Up: Introduction
-Command Line Options
-   `nano' takes the following options from the command line:
-`-D, --dos'
-     Write file in DOS format.
-`-F, --multibuffer'
-     Enable multiple file buffers.
-`-M, --mac'
-     Write file in Mac format.
-`-R, --regexp'
-     Turns on regular expression search and search/replace.
-`-S, --smooth'
-     Enables smooth scrolling.
-`-T [num], --tabsize=[num]'
-     Set the displayed tab length to [num] columns.
-`-V, --version'
-     Print the version number and copyright and quit.
-`-c, --const'
-     Constantly display the cursor position and line number on the
-     statusbar.
-`-h, --help'
-     Print the usage and exit.
-`-i, --autoindent'
-     Automatically indent new lines to the same number of spaces and
-     tabs as the previous line.
-`-k, --cut'
-     Makes ^K cut from the current cursor position to the end of the
-     current line.
-`-l, --nofollow'
-     When writing files, if the given file is a symbolic link it is
-     removed and a new file is created.
-`-m, --mouse'
-     Enables the use of the mouse to select text (currently only useful
-     for running under the X window system).
-`-o [dir], --operatingdir=[dir]'
-     Set operating directory. Makes nano set up something similar to a
-     chroot.
-`-p, --pico'
-     Emulate Pico as closely as possible, sacrificing consistency for
-     correct emulation.  *Note Pico Compatibility::, for more info.
-`-r [#cols], --fill=[#cols].'
-     Wrap lines at column #cols.  By default this is the width of the
-     screen, less eight. If this value is negative, wrapping will occur
-     at #cols from the right of the screen, allowing it to vary along
-     with the screen width if the screen is resized.
-`-s [prog], --speller=[prog]'
-     Invoke [prog] as the spell checker.  By default, `nano' uses its
-     own interactive spell checker that requires the `spell' program be
-     installed on your system.
-`-t, --tempfile'
-     Do not ask whether or not to save the current contents of the file
-     when exiting, assume yes.  This is most useful when using `nano'
-     as the composer of a mailer program.
-`-x, --nohelp'
-     In Expert Mode, the Shortcut Lists will not appear at the bottom
-     of the screen.  This affects the location of the statusbar as
-     well, as in Expert Mode it is located at the very bottom of the
-     editor.
-     Note: When accessing the help system, Expert Mode is temporarily
-     disabled to display the help system navigation keys.
-`-v, --view'
-     Do not allow the contents of the file to be altered.  Note that
-     this flag should NOT be used in place of correct file permissions
-     to implement a read-only file.
-`-w, --nowrap'
-     Do not wrap long lines at any length. This option overrides any
-     value for -r.
-`-z, --suspend'
-     Enable suspend ability of `nano' using the system's suspend
-     keystroke (usually ^Z).
-`-a, -b, -e, -f, -g, -j'
-     Ignored, for compatibility with Pico.
-     Start at line number LINE instead of the default of line 1.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Editor Basics,  Next: Online Help,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top
-Editor Basics
-* Menu:
-* Entering Text::
-* Special Functions::
-* The Titlebar::
-* The Statusbar::
-* Shortcut Lists::
-File: nano.info,  Node: Entering Text,  Next: Special Functions,  Prev: Editor Basics,  Up: Editor Basics
-Entering Text
-   All key sequences in `nano' are entered using the keyboard.  `nano'
-is a "modeless" editor, all keys with the exception of Control and Meta
-key sequences will enter text into the file being edited.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Special Functions,  Next: The Titlebar,  Prev: Entering Text,  Up: Editor Basics
-Special Functions
-   Special functions use the Control key (displayed in the help and
-shortcut lists as ^) or the Meta key (displayed as M).
-   * Control key sequences are entered by holding down the Control key
-     and pressing the desired letter.
-   * Meta key sequences can be entered in a number of possible ways:
-     Pressing the Escape key, then releasing it and pressing the
-     desired key, or holding down the Alt key while pressing the desired
-     key.  This varies from keyboard to keyboard, and certain commercial
-     operating systems "swallow" the Alt key so that it never reaches
-     the application. If your operating system does this, you should
-     use the Escape key to generate Meta key sequences.
-File: nano.info,  Node: The Titlebar,  Next: The Statusbar,  Prev: Special Functions,  Up: Editor Basics
-The Titlebar
-   The titlebar is the line displayed at the top of the editor.  There
-are three sections: left, center and right. The section on the left
-displays the version of `nano' being used.  The center section displays
-the current file name, or "New Buffer" if the file has not yet been
-named.  The section on the right will display "Modified" if the file
-has been modified since it was last saved or opened.
-   Special modes: When nano is in "File browser" mode, the center
-section will display the current directory instead of the filename.
-*Note The File Browser::.
-File: nano.info,  Node: The Statusbar,  Next: Shortcut Lists,  Prev: The Titlebar,  Up: Editor Basics
-The Statusbar
-   The statusbar is located three lines from the bottom of the screen
-(or the bottom line in Expert Mode.  *Note Expert Mode::, for more info.
-   The Statusbar shows important and informational messages.  Any error
-messages that occur from using the editor will appear on the statusbar.
-Any questions that are asked of the user will be asked on the statusbar,
-and any user input (search strings, file names, etc) will be input on
-the statusbar.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Shortcut Lists,  Prev: The Statusbar,  Up: Editor Basics
-Shortcut Lists
-   The Shortcut Lists are the two lines at the bottom of the screen
-which show some of the more commonly used functions in the editor. The
-exact functions which are displayed depend on whether Pico
-Compatibility Mode mode is enabled. *Note Pico Compatibility::, for
-more info.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Online Help,  Next: Feature Toggles,  Prev: Editor Basics,  Up: Top
-Online Help
-   The online help system in `nano' is available by pressing ^G.  It is
-fairly self explanatory, documenting the various parts of the editor
-and available keystrokes.  Navigation is via the ^Y (Page Up) and ^V
-(Page Down) keys.  ^X exits the help system.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Feature Toggles,  Next: The File Browser,  Prev: Online Help,  Up: Top
-Feature Toggles
-   Toggles allow you to change certain aspects of the editor that would
-normally be done via command line flags. They are invoked via certain
-Meta key sequenced. *Note Special Functions::, for more info.  The
-following toggles are available:
-`Case Sensitive Search Toggle (Meta-A)'
-     toggles case sensistive searching functionality on/off.
-`Backwards Search Toggle (Meta-B)'
-     toggles backwards searching fuctionality on/off.
-`Constant Update Toggle (Meta-C)'
-     toggles the -c (-const) command line flag.
-`DOS Format Toggle (Meta-D)'
-     toggles the -D (-dos) command line flag.
-`Regular Expressions Toggle (Meta-E)'
-     toggles the -R (-regexp) command line flag.
-`Multiple Files Toggle (Meta-F)'
-     toggles the  -F (-multibuffer) command line flag.
-`AutoIndent Toggle (Meta-I)'
-     toggles the -i (-autoindent) command line flag.
-`Cut To End Toggle (Meta-K)'
-     toggles the -k (-cut) command line flag.
-`Mouse Toggle (Meta-M)'
-     toggles the -m (-mouse) command line flag.
-`Mac Format Toggle (Meta-O)'
-     toggles the -M (-mac) command line flag.
-`Pico Mode Toggle (Meta-P)'
-     toggles the -p (-pico) command line flag.  *Note Pico
-     Compatibility::, for more info.
-`Smooth Scrolling Toggle (Meta-S)'
-     toggles the -s (-smooth) command line flag.
-`AutoWrap Toggle (Meta-W)'
-     toggles the -w (-nowrap) command line flag.
-`Expert/Nohelp Toggle (Meta-X)'
-     toggles the -x (-nohelp) command line flag.
-`Suspend Toggle (Meta-Z)'
-     toggles the -z (-suspend) command line flag.
-`Open Previous File Toggle (Meta-<)'
-     changes buffer to previously loaded file.
-`Open Next File Toggle (Meta->)'
-     changes buffer to next loaded file.
-File: nano.info,  Node: The File Browser,  Next: Pico Compatibility,  Prev: Feature Toggles,  Up: Top
-The File Browser
-   When reading or writing files, pressing ^T will invoke the file
-browser.  Here, one can navigate directories in a graphical manner in
-order to find the desired file.
-   Basic movement in the file browser is accomplished with he arrow keys
-and page up/down.  The behavior of the enter (or 's') key varies by what
-is currently selected.  If the currently selected object is a directory,
-the file browser will enter and display the contents of the directory.
-If the object is a file, this filename and path are copied to the
-statusbar and the file browser is exited.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Pico Compatibility,  Next: Building and Configure Options,  Prev: The File Browser,  Up: Top
-Pico Compatibility
-   Nano does not completely emulate Pico by default.  The following
-differences apply to the default mode and Pico Compatibility mode:
-`Displayed Shortcuts'
-     By default, the following shortcuts are displayed in the Shortcut
-     Lists:
-     ^G ^O ^\ ^Y ^K ^C
-     ^X ^R ^W ^V ^U ^T
-     Related functions are listed above or below each other by default.
-     The Justify function is not listed, instead the "Replace"
-     function is displayed. Also, he "Read File" and "WriteOut"
-     functions are aligned for consistency.
-     In Pico Compatibility mode, the default Pico shortcuts are
-     displayed:
-     ^G ^O ^R ^Y ^K ^C
-     ^X ^J ^W ^V ^U ^T
-`Previous String Text'
-     By default, previously entered string for a function (search
-     string, file name) will be placed on the statusbar, and is
-     editable.  This is done so there is consistency across all
-     functions.  For example: even if there is a previous replace
-     string, it can always be deleted if one wishes to perform an empty
-     string replace.
-     In Pico Compatibility Mode, the previously entered text in a
-     search or replace will appear in brackets, and is not editable.
-     It is not a simple matter to do an empty string replace when a
-     previous replace string exists, for example.  When writing a file,
-     the previous filename will be displayed in the editable text
-     portion of the editor.
-`Interactive Replace and Spell Checker'
-     It is worth noting that the `nano' replace function is interactive,
-     i.e. it does not stop after one search string is found and
-     automatically replace it.  The `nano' implementation will stop at
-     each search string found and query whether to replace this
-     instance or not.  The internal spell checker operates similarly.
-     Note that these is no way to force these functions to behave in
-     the Pico fashion.
-File: nano.info,  Node: Building and Configure Options,  Prev: Pico Compatibility,  Up: Top
-Building and Configure Options
-   Building nano from source is fairly straightforward if you are
-familiar with compiling programs with autoconf support:
-   tar xvfz nano-x.y.z.tar.gz (where x.y.z is the version of nano) cd
-nano-x.y.z/ ./configure make make install
-   if you are looking to optimize nano for size, you may want to
-consider the following command line options:
-     Disable the tab completion code when reading or writing files.
-     Disable the justify (^J)/unjustify (^U) functions in the editor.
-     Disables spell checker ability.
-     Disables the help function (^G).  Disabling this option makes the
-     binary much smaller, but makes it difficult for new users to learn
-     more than very basic things about using the editor.
-     Disables the mini file browser (^O) when reading or writing files.
-     This options disables all the above.  It also disables some of the
-     larger internals of the editor, like the marker code (^^) and the
-     cut to line (-k) option which it depends on to work properly.  It
-     also disables the function toggles and mouse support.
-     Disables all word wrapping in the editor.  This also eliminates the
-     -w command line flag, as nonwrapping is then the default behavior.
-     Disables all mouse functionality.  This also disables the -m
-     commands line flag which enables the mouse functions.
-     Disables setting of operating directory. This also disables the -o
-     command line flag.
-     Disables Native Language support. This will make the available GNU
-     nano translations unusable.
-     Compiling GNU nano with Slang is supported, and will make the
-     binary notably smaller than if compiled with ncurses or other
-     curses libraries.
-Tag Table:
-Node: Top200
-Node: Introduction508
-Node: Overview934
-Node: Command Line Options1514
-Ref: Expert Mode3716
-Node: Editor Basics4628
-Node: Entering Text4853
-Node: Special Functions5193
-Node: The Titlebar6048
-Node: The Statusbar6746
-Node: Shortcut Lists7327
-Node: Online Help7720
-Node: Feature Toggles8096
-Node: The File Browser9912
-Node: Pico Compatibility10621
-Node: Building and Configure Options12663
-End Tag Table