From 9b494fa90c6b093f8aa488c5fdd827255fe351b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Lawrence Ramsey <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 18:00:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] more miscellaneous documentation updates

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
 ChangeLog         |  6 +++++
 doc/man/nanorc.5  | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 doc/nanorc.sample |  8 +++---
 3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index e001f9ab..174a1ac1 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -298,6 +298,10 @@ CVS code -
 - nanorc.5:
 	- Update the description of how the "color" regex works. (DLR)
+	- Clarify descriptions of the characters that aren't allowed
+	  in the "punct" or "brackets" options. (DLR)
+	- Use .B instead of \fB ... \fP where possible, as nano.1 does.
+	  (DLR)
 	- Minor tweaks to some of the test blocks to avoid XSI:isms.
 	  (DLR, adapted from a Debian patch for GNU ed by David
@@ -319,6 +323,8 @@ CVS code -
 	  foreground color, and update the associated comments.  Also,
 	  tweak the "comment" regex to color comments that don't start
 	  at the beginning of a line. (DLR)
+	- Clarify descriptions of the characters that aren't allowed
+	  in the "punct" or "brackets" options. (DLR)
 	- Update comment referring to --enable-extra. (DLR)
 - doc/man/fr/
 	- Set mandir to @mandir@/fr, so French manpages get installed
diff --git a/doc/man/nanorc.5 b/doc/man/nanorc.5
index 912cdcf5..6b306c19 100644
--- a/doc/man/nanorc.5
+++ b/doc/man/nanorc.5
@@ -41,80 +41,80 @@ Options are unset by default, except for options that take an argument.
 The supported commands and arguments are:
 .TP 3
-\fBset/unset autoindent\fP
+.B set/unset autoindent
 Use auto-indentation.
-\fBset/unset backup\fP
+.B set/unset backup
 Create backup files in
 .IR filename~ .
-\fBset backupdir "\fIdirectory\fP"\fP
+.B set backupdir "\fIdirectory\fP"
 Set the directory where \fBnano\fP puts unique backup files if file
 backups are enabled.
-\fBset/unset backwards\fP 	 
+.B set/unset backwards
 Do backwards searches by default.
-\fBset brackets "\fIstring\fP"\fP
+.B set brackets "\fIstring\fP"
 Set the characters treated as closing brackets.  They cannot contain
-tabs or spaces.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
+blank characters.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
 closing brackets, can end sentences.
-\fBset/unset casesensitive\fP 	 
+.B set/unset casesensitive
 Do case sensitive searches by default.
-\fBset/unset const\fP
+.B set/unset const
 Constantly display the cursor position in the status bar.
-\fBset/unset cut\fP
+.B set/unset cut
 Use cut to end of line by default.
-\fBset fill \fIn\fP\fP
+.B set fill \fIn\fP
 Wrap lines at column number \fIn\fP.  If \fIn\fP is 0 or less, the line
 length will be the screen width less \fIn\fP.  The default value is -8.
-\fBset/unset historylog\fP
+.B set/unset historylog
 .I ~/.nano_history
 for saving and reading search/replace strings.
-\fBset/unset morespace\fP
+.B set/unset morespace
 Allow use of the blank line below the titlebar as extra editing space.
-\fBset/unset mouse\fP
+.B set/unset mouse
 Enable mouse support, so that mouse clicks can be used to set the mark
 and run shortcuts.
-\fBset/unset multibuffer\fP
+.B set/unset multibuffer
 Allow inserting files into their own buffers.
-\fBset/unset noconvert\fP
+.B set/unset noconvert
 Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
-\fBset/unset nofollow\fP
+.B set/unset nofollow
 Don't follow symlinks when writing files.
-\fBset/unset nohelp\fP
+.B set/unset nohelp
 Don't display the help lists at the bottom of the screen.
-\fBset/unset nowrap\fP
+.B set/unset nowrap
 Don't wrap text at all.
-\fBset operatingdir "\fIdirectory\fP"\fP
+.B set operatingdir "\fIdirectory\fP"
 \fBnano\fP will only read and write files inside \fIdirectory\fP and its
 subdirectories.  Also, the current directory is changed to here, so
 files are inserted from this dir.  By default the operating directory
 feature is turned off.
-\fBset/unset preserve\fP
+.B set/unset preserve
 Preserve the XON and XOFF keys (^Q and ^S).
-\fBset punct "\fIstring\fP"\fP
+.B set punct "\fIstring\fP"
 Set the characters treated as closing punctuation.  They cannot contain
-tabs or spaces.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
+blank characters.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
 closing brackets, can end sentences.
-\fBset quotestr "\fIstring\fP"\fP
+.B set quotestr "\fIstring\fP"
 The email-quote string, used to justify email-quoted paragraphs.  This
 is an "extended regular expression" if your system supports them,
 otherwise a literal string.  The default value is
@@ -124,45 +124,45 @@ otherwise a literal string.  The default value is
 if you have regexps, otherwise set quotestr ">\ ".  Note that '\\t'
 above stands for a literal Tab character.
-\fBset/unset rebinddelete\fP
+.B set/unset rebinddelete
 Interpret the Delete key differently so that both Backspace and Delete
 work properly.  You should only need to use this option if Backspace
 acts like Delete on your system.
-\fBset/unset regexp\fP 	 
+.B set/unset regexp
 Do regular expression searches by default.
-\fBset/unset smarthome\fP
+.B set/unset smarthome
 Make the Home key smarter.  When Home is pressed anywhere but at the
 very beginning of non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor will
 jump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards).  If the cursor is
 already at that position, it will jump to the true beginning of the
-\fBset/unset smooth\fP
+.B set/unset smooth
 Use smooth scrolling by default.
-\fBset speller \fIspellprog\fP\fP
+.B set speller \fIspellprog\fP
 Use spelling checker \fIspellprog\fP instead of the built-in one, which
 calls \fIspell\fP.
-\fBset/unset suspend\fP
+.B set/unset suspend
 Allow nano to be suspended.
-\fBset tabsize \fIn\fP\fP
+.B set tabsize \fIn\fP
 Use a tab size of \fIn\fP columns instead of the default (8); must be
 greater than 0.
-\fBset/unset tabstospaces\fP
+.B set/unset tabstospaces
 Convert typed tabs to spaces.
-\fBset/unset tempfile\fP
+.B set/unset tempfile
 Save automatically on exit, don't prompt.
-\fBset/unset view\fP
+.B set/unset view
 Disallow file modification.
-\fBset whitespace "\fIstring\fP"\fP
+.B set whitespace "\fIstring\fP"
 Set the two characters used to display the first characters of tabs and
 spaces.  They must be single-column characters.
diff --git a/doc/nanorc.sample b/doc/nanorc.sample
index ca3cabfb..285edca3 100644
--- a/doc/nanorc.sample
+++ b/doc/nanorc.sample
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## Do backwards searches by default.
 # set backwards
-## The characters treated as closing brackets.  They cannot contain tabs
-## or spaces.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by closing
-## brackets, can end sentences.
+## The characters treated as closing brackets.  They cannot contain
+## blank characters.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
+## closing brackets, can end sentences.
 # set brackets "'")}]>"
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 # set preserve
 ## The characters treated as closing punctuation.  They cannot contain
-## tabs or spaces.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
+## blank characters.  Only closing punctuation, optionally followed by
 ## closing brackets, can end sentences.
 # set punct ".?!"