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 <blockquote><p>For the 'bleeding edge' current version of nano, you can use subversion to download the current source code. <b>Note:</b> believe it or not, by downloading code that has not yet stabilized into an official release, there could quite possibly be bugs, in fact the code may not even compile! Anyway, see <a href="http://svn.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/trunk/nano/README.SVN?root=nano&view=markup">the nano SVN document</a> for info on anonymous SVN access to the nano source.</p></blockquote>
 <hr width="100%">
 <h1><a name="3"></a>3. Installation and Configuration</h1>
-<h2><a name="3.1"></a>3.1. How do install the RPM or DEB package?</h2>
+<h2><a name="3.1"></a>3.1. How do I install the RPM or DEB package?</h2>
 <blockquote><p>It's simple really! As root, type <b>rpm -Uvh nano-x.y.z-1.i386.rpm</b> if you have a RedHat-ish system or <b>dpkg -i nano_x.y.z-1.deb</b> if you have a Debian-ish system, where <b>x.y.z</b> is the release of nano. There are other programs to install packages, and if you wish to use those, knock yourself out.</p></blockquote>
 <h2><a name="3.2"></a>3.2. Compiling from source: WHAT THE HECK DO I DO NOW?</h2>
 <blockquote><p>Okay, take a deep breath, this really isn't hard. Unpack the nano source with a command like:</p>