diff --git a/src/nano.c b/src/nano.c
index a3c333f90f598599a1e7cab74fc0660c68ff731c..e015423b800e8f370c8e861913e310ac3511f48b 100644
--- a/src/nano.c
+++ b/src/nano.c
@@ -1560,6 +1560,60 @@ void unbound_key(int code)
 		statusline(ALERT, _("Unbound key: %c"), code);
+/* Handle a mouse click on the edit window or the shortcut list. */
+int do_mouse(void)
+	int mouse_col, mouse_row;
+	int retval = get_mouseinput(&mouse_col, &mouse_row, TRUE);
+	/* If the click is wrong or already handled, we're done. */
+	if (retval != 0)
+		return retval;
+	/* If the click was in the edit window, put the cursor in that spot. */
+	if (wmouse_trafo(edit, &mouse_row, &mouse_col, FALSE)) {
+		filestruct *current_save = openfile->current;
+		ssize_t row_count = mouse_row - openfile->current_y;
+		size_t leftedge;
+#ifndef NANO_TINY
+		size_t current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
+		bool sameline = (mouse_row == openfile->current_y);
+			/* Whether the click was on the row where the cursor is. */
+			leftedge = leftedge_for(xplustabs(), openfile->current);
+		else
+			leftedge = get_page_start(xplustabs());
+		/* Move current up or down to the row corresponding to mouse_row. */
+		if (row_count < 0)
+			go_back_chunks(-row_count, &openfile->current, &leftedge);
+		else
+			go_forward_chunks(row_count, &openfile->current, &leftedge);
+		openfile->current_x = actual_x(openfile->current->data,
+								actual_last_column(leftedge, mouse_col));
+#ifndef NANO_TINY
+		/* Clicking where the cursor is toggles the mark, as does clicking
+		 * beyond the line length with the cursor at the end of the line. */
+		if (sameline && openfile->current_x == current_x_save)
+			do_mark();
+		else
+			/* The cursor moved; clean the cutbuffer on the next cut. */
+			cutbuffer_reset();
+		edit_redraw(current_save, CENTERING);
+	}
+	/* No more handling is needed. */
+	return 2;
+#endif /* ENABLE_MOUSE */
 /* Read in a keystroke.  Act on the keystroke if it is a shortcut or a toggle;
  * otherwise, insert it into the edit buffer.  If allow_funcs is FALSE, don't
  * do anything with the keystroke -- just return it. */
@@ -1735,60 +1789,6 @@ int do_input(bool allow_funcs)
 	return input;
-/* Handle a mouse click on the edit window or the shortcut list. */
-int do_mouse(void)
-	int mouse_col, mouse_row;
-	int retval = get_mouseinput(&mouse_col, &mouse_row, TRUE);
-	/* If the click is wrong or already handled, we're done. */
-	if (retval != 0)
-		return retval;
-	/* If the click was in the edit window, put the cursor in that spot. */
-	if (wmouse_trafo(edit, &mouse_row, &mouse_col, FALSE)) {
-		filestruct *current_save = openfile->current;
-		ssize_t row_count = mouse_row - openfile->current_y;
-		size_t leftedge;
-#ifndef NANO_TINY
-		size_t current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
-		bool sameline = (mouse_row == openfile->current_y);
-			/* Whether the click was on the row where the cursor is. */
-			leftedge = leftedge_for(xplustabs(), openfile->current);
-		else
-			leftedge = get_page_start(xplustabs());
-		/* Move current up or down to the row corresponding to mouse_row. */
-		if (row_count < 0)
-			go_back_chunks(-row_count, &openfile->current, &leftedge);
-		else
-			go_forward_chunks(row_count, &openfile->current, &leftedge);
-		openfile->current_x = actual_x(openfile->current->data,
-								actual_last_column(leftedge, mouse_col));
-#ifndef NANO_TINY
-		/* Clicking where the cursor is toggles the mark, as does clicking
-		 * beyond the line length with the cursor at the end of the line. */
-		if (sameline && openfile->current_x == current_x_save)
-			do_mark();
-		else
-			/* The cursor moved; clean the cutbuffer on the next cut. */
-			cutbuffer_reset();
-		edit_redraw(current_save, CENTERING);
-	}
-	/* No more handling is needed. */
-	return 2;
-#endif /* ENABLE_MOUSE */
 /* The user typed output_len multibyte characters.  Add them to the edit
  * buffer, filtering out all ASCII control characters if allow_cntrls is
  * TRUE. */
diff --git a/src/prompt.c b/src/prompt.c
index c6b97b423763c31770baf31b0b97a821e130f7a9..278ce0af21b67517e024dbc97b5dd706dd146f78 100644
--- a/src/prompt.c
+++ b/src/prompt.c
@@ -28,6 +28,30 @@ static char *prompt = NULL;
 static size_t statusbar_x = HIGHEST_POSITIVE;
 		/* The cursor position in answer. */
+/* Handle a mouse click on the statusbar prompt or the shortcut list. */
+int do_statusbar_mouse(void)
+	int mouse_x, mouse_y;
+	int retval = get_mouseinput(&mouse_x, &mouse_y, TRUE);
+	/* We can click on the statusbar window text to move the cursor. */
+	if (retval == 0 && wmouse_trafo(bottomwin, &mouse_y, &mouse_x, FALSE)) {
+		size_t start_col = strlenpt(prompt) + 2;
+		/* Move to where the click occurred. */
+		if (mouse_x >= start_col && mouse_y == 0) {
+			statusbar_x = actual_x(answer,
+							get_statusbar_page_start(start_col, start_col +
+							statusbar_xplustabs()) + mouse_x - start_col);
+			update_the_statusbar();
+		}
+	}
+	return retval;
 /* Read in a keystroke, interpret it if it is a shortcut or toggle, and
  * return it.  Set ran_func to TRUE if we ran a function associated with
  * a shortcut key, and set finished to TRUE if we're done after running
@@ -165,32 +189,6 @@ int do_statusbar_input(bool *ran_func, bool *finished)
 	return input;
-/* Handle a mouse click on the statusbar prompt or the shortcut list. */
-int do_statusbar_mouse(void)
-	int mouse_x, mouse_y;
-	int retval = get_mouseinput(&mouse_x, &mouse_y, TRUE);
-	/* We can click on the statusbar window text to move the cursor. */
-	if (retval == 0 && wmouse_trafo(bottomwin, &mouse_y, &mouse_x, FALSE)) {
-		size_t start_col;
-		start_col = strlenpt(prompt) + 2;
-		/* Move to where the click occurred. */
-		if (mouse_x >= start_col && mouse_y == 0) {
-			statusbar_x = actual_x(answer,
-						get_statusbar_page_start(start_col, start_col +
-						statusbar_xplustabs()) + mouse_x - start_col);
-			update_the_statusbar();
-		}
-	}
-	return retval;
 /* The user typed input_len multibyte characters.  Add them to the answer,
  * filtering out ASCII control characters if filtering is TRUE. */
 void do_statusbar_output(int *the_input, size_t input_len,
diff --git a/src/proto.h b/src/proto.h
index aa84ecd9329a377264e73cc8db8b66fcb2b3f6d9..a2cba42d7eea6ddcb6791c8d4214a936f38170af 100644
--- a/src/proto.h
+++ b/src/proto.h
@@ -442,15 +442,9 @@ void enable_flow_control(void);
 void terminal_init(void);
 void unbound_key(int code);
 int do_input(bool allow_funcs);
-int do_mouse(void);
 void do_output(char *output, size_t output_len, bool allow_cntrls);
 /* Most functions in prompt.c. */
-int do_statusbar_mouse(void);
 void do_statusbar_output(int *the_input, size_t input_len, bool filtering);
 void do_statusbar_home(void);
 void do_statusbar_end(void);