From d24d0a43e86d5a04b0b0b799a0ebd2ec7610ab05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Lawrence Ramsey <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 17:37:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] move functions specific to the statusbar prompt to their own
 source file, prompt.c, and adjust related variables accordingly

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
 ChangeLog       |  13 +
 src/ |   1 +
 src/prompt.c    | 877 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/proto.h     |  76 +++--
 src/winio.c     | 847 ----------------------------------------------
 5 files changed, 930 insertions(+), 884 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/prompt.c

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 6f889dcb..afb744a1 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -17,6 +17,17 @@ CVS code -
 	  get_page_start(). (DLR)
 	- Move xplustabs(), actual_x(), strnlenpt(), and strlenpt() from
 	  winio.c to utils.c, as they're really utility functions. (DLR)
+	- Move functions specific to the statusbar prompt to their own
+	  source file, and adjust related variables accordingly.  New
+	  file prompt.c; changes to do_statusbar_input(),
+	  do_statusbar_mouse(), do_statusbar_output(),
+	  do_statusbar_home(), do_statusbar_end(), do_statusbar_right(),
+	  do_statusbar_left(), do_statusbar_backspace(),
+	  do_statusbar_delete(), do_statusbar_cut_text(),
+	  do_statusbar_next_word(), do_statusbar_prev_word(),
+	  do_statusbar_verbatim_input(), statusbar_xplustabs(),
+	  get_statusbar_page_start(), nanoget_repaint(), nanogetstr(),
+	  statusq(), and statusq_abort() (all moved to prompt.c). (DLR)
 - nano.h:
 	- Readd MIN_EDITOR_COLS #define. (DLR)
 - winio.c:
@@ -28,6 +39,8 @@ CVS code -
 - doc/nanorc.sample:
 	- Tweak the "c-file" regex for characters to properly accept
 	  '\"' and reject '"' and '''. (DLR)
+- src/
+	- Add prompt.c to nano_SOURCES. (DLR)
 GNU nano 1.3.9 - 2005.10.23
 - General:
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f9621c26..635771aa 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ nano_SOURCES =	chars.c \
 		move.c \
 		nano.c \
 		nano.h \
+		prompt.c \
 		proto.h \
 		rcfile.c \
 		search.c \
diff --git a/src/prompt.c b/src/prompt.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c212b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/prompt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ *   prompt.c                                                             *
+ *                                                                        *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Allegretta                                  *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)  *
+ *   any later version.                                                   *
+ *                                                                        *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but  *
+ *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
+ *   General Public License for more details.                             *
+ *                                                                        *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    *
+ *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software          *
+ *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA            *
+ *   02110-1301, USA.                                                     *
+ *                                                                        *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "proto.h"
+static char *prompt = NULL;
+				/* The prompt string for statusbar
+				 * questions. */
+static size_t statusbar_x = (size_t)-1;
+				/* The cursor position in answer. */
+static bool resetstatuspos = FALSE;
+				/* Should we reset the cursor position
+				 * at the statusbar prompt? */
+int do_statusbar_input(bool *meta_key, bool *func_key, bool *s_or_t,
+	bool *ran_func, bool *finished, bool allow_funcs)
+    int input;
+	/* The character we read in. */
+    static int *kbinput = NULL;
+	/* The input buffer. */
+    static size_t kbinput_len = 0;
+	/* The length of the input buffer. */
+    const shortcut *s;
+    bool have_shortcut;
+    *s_or_t = FALSE;
+    *ran_func = FALSE;
+    *finished = FALSE;
+    /* Read in a character. */
+    input = get_kbinput(bottomwin, meta_key, func_key);
+    /* If we got a mouse click and it was on a shortcut, read in the
+     * shortcut character. */
+    if (allow_funcs && *func_key == TRUE && input == KEY_MOUSE) {
+	if (do_statusbar_mouse())
+	    input = get_kbinput(bottomwin, meta_key, func_key);
+	else
+	    input = ERR;
+    }
+    /* Check for a shortcut in the current list. */
+    s = get_shortcut(currshortcut, &input, meta_key, func_key);
+    /* If we got a shortcut from the current list, or a "universal"
+     * statusbar prompt shortcut, set have_shortcut to TRUE. */
+    have_shortcut = (s != NULL || input == NANO_REFRESH_KEY ||
+	input == NANO_HOME_KEY || input == NANO_END_KEY ||
+	input == NANO_FORWARD_KEY || input == NANO_BACK_KEY ||
+	input == NANO_BACKSPACE_KEY || input == NANO_DELETE_KEY ||
+	input == NANO_CUT_KEY ||
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		input == NANO_NEXTWORD_KEY ||
+		(*meta_key == TRUE && (
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		input == NANO_PREVWORD_KEY ||
+		input == NANO_VERBATIM_KEY)));
+    /* Set s_or_t to TRUE if we got a shortcut. */
+    *s_or_t = have_shortcut;
+    if (allow_funcs) {
+	/* If we got a character, and it isn't a shortcut or toggle,
+	 * it's a normal text character.  Display the warning if we're
+	 * in view mode, or add the character to the input buffer if
+	 * we're not. */
+	if (input != ERR && *s_or_t == FALSE) {
+	    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename isn't blank,
+	     * and we're at the "Write File" prompt, disable text
+	     * input. */
+	    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] == '\0' ||
+		currshortcut != writefile_list) {
+		kbinput_len++;
+		kbinput = (int *)nrealloc(kbinput, kbinput_len *
+			sizeof(int));
+		kbinput[kbinput_len - 1] = input;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* If we got a shortcut, or if there aren't any other characters
+	 * waiting after the one we read in, we need to display all the
+	 * characters in the input buffer if it isn't empty. */
+	 if (*s_or_t == TRUE || get_key_buffer_len() == 0) {
+	    if (kbinput != NULL) {
+		/* Display all the characters in the input buffer at
+		 * once, filtering out control characters. */
+		char *output = charalloc(kbinput_len + 1);
+		size_t i;
+		bool got_enter;
+			/* Whether we got the Enter key. */
+		for (i = 0; i < kbinput_len; i++)
+		    output[i] = (char)kbinput[i];
+		output[i] = '\0';
+		do_statusbar_output(output, kbinput_len, &got_enter,
+			FALSE);
+		free(output);
+		/* Empty the input buffer. */
+		kbinput_len = 0;
+		free(kbinput);
+		kbinput = NULL;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (have_shortcut) {
+	    switch (input) {
+		/* Handle the "universal" statusbar prompt shortcuts. */
+		    total_refresh();
+		    break;
+		case NANO_HOME_KEY:
+		    do_statusbar_home();
+		    break;
+		case NANO_END_KEY:
+		    do_statusbar_end();
+		    break;
+		    do_statusbar_right();
+		    break;
+		case NANO_BACK_KEY:
+		    do_statusbar_left();
+		    break;
+		    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
+		     * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
+		     * prompt, disable Backspace. */
+		    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] ==
+			'\0' || currshortcut != writefile_list)
+			do_statusbar_backspace();
+		    break;
+		    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
+		     * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
+		     * prompt, disable Delete. */
+		    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] ==
+			'\0' || currshortcut != writefile_list)
+			do_statusbar_delete();
+		    break;
+		case NANO_CUT_KEY:
+		    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
+		     * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
+		     * prompt, disable Cut. */
+		    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] ==
+			'\0' || currshortcut != writefile_list)
+			do_statusbar_cut_text();
+		    break;
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		    do_statusbar_next_word(FALSE);
+		    break;
+		    if (*meta_key == TRUE)
+			do_statusbar_prev_word(FALSE);
+		    break;
+		    if (*meta_key == TRUE) {
+			/* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
+			 * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
+			 * prompt, disable verbatim input. */
+				openfile->filename[0] == '\0' ||
+				currshortcut != writefile_list) {
+			    bool got_enter;
+				/* Whether we got the Enter key. */
+			    do_statusbar_verbatim_input(&got_enter);
+			    /* If we got the Enter key, set input to the
+			     * key value for Enter, and set finished to
+			     * TRUE to indicate that we're done. */
+			    if (got_enter) {
+				input = NANO_ENTER_KEY;
+				*finished = TRUE;
+			    }
+			}
+			break;
+		    }
+		/* Handle the normal statusbar prompt shortcuts, setting
+		 * ran_func to TRUE if we try to run their associated
+		 * functions and setting finished to TRUE to indicate
+		 * that we're done after trying to run their associated
+		 * functions. */
+		default:
+		    if (s->func != NULL) {
+			*ran_func = TRUE;
+			if (!ISSET(VIEW_MODE) || s->viewok)
+			    s->func();
+		    }
+		    *finished = TRUE;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return input;
+bool do_statusbar_mouse(void)
+    int mouse_x, mouse_y;
+    bool retval = get_mouseinput(&mouse_x, &mouse_y, TRUE);
+    if (!retval) {
+	/* We can click in the statusbar window text to move the
+	 * cursor. */
+	if (wenclose(bottomwin, mouse_y, mouse_x)) {
+	    size_t start_col = strlenpt(prompt) + 1;
+	    /* Subtract out the sizes of topwin and edit. */
+	    mouse_y -= (2 - no_more_space()) + editwinrows;
+	    /* Move to where the click occurred. */
+	    if (mouse_x > start_col && mouse_y == 0) {
+		statusbar_x = actual_x(answer,
+			get_statusbar_page_start(start_col, start_col +
+			statusbar_xplustabs()) + mouse_x - start_col -
+			1);
+		nanoget_repaint(answer, statusbar_x);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return retval;
+/* The user typed output_len multibyte characters.  Add them to the
+ * statusbar prompt, setting got_enter to TRUE if we get a newline, and
+ * filtering out all control characters if allow_cntrls is TRUE. */
+void do_statusbar_output(char *output, size_t output_len, bool
+	*got_enter, bool allow_cntrls)
+    size_t answer_len, i = 0;
+    char *char_buf = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
+    int char_buf_len;
+    assert(answer != NULL);
+    answer_len = strlen(answer);
+    *got_enter = FALSE;
+    while (i < output_len) {
+	/* If allow_cntrls is FALSE, filter out nulls and newlines,
+	 * since they're control characters. */
+	if (allow_cntrls) {
+	    /* Null to newline, if needed. */
+	    if (output[i] == '\0')
+		output[i] = '\n';
+	    /* Newline to Enter, if needed. */
+	    else if (output[i] == '\n') {
+		/* Set got_enter to TRUE to indicate that we got the
+		 * Enter key, put back the rest of the characters in
+		 * output so that they can be parsed and output again,
+		 * and get out. */
+		*got_enter = TRUE;
+		unparse_kbinput(output + i, output_len - i);
+		return;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Interpret the next multibyte character. */
+	char_buf_len = parse_mbchar(output + i, char_buf, NULL);
+	i += char_buf_len;
+	/* If allow_cntrls is FALSE, filter out a control character. */
+	if (!allow_cntrls && is_cntrl_mbchar(output + i - char_buf_len))
+	    continue;
+	/* More dangerousness fun =) */
+	answer = charealloc(answer, answer_len + (char_buf_len * 2));
+	assert(statusbar_x <= answer_len);
+	charmove(&answer[statusbar_x + char_buf_len],
+		&answer[statusbar_x], answer_len - statusbar_x +
+		char_buf_len);
+	strncpy(&answer[statusbar_x], char_buf, char_buf_len);
+	answer_len += char_buf_len;
+	statusbar_x += char_buf_len;
+    }
+    free(char_buf);
+void do_statusbar_home(void)
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+    if (ISSET(SMART_HOME)) {
+	size_t statusbar_x_save = statusbar_x;
+	statusbar_x = indent_length(answer);
+	if (statusbar_x == statusbar_x_save ||
+		statusbar_x == strlen(answer))
+	    statusbar_x = 0;
+    } else
+	statusbar_x = 0;
+void do_statusbar_end(void)
+    statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
+void do_statusbar_right(void)
+    if (statusbar_x < strlen(answer))
+	statusbar_x = move_mbright(answer, statusbar_x);
+void do_statusbar_left(void)
+    if (statusbar_x > 0)
+	statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
+void do_statusbar_backspace(void)
+    if (statusbar_x > 0) {
+	do_statusbar_left();
+	do_statusbar_delete();
+    }
+void do_statusbar_delete(void)
+    if (answer[statusbar_x] != '\0') {
+	int char_buf_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, NULL,
+		NULL);
+	size_t line_len = strlen(answer + statusbar_x);
+	assert(statusbar_x < strlen(answer));
+	charmove(answer + statusbar_x, answer + statusbar_x +
+		char_buf_len, strlen(answer) - statusbar_x -
+		char_buf_len + 1);
+	null_at(&answer, statusbar_x + line_len - char_buf_len);
+    }
+/* Move text from the statusbar prompt into oblivion. */
+void do_statusbar_cut_text(void)
+    assert(answer != NULL);
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+    if (ISSET(CUT_TO_END))
+	null_at(&answer, statusbar_x);
+    else {
+	null_at(&answer, 0);
+	statusbar_x = 0;
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+    }
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+/* Move to the next word at the statusbar prompt.  If allow_punct is
+ * TRUE, treat punctuation as part of a word.  Return TRUE if we started
+ * on a word, and FALSE otherwise. */
+bool do_statusbar_next_word(bool allow_punct)
+    char *char_mb;
+    int char_mb_len;
+    bool end_line = FALSE, started_on_word = FALSE;
+    assert(answer != NULL);
+    char_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
+    /* Move forward until we find the character after the last letter of
+     * the current word. */
+    while (!end_line) {
+	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
+	/* If we've found it, stop moving forward through the current
+	 * line. */
+	if (!is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
+	    break;
+	/* If we haven't found it, then we've started on a word, so set
+	 * started_on_word to TRUE. */
+	started_on_word = TRUE;
+	if (answer[statusbar_x] == '\0')
+	    end_line = TRUE;
+	else
+	    statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
+    }
+    /* Move forward until we find the first letter of the next word. */
+    if (answer[statusbar_x] == '\0')
+	end_line = TRUE;
+    else
+	statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
+    while (!end_line) {
+	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
+	/* If we've found it, stop moving forward through the current
+	 * line. */
+	if (is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
+	    break;
+	if (answer[statusbar_x] == '\0')
+	    end_line = TRUE;
+	else
+	    statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
+    }
+    free(char_mb);
+    /* Return whether we started on a word. */
+    return started_on_word;
+/* Move to the previous word at the statusbar prompt.  If allow_punct is
+ * TRUE, treat punctuation as part of a word.  Return TRUE if we started
+ * on a word, and FALSE otherwise. */
+bool do_statusbar_prev_word(bool allow_punct)
+    char *char_mb;
+    int char_mb_len;
+    bool begin_line = FALSE, started_on_word = FALSE;
+    assert(answer != NULL);
+    char_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
+    /* Move backward until we find the character before the first letter
+     * of the current word. */
+    while (!begin_line) {
+	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
+	/* If we've found it, stop moving backward through the current
+	 * line. */
+	if (!is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
+	    break;
+	/* If we haven't found it, then we've started on a word, so set
+	 * started_on_word to TRUE. */
+	started_on_word = TRUE;
+	if (statusbar_x == 0)
+	    begin_line = TRUE;
+	else
+	    statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
+    }
+    /* Move backward until we find the last letter of the previous
+     * word. */
+    if (statusbar_x == 0)
+	begin_line = TRUE;
+    else
+	statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
+    while (!begin_line) {
+	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
+	/* If we've found it, stop moving backward through the current
+	 * line. */
+	if (is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
+	    break;
+	if (statusbar_x == 0)
+	    begin_line = TRUE;
+	else
+	    statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
+    }
+    /* If we've found it, move backward until we find the character
+     * before the first letter of the previous word. */
+    if (!begin_line) {
+	if (statusbar_x == 0)
+	    begin_line = TRUE;
+	else
+	    statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
+	while (!begin_line) {
+	    char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb,
+		NULL);
+	    /* If we've found it, stop moving backward through the
+	     * current line. */
+	    if (!is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
+		break;
+	    if (statusbar_x == 0)
+		begin_line = TRUE;
+	    else
+		statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
+	}
+	/* If we've found it, move forward to the first letter of the
+	 * previous word. */
+	if (!begin_line)
+	    statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
+    }
+    free(char_mb);
+    /* Return whether we started on a word. */
+    return started_on_word;
+#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
+void do_statusbar_verbatim_input(bool *got_enter)
+    int *kbinput;
+    size_t kbinput_len, i;
+    char *output;
+    *got_enter = FALSE;
+    /* Read in all the verbatim characters. */
+    kbinput = get_verbatim_kbinput(bottomwin, &kbinput_len);
+    /* Display all the verbatim characters at once, not filtering out
+     * control characters. */
+    output = charalloc(kbinput_len + 1);
+    for (i = 0; i < kbinput_len; i++)
+	output[i] = (char)kbinput[i];
+    output[i] = '\0';
+    do_statusbar_output(output, kbinput_len, got_enter, TRUE);
+    free(output);
+/* Return the placewewant associated with statusbar_x, i.e, the
+ * zero-based column position of the cursor.  The value will be no
+ * smaller than statusbar_x. */
+size_t statusbar_xplustabs(void)
+    return strnlenpt(answer, statusbar_x);
+/* nano scrolls horizontally within a line in chunks.  This function
+ * returns the column number of the first character displayed in the
+ * statusbar prompt when the cursor is at the given column with the
+ * prompt ending at start_col.  Note that (0 <= column -
+ * get_statusbar_page_start(column) < COLS). */
+size_t get_statusbar_page_start(size_t start_col, size_t column)
+    if (column == start_col || column < COLS - 1)
+	return 0;
+    else
+	return column - start_col - (column - start_col) % (COLS -
+		start_col - 1);
+/* Repaint the statusbar when getting a character in nanogetstr().  Note
+ * that we must turn on A_REVERSE here, since do_help() turns it off! */
+void nanoget_repaint(const char *buf, size_t x)
+    size_t start_col, xpt, page_start;
+    char *expanded;
+    assert(x <= strlen(buf));
+    start_col = strlenpt(prompt) + 1;
+    xpt = strnlenpt(buf, x);
+    page_start = get_statusbar_page_start(start_col, start_col + xpt);
+    wattron(bottomwin, A_REVERSE);
+    blank_statusbar();
+    mvwaddnstr(bottomwin, 0, 0, prompt, actual_x(prompt, COLS - 2));
+    waddch(bottomwin, ':');
+    waddch(bottomwin, (page_start == 0) ? ' ' : '$');
+    expanded = display_string(buf, page_start, COLS - start_col - 1,
+    waddstr(bottomwin, expanded);
+    free(expanded);
+    wmove(bottomwin, 0, start_col + xpt + 1 - page_start);
+    wattroff(bottomwin, A_REVERSE);
+/* Get the input from the keyboard; this should only be called from
+ * statusq(). */
+int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *curranswer,
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+	filestruct **history_list,
+	const shortcut *s
+	, bool *list
+	)
+    int kbinput;
+    bool meta_key, func_key, s_or_t, ran_func, finished;
+    size_t curranswer_len;
+    bool tabbed = FALSE;
+	/* Whether we've pressed Tab. */
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+    char *history = NULL;
+	/* The current history string. */
+    char *magichistory = NULL;
+	/* The temporary string typed at the bottom of the history, if
+	 * any. */
+    int last_kbinput = ERR;
+	/* The key we pressed before the current key. */
+    size_t complete_len = 0;
+	/* The length of the original string that we're trying to
+	 * tab complete, if any. */
+#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
+    answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, curranswer);
+    curranswer_len = strlen(answer);
+    /* Only put statusbar_x at the end of the string if it's
+     * uninitialized, if it would be past the end of curranswer, or if
+     * resetstatuspos is TRUE.  Otherwise, leave it alone.  This is so
+     * the cursor position stays at the same place if a prompt-changing
+     * toggle is pressed. */
+    if (statusbar_x == (size_t)-1 || statusbar_x > curranswer_len ||
+		resetstatuspos)
+	statusbar_x = curranswer_len;
+    currshortcut = s;
+    nanoget_repaint(answer, statusbar_x);
+    /* Refresh the edit window and the statusbar before getting
+     * input. */
+    wnoutrefresh(edit);
+    wnoutrefresh(bottomwin);
+    /* If we're using restricted mode, we aren't allowed to change the
+     * name of a file once it has one because that would allow writing
+     * to files not specified on the command line.  In this case,
+     * disable all keys that would change the text if the filename isn't
+     * blank and we're at the "Write File" prompt. */
+    while ((kbinput = do_statusbar_input(&meta_key, &func_key,
+	&s_or_t, &ran_func, &finished, TRUE)) != NANO_CANCEL_KEY &&
+	kbinput != NANO_ENTER_KEY) {
+	assert(statusbar_x <= strlen(answer));
+	if (kbinput != NANO_TAB_KEY)
+	    tabbed = FALSE;
+	switch (kbinput) {
+	    case NANO_TAB_KEY:
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		if (history_list != NULL) {
+		    if (last_kbinput != NANO_TAB_KEY)
+			complete_len = strlen(answer);
+		    if (complete_len > 0) {
+			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer,
+				get_history_completion(history_list,
+				answer, complete_len));
+			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
+		    }
+		} else
+#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
+		if (allow_tabs)
+		    answer = input_tab(answer, &statusbar_x, &tabbed,
+			list);
+#endif /* !DISABLE_TABCOMP */
+		break;
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		if (history_list != NULL) {
+		    /* If we're scrolling up at the bottom of the
+		     * history list and answer isn't blank, save answer
+		     * in magichistory. */
+		    if ((*history_list)->next == NULL &&
+			answer[0] != '\0')
+			magichistory = mallocstrcpy(magichistory,
+				answer);
+		    /* Get the older search from the history list and
+		     * save it in answer.  If there is no older search,
+		     * don't do anything. */
+		    if ((history =
+			get_history_older(history_list)) != NULL) {
+			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, history);
+			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
+		    }
+		    /* This key has a shortcut list entry when it's used
+		     * to move to an older search, which means that
+		     * finished has been set to TRUE.  Set it back to
+		     * FALSE here, so that we aren't kicked out of the
+		     * statusbar prompt. */
+		    finished = FALSE;
+		}
+#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
+		break;
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		if (history_list != NULL) {
+		    /* Get the newer search from the history list and
+		     * save it in answer.  If there is no newer search,
+		     * don't do anything. */
+		    if ((history =
+			get_history_newer(history_list)) != NULL) {
+			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, history);
+			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
+		    }
+		    /* If, after scrolling down, we're at the bottom of
+		     * the history list, answer is blank, and
+		     * magichistory is set, save magichistory in
+		     * answer. */
+		    if ((*history_list)->next == NULL &&
+			answer[0] == '\0' && magichistory != NULL) {
+			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, magichistory);
+			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
+		    }
+		}
+#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
+		break;
+	}
+	/* If we have a shortcut with an associated function, break out
+	 * if we're finished after running or trying to run the
+	 * function. */
+	if (finished)
+	    break;
+#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && !defined(DISABLE_TABCOMP)
+	last_kbinput = kbinput;
+	nanoget_repaint(answer, statusbar_x);
+	wnoutrefresh(bottomwin);
+    }
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+    /* Set the current position in the history list to the bottom and
+     * free magichistory, if we need to. */
+    if (history_list != NULL) {
+	history_reset(*history_list);
+	if (magichistory != NULL)
+	    free(magichistory);
+    }
+    /* We finished putting in an answer or ran a normal shortcut's
+     * associated function, so reset statusbar_x. */
+    if (kbinput == NANO_CANCEL_KEY || kbinput == NANO_ENTER_KEY ||
+	ran_func)
+	statusbar_x = (size_t)-1;
+    return kbinput;
+/* Ask a question on the statusbar.  Answer will be stored in answer
+ * global.  Returns -1 on aborted enter, -2 on a blank string, and 0
+ * otherwise, the valid shortcut key caught.  curranswer is any editable
+ * text that we want to put up by default.
+ *
+ * The allow_tabs parameter indicates whether we should allow tabs to be
+ * interpreted. */
+int statusq(bool allow_tabs, const shortcut *s, const char *curranswer,
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+	filestruct **history_list,
+	const char *msg, ...)
+    va_list ap;
+    int retval;
+    bool list = FALSE;
+    prompt = charealloc(prompt, ((COLS - 4) * mb_cur_max()) + 1);
+    bottombars(s);
+    va_start(ap, msg);
+    vsnprintf(prompt, (COLS - 4) * mb_cur_max(), msg, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    null_at(&prompt, actual_x(prompt, COLS - 4));
+    retval = nanogetstr(allow_tabs, curranswer,
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+		history_list,
+		s
+		, &list
+		);
+    resetstatuspos = FALSE;
+    switch (retval) {
+	    retval = -1;
+	    resetstatuspos = TRUE;
+	    break;
+	    retval = (answer[0] == '\0') ? -2 : 0;
+	    resetstatuspos = TRUE;
+	    break;
+    }
+    blank_statusbar();
+    wnoutrefresh(bottomwin);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stderr, "answer = \"%s\"\n", answer);
+    /* If we've done tab completion, there might be a list of filename
+     * matches on the edit window at this point.  Make sure that they're
+     * cleared off. */
+    if (list)
+	edit_refresh();
+    return retval;
+void statusq_abort(void)
+    resetstatuspos = TRUE;
diff --git a/src/proto.h b/src/proto.h
index 955f8f25..3ca6f77a 100644
--- a/src/proto.h
+++ b/src/proto.h
@@ -416,6 +416,45 @@ bool do_mouse(void);
 void do_output(char *output, size_t output_len, bool allow_cntrls);
+/* Public functions in prompt.c. */
+int do_statusbar_input(bool *meta_key, bool *func_key, bool *s_or_t,
+	bool *ran_func, bool *finished, bool allow_funcs);
+bool do_statusbar_mouse(void);
+void do_statusbar_output(char *output, size_t output_len, bool
+	*got_enter, bool allow_cntrls);
+void do_statusbar_home(void);
+void do_statusbar_end(void);
+void do_statusbar_right(void);
+void do_statusbar_left(void);
+void do_statusbar_backspace(void);
+void do_statusbar_delete(void);
+void do_statusbar_cut_text(void);
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+bool do_statusbar_next_word(bool allow_punct);
+bool do_statusbar_prev_word(bool allow_punct);
+void do_statusbar_verbatim_input(bool *got_enter);
+size_t statusbar_xplustabs(void);
+size_t get_statusbar_page_start(size_t start_col, size_t column);
+void nanoget_repaint(const char *buf, size_t x);
+int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *curranswer,
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+	filestruct **history_list,
+	const shortcut *s
+	, bool *list
+	);
+int statusq(bool allow_tabs, const shortcut *s, const char *curranswer,
+#ifndef NANO_SMALL
+	filestruct **history_list,
+	const char *msg, ...);
+void statusq_abort(void);
 /* Public functions in rcfile.c. */
 void rcfile_error(const char *msg, ...);
@@ -617,27 +656,6 @@ const shortcut *get_shortcut(const shortcut *s_list, int *kbinput, bool
 #ifndef NANO_SMALL
 const toggle *get_toggle(int kbinput, bool meta_key);
-int do_statusbar_input(bool *meta_key, bool *func_key, bool *s_or_t,
-	bool *ran_func, bool *finished, bool allow_funcs);
-bool do_statusbar_mouse(void);
-void do_statusbar_output(char *output, size_t output_len, bool
-	*got_enter, bool allow_cntrls);
-void do_statusbar_home(void);
-void do_statusbar_end(void);
-void do_statusbar_right(void);
-void do_statusbar_left(void);
-void do_statusbar_backspace(void);
-void do_statusbar_delete(void);
-void do_statusbar_cut_text(void);
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-bool do_statusbar_next_word(bool allow_punct);
-bool do_statusbar_prev_word(bool allow_punct);
-void do_statusbar_verbatim_input(bool *got_enter);
-size_t statusbar_xplustabs(void);
-size_t get_statusbar_page_start(size_t start_col, size_t column);
 void blank_line(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n);
 void blank_titlebar(void);
 void blank_topbar(void);
@@ -647,22 +665,6 @@ void blank_bottombars(void);
 void check_statusblank(void);
 char *display_string(const char *buf, size_t start_col, size_t len, bool
-void nanoget_repaint(const char *buf, size_t x);
-int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *curranswer,
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-	filestruct **history_list,
-	const shortcut *s
-	, bool *list
-	);
-int statusq(bool allow_tabs, const shortcut *s, const char *curranswer,
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-	filestruct **history_list,
-	const char *msg, ...);
-void statusq_abort(void);
 void titlebar(const char *path);
 void set_modified(void);
 void statusbar(const char *msg, ...);
diff --git a/src/winio.c b/src/winio.c
index bef79c42..91abf7b6 100644
--- a/src/winio.c
+++ b/src/winio.c
@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@ static int *key_buffer = NULL;
 static size_t key_buffer_len = 0;
 				/* The length of the default keystroke
 				 * buffer. */
-static char *prompt = NULL;
-				/* The prompt string for statusbar
-				 * questions. */
-static size_t statusbar_x = (size_t)-1;
-				/* The cursor position in answer. */
 static int statusblank = 0;
 				/* The number of keystrokes left after
 				 * we call statusbar(), before we
@@ -50,9 +45,6 @@ static int statusblank = 0;
 static bool disable_cursorpos = FALSE;
 				/* Should we temporarily disable
 				 * constant cursor position display? */
-static bool resetstatuspos = FALSE;
-				/* Should we reset the cursor position
-				 * at the statusbar prompt? */
 /* Control character compatibility:
@@ -1667,559 +1659,6 @@ const toggle *get_toggle(int kbinput, bool meta_key)
 #endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
-int do_statusbar_input(bool *meta_key, bool *func_key, bool *s_or_t,
-	bool *ran_func, bool *finished, bool allow_funcs)
-    int input;
-	/* The character we read in. */
-    static int *kbinput = NULL;
-	/* The input buffer. */
-    static size_t kbinput_len = 0;
-	/* The length of the input buffer. */
-    const shortcut *s;
-    bool have_shortcut;
-    *s_or_t = FALSE;
-    *ran_func = FALSE;
-    *finished = FALSE;
-    /* Read in a character. */
-    input = get_kbinput(bottomwin, meta_key, func_key);
-    /* If we got a mouse click and it was on a shortcut, read in the
-     * shortcut character. */
-    if (allow_funcs && *func_key == TRUE && input == KEY_MOUSE) {
-	if (do_statusbar_mouse())
-	    input = get_kbinput(bottomwin, meta_key, func_key);
-	else
-	    input = ERR;
-    }
-    /* Check for a shortcut in the current list. */
-    s = get_shortcut(currshortcut, &input, meta_key, func_key);
-    /* If we got a shortcut from the current list, or a "universal"
-     * statusbar prompt shortcut, set have_shortcut to TRUE. */
-    have_shortcut = (s != NULL || input == NANO_REFRESH_KEY ||
-	input == NANO_HOME_KEY || input == NANO_END_KEY ||
-	input == NANO_FORWARD_KEY || input == NANO_BACK_KEY ||
-	input == NANO_BACKSPACE_KEY || input == NANO_DELETE_KEY ||
-	input == NANO_CUT_KEY ||
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		input == NANO_NEXTWORD_KEY ||
-		(*meta_key == TRUE && (
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		input == NANO_PREVWORD_KEY ||
-		input == NANO_VERBATIM_KEY)));
-    /* Set s_or_t to TRUE if we got a shortcut. */
-    *s_or_t = have_shortcut;
-    if (allow_funcs) {
-	/* If we got a character, and it isn't a shortcut or toggle,
-	 * it's a normal text character.  Display the warning if we're
-	 * in view mode, or add the character to the input buffer if
-	 * we're not. */
-	if (input != ERR && *s_or_t == FALSE) {
-	    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename isn't blank,
-	     * and we're at the "Write File" prompt, disable text
-	     * input. */
-	    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] == '\0' ||
-		currshortcut != writefile_list) {
-		kbinput_len++;
-		kbinput = (int *)nrealloc(kbinput, kbinput_len *
-			sizeof(int));
-		kbinput[kbinput_len - 1] = input;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* If we got a shortcut, or if there aren't any other characters
-	 * waiting after the one we read in, we need to display all the
-	 * characters in the input buffer if it isn't empty. */
-	 if (*s_or_t == TRUE || get_key_buffer_len() == 0) {
-	    if (kbinput != NULL) {
-		/* Display all the characters in the input buffer at
-		 * once, filtering out control characters. */
-		char *output = charalloc(kbinput_len + 1);
-		size_t i;
-		bool got_enter;
-			/* Whether we got the Enter key. */
-		for (i = 0; i < kbinput_len; i++)
-		    output[i] = (char)kbinput[i];
-		output[i] = '\0';
-		do_statusbar_output(output, kbinput_len, &got_enter,
-			FALSE);
-		free(output);
-		/* Empty the input buffer. */
-		kbinput_len = 0;
-		free(kbinput);
-		kbinput = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (have_shortcut) {
-	    switch (input) {
-		/* Handle the "universal" statusbar prompt shortcuts. */
-		    total_refresh();
-		    break;
-		case NANO_HOME_KEY:
-		    do_statusbar_home();
-		    break;
-		case NANO_END_KEY:
-		    do_statusbar_end();
-		    break;
-		    do_statusbar_right();
-		    break;
-		case NANO_BACK_KEY:
-		    do_statusbar_left();
-		    break;
-		    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
-		     * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
-		     * prompt, disable Backspace. */
-		    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] ==
-			'\0' || currshortcut != writefile_list)
-			do_statusbar_backspace();
-		    break;
-		    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
-		     * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
-		     * prompt, disable Delete. */
-		    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] ==
-			'\0' || currshortcut != writefile_list)
-			do_statusbar_delete();
-		    break;
-		case NANO_CUT_KEY:
-		    /* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
-		     * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
-		     * prompt, disable Cut. */
-		    if (!ISSET(RESTRICTED) || openfile->filename[0] ==
-			'\0' || currshortcut != writefile_list)
-			do_statusbar_cut_text();
-		    break;
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		    do_statusbar_next_word(FALSE);
-		    break;
-		    if (*meta_key == TRUE)
-			do_statusbar_prev_word(FALSE);
-		    break;
-		    if (*meta_key == TRUE) {
-			/* If we're using restricted mode, the filename
-			 * isn't blank, and we're at the "Write File"
-			 * prompt, disable verbatim input. */
-				openfile->filename[0] == '\0' ||
-				currshortcut != writefile_list) {
-			    bool got_enter;
-				/* Whether we got the Enter key. */
-			    do_statusbar_verbatim_input(&got_enter);
-			    /* If we got the Enter key, set input to the
-			     * key value for Enter, and set finished to
-			     * TRUE to indicate that we're done. */
-			    if (got_enter) {
-				input = NANO_ENTER_KEY;
-				*finished = TRUE;
-			    }
-			}
-			break;
-		    }
-		/* Handle the normal statusbar prompt shortcuts, setting
-		 * ran_func to TRUE if we try to run their associated
-		 * functions and setting finished to TRUE to indicate
-		 * that we're done after trying to run their associated
-		 * functions. */
-		default:
-		    if (s->func != NULL) {
-			*ran_func = TRUE;
-			if (!ISSET(VIEW_MODE) || s->viewok)
-			    s->func();
-		    }
-		    *finished = TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return input;
-bool do_statusbar_mouse(void)
-    int mouse_x, mouse_y;
-    bool retval = get_mouseinput(&mouse_x, &mouse_y, TRUE);
-    if (!retval) {
-	/* We can click in the statusbar window text to move the
-	 * cursor. */
-	if (wenclose(bottomwin, mouse_y, mouse_x)) {
-	    size_t start_col = strlenpt(prompt) + 1;
-	    /* Subtract out the sizes of topwin and edit. */
-	    mouse_y -= (2 - no_more_space()) + editwinrows;
-	    /* Move to where the click occurred. */
-	    if (mouse_x > start_col && mouse_y == 0) {
-		statusbar_x = actual_x(answer,
-			get_statusbar_page_start(start_col, start_col +
-			statusbar_xplustabs()) + mouse_x - start_col -
-			1);
-		nanoget_repaint(answer, statusbar_x);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return retval;
-/* The user typed output_len multibyte characters.  Add them to the
- * statusbar prompt, setting got_enter to TRUE if we get a newline, and
- * filtering out all control characters if allow_cntrls is TRUE. */
-void do_statusbar_output(char *output, size_t output_len, bool
-	*got_enter, bool allow_cntrls)
-    size_t answer_len, i = 0;
-    char *char_buf = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
-    int char_buf_len;
-    assert(answer != NULL);
-    answer_len = strlen(answer);
-    *got_enter = FALSE;
-    while (i < output_len) {
-	/* If allow_cntrls is FALSE, filter out nulls and newlines,
-	 * since they're control characters. */
-	if (allow_cntrls) {
-	    /* Null to newline, if needed. */
-	    if (output[i] == '\0')
-		output[i] = '\n';
-	    /* Newline to Enter, if needed. */
-	    else if (output[i] == '\n') {
-		/* Set got_enter to TRUE to indicate that we got the
-		 * Enter key, put back the rest of the characters in
-		 * output so that they can be parsed and output again,
-		 * and get out. */
-		*got_enter = TRUE;
-		unparse_kbinput(output + i, output_len - i);
-		return;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* Interpret the next multibyte character. */
-	char_buf_len = parse_mbchar(output + i, char_buf, NULL);
-	i += char_buf_len;
-	/* If allow_cntrls is FALSE, filter out a control character. */
-	if (!allow_cntrls && is_cntrl_mbchar(output + i - char_buf_len))
-	    continue;
-	/* More dangerousness fun =) */
-	answer = charealloc(answer, answer_len + (char_buf_len * 2));
-	assert(statusbar_x <= answer_len);
-	charmove(&answer[statusbar_x + char_buf_len],
-		&answer[statusbar_x], answer_len - statusbar_x +
-		char_buf_len);
-	strncpy(&answer[statusbar_x], char_buf, char_buf_len);
-	answer_len += char_buf_len;
-	statusbar_x += char_buf_len;
-    }
-    free(char_buf);
-void do_statusbar_home(void)
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-    if (ISSET(SMART_HOME)) {
-	size_t statusbar_x_save = statusbar_x;
-	statusbar_x = indent_length(answer);
-	if (statusbar_x == statusbar_x_save ||
-		statusbar_x == strlen(answer))
-	    statusbar_x = 0;
-    } else
-	statusbar_x = 0;
-void do_statusbar_end(void)
-    statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
-void do_statusbar_right(void)
-    if (statusbar_x < strlen(answer))
-	statusbar_x = move_mbright(answer, statusbar_x);
-void do_statusbar_left(void)
-    if (statusbar_x > 0)
-	statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
-void do_statusbar_backspace(void)
-    if (statusbar_x > 0) {
-	do_statusbar_left();
-	do_statusbar_delete();
-    }
-void do_statusbar_delete(void)
-    if (answer[statusbar_x] != '\0') {
-	int char_buf_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, NULL,
-		NULL);
-	size_t line_len = strlen(answer + statusbar_x);
-	assert(statusbar_x < strlen(answer));
-	charmove(answer + statusbar_x, answer + statusbar_x +
-		char_buf_len, strlen(answer) - statusbar_x -
-		char_buf_len + 1);
-	null_at(&answer, statusbar_x + line_len - char_buf_len);
-    }
-/* Move text from the statusbar prompt into oblivion. */
-void do_statusbar_cut_text(void)
-    assert(answer != NULL);
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-    if (ISSET(CUT_TO_END))
-	null_at(&answer, statusbar_x);
-    else {
-	null_at(&answer, 0);
-	statusbar_x = 0;
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-    }
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-/* Move to the next word at the statusbar prompt.  If allow_punct is
- * TRUE, treat punctuation as part of a word.  Return TRUE if we started
- * on a word, and FALSE otherwise. */
-bool do_statusbar_next_word(bool allow_punct)
-    char *char_mb;
-    int char_mb_len;
-    bool end_line = FALSE, started_on_word = FALSE;
-    assert(answer != NULL);
-    char_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
-    /* Move forward until we find the character after the last letter of
-     * the current word. */
-    while (!end_line) {
-	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
-	/* If we've found it, stop moving forward through the current
-	 * line. */
-	if (!is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
-	    break;
-	/* If we haven't found it, then we've started on a word, so set
-	 * started_on_word to TRUE. */
-	started_on_word = TRUE;
-	if (answer[statusbar_x] == '\0')
-	    end_line = TRUE;
-	else
-	    statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
-    }
-    /* Move forward until we find the first letter of the next word. */
-    if (answer[statusbar_x] == '\0')
-	end_line = TRUE;
-    else
-	statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
-    while (!end_line) {
-	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
-	/* If we've found it, stop moving forward through the current
-	 * line. */
-	if (is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
-	    break;
-	if (answer[statusbar_x] == '\0')
-	    end_line = TRUE;
-	else
-	    statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
-    }
-    free(char_mb);
-    /* Return whether we started on a word. */
-    return started_on_word;
-/* Move to the previous word at the statusbar prompt.  If allow_punct is
- * TRUE, treat punctuation as part of a word.  Return TRUE if we started
- * on a word, and FALSE otherwise. */
-bool do_statusbar_prev_word(bool allow_punct)
-    char *char_mb;
-    int char_mb_len;
-    bool begin_line = FALSE, started_on_word = FALSE;
-    assert(answer != NULL);
-    char_mb = charalloc(mb_cur_max());
-    /* Move backward until we find the character before the first letter
-     * of the current word. */
-    while (!begin_line) {
-	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
-	/* If we've found it, stop moving backward through the current
-	 * line. */
-	if (!is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
-	    break;
-	/* If we haven't found it, then we've started on a word, so set
-	 * started_on_word to TRUE. */
-	started_on_word = TRUE;
-	if (statusbar_x == 0)
-	    begin_line = TRUE;
-	else
-	    statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
-    }
-    /* Move backward until we find the last letter of the previous
-     * word. */
-    if (statusbar_x == 0)
-	begin_line = TRUE;
-    else
-	statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
-    while (!begin_line) {
-	char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb, NULL);
-	/* If we've found it, stop moving backward through the current
-	 * line. */
-	if (is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
-	    break;
-	if (statusbar_x == 0)
-	    begin_line = TRUE;
-	else
-	    statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
-    }
-    /* If we've found it, move backward until we find the character
-     * before the first letter of the previous word. */
-    if (!begin_line) {
-	if (statusbar_x == 0)
-	    begin_line = TRUE;
-	else
-	    statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
-	while (!begin_line) {
-	    char_mb_len = parse_mbchar(answer + statusbar_x, char_mb,
-		NULL);
-	    /* If we've found it, stop moving backward through the
-	     * current line. */
-	    if (!is_word_mbchar(char_mb, allow_punct))
-		break;
-	    if (statusbar_x == 0)
-		begin_line = TRUE;
-	    else
-		statusbar_x = move_mbleft(answer, statusbar_x);
-	}
-	/* If we've found it, move forward to the first letter of the
-	 * previous word. */
-	if (!begin_line)
-	    statusbar_x += char_mb_len;
-    }
-    free(char_mb);
-    /* Return whether we started on a word. */
-    return started_on_word;
-#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
-void do_statusbar_verbatim_input(bool *got_enter)
-    int *kbinput;
-    size_t kbinput_len, i;
-    char *output;
-    *got_enter = FALSE;
-    /* Read in all the verbatim characters. */
-    kbinput = get_verbatim_kbinput(bottomwin, &kbinput_len);
-    /* Display all the verbatim characters at once, not filtering out
-     * control characters. */
-    output = charalloc(kbinput_len + 1);
-    for (i = 0; i < kbinput_len; i++)
-	output[i] = (char)kbinput[i];
-    output[i] = '\0';
-    do_statusbar_output(output, kbinput_len, got_enter, TRUE);
-    free(output);
-/* Return the placewewant associated with statusbar_x, i.e, the
- * zero-based column position of the cursor.  The value will be no
- * smaller than statusbar_x. */
-size_t statusbar_xplustabs(void)
-    return strnlenpt(answer, statusbar_x);
-/* nano scrolls horizontally within a line in chunks.  This function
- * returns the column number of the first character displayed in the
- * statusbar prompt when the cursor is at the given column with the
- * prompt ending at start_col.  Note that (0 <= column -
- * get_statusbar_page_start(column) < COLS). */
-size_t get_statusbar_page_start(size_t start_col, size_t column)
-    if (column == start_col || column < COLS - 1)
-	return 0;
-    else
-	return column - start_col - (column - start_col) % (COLS -
-		start_col - 1);
 /* Move to (x, y) in win, and display a line of n spaces with the
  * current attributes. */
 void blank_line(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n)
@@ -2434,292 +1873,6 @@ char *display_string(const char *buf, size_t start_col, size_t len, bool
     return converted;
-/* Repaint the statusbar when getting a character in nanogetstr().  Note
- * that we must turn on A_REVERSE here, since do_help() turns it off! */
-void nanoget_repaint(const char *buf, size_t x)
-    size_t start_col, xpt, page_start;
-    char *expanded;
-    assert(x <= strlen(buf));
-    start_col = strlenpt(prompt) + 1;
-    xpt = strnlenpt(buf, x);
-    page_start = get_statusbar_page_start(start_col, start_col + xpt);
-    wattron(bottomwin, A_REVERSE);
-    blank_statusbar();
-    mvwaddnstr(bottomwin, 0, 0, prompt, actual_x(prompt, COLS - 2));
-    waddch(bottomwin, ':');
-    waddch(bottomwin, (page_start == 0) ? ' ' : '$');
-    expanded = display_string(buf, page_start, COLS - start_col - 1,
-    waddstr(bottomwin, expanded);
-    free(expanded);
-    wmove(bottomwin, 0, start_col + xpt + 1 - page_start);
-    wattroff(bottomwin, A_REVERSE);
-/* Get the input from the keyboard; this should only be called from
- * statusq(). */
-int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *curranswer,
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-	filestruct **history_list,
-	const shortcut *s
-	, bool *list
-	)
-    int kbinput;
-    bool meta_key, func_key, s_or_t, ran_func, finished;
-    size_t curranswer_len;
-    bool tabbed = FALSE;
-	/* Whether we've pressed Tab. */
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-    char *history = NULL;
-	/* The current history string. */
-    char *magichistory = NULL;
-	/* The temporary string typed at the bottom of the history, if
-	 * any. */
-    int last_kbinput = ERR;
-	/* The key we pressed before the current key. */
-    size_t complete_len = 0;
-	/* The length of the original string that we're trying to
-	 * tab complete, if any. */
-#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
-    answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, curranswer);
-    curranswer_len = strlen(answer);
-    /* Only put statusbar_x at the end of the string if it's
-     * uninitialized, if it would be past the end of curranswer, or if
-     * resetstatuspos is TRUE.  Otherwise, leave it alone.  This is so
-     * the cursor position stays at the same place if a prompt-changing
-     * toggle is pressed. */
-    if (statusbar_x == (size_t)-1 || statusbar_x > curranswer_len ||
-		resetstatuspos)
-	statusbar_x = curranswer_len;
-    currshortcut = s;
-    nanoget_repaint(answer, statusbar_x);
-    /* Refresh the edit window and the statusbar before getting
-     * input. */
-    wnoutrefresh(edit);
-    wnoutrefresh(bottomwin);
-    /* If we're using restricted mode, we aren't allowed to change the
-     * name of a file once it has one because that would allow writing
-     * to files not specified on the command line.  In this case,
-     * disable all keys that would change the text if the filename isn't
-     * blank and we're at the "Write File" prompt. */
-    while ((kbinput = do_statusbar_input(&meta_key, &func_key,
-	&s_or_t, &ran_func, &finished, TRUE)) != NANO_CANCEL_KEY &&
-	kbinput != NANO_ENTER_KEY) {
-	assert(statusbar_x <= strlen(answer));
-	if (kbinput != NANO_TAB_KEY)
-	    tabbed = FALSE;
-	switch (kbinput) {
-	    case NANO_TAB_KEY:
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		if (history_list != NULL) {
-		    if (last_kbinput != NANO_TAB_KEY)
-			complete_len = strlen(answer);
-		    if (complete_len > 0) {
-			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer,
-				get_history_completion(history_list,
-				answer, complete_len));
-			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
-		    }
-		} else
-#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
-		if (allow_tabs)
-		    answer = input_tab(answer, &statusbar_x, &tabbed,
-			list);
-#endif /* !DISABLE_TABCOMP */
-		break;
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		if (history_list != NULL) {
-		    /* If we're scrolling up at the bottom of the
-		     * history list and answer isn't blank, save answer
-		     * in magichistory. */
-		    if ((*history_list)->next == NULL &&
-			answer[0] != '\0')
-			magichistory = mallocstrcpy(magichistory,
-				answer);
-		    /* Get the older search from the history list and
-		     * save it in answer.  If there is no older search,
-		     * don't do anything. */
-		    if ((history =
-			get_history_older(history_list)) != NULL) {
-			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, history);
-			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
-		    }
-		    /* This key has a shortcut list entry when it's used
-		     * to move to an older search, which means that
-		     * finished has been set to TRUE.  Set it back to
-		     * FALSE here, so that we aren't kicked out of the
-		     * statusbar prompt. */
-		    finished = FALSE;
-		}
-#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
-		break;
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		if (history_list != NULL) {
-		    /* Get the newer search from the history list and
-		     * save it in answer.  If there is no newer search,
-		     * don't do anything. */
-		    if ((history =
-			get_history_newer(history_list)) != NULL) {
-			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, history);
-			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
-		    }
-		    /* If, after scrolling down, we're at the bottom of
-		     * the history list, answer is blank, and
-		     * magichistory is set, save magichistory in
-		     * answer. */
-		    if ((*history_list)->next == NULL &&
-			answer[0] == '\0' && magichistory != NULL) {
-			answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, magichistory);
-			statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
-		    }
-		}
-#endif /* !NANO_SMALL */
-		break;
-	}
-	/* If we have a shortcut with an associated function, break out
-	 * if we're finished after running or trying to run the
-	 * function. */
-	if (finished)
-	    break;
-#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && !defined(DISABLE_TABCOMP)
-	last_kbinput = kbinput;
-	nanoget_repaint(answer, statusbar_x);
-	wnoutrefresh(bottomwin);
-    }
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-    /* Set the current position in the history list to the bottom and
-     * free magichistory, if we need to. */
-    if (history_list != NULL) {
-	history_reset(*history_list);
-	if (magichistory != NULL)
-	    free(magichistory);
-    }
-    /* We finished putting in an answer or ran a normal shortcut's
-     * associated function, so reset statusbar_x. */
-    if (kbinput == NANO_CANCEL_KEY || kbinput == NANO_ENTER_KEY ||
-	ran_func)
-	statusbar_x = (size_t)-1;
-    return kbinput;
-/* Ask a question on the statusbar.  Answer will be stored in answer
- * global.  Returns -1 on aborted enter, -2 on a blank string, and 0
- * otherwise, the valid shortcut key caught.  curranswer is any editable
- * text that we want to put up by default.
- *
- * The allow_tabs parameter indicates whether we should allow tabs to be
- * interpreted. */
-int statusq(bool allow_tabs, const shortcut *s, const char *curranswer,
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-	filestruct **history_list,
-	const char *msg, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    int retval;
-    bool list = FALSE;
-    prompt = charealloc(prompt, ((COLS - 4) * mb_cur_max()) + 1);
-    bottombars(s);
-    va_start(ap, msg);
-    vsnprintf(prompt, (COLS - 4) * mb_cur_max(), msg, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    null_at(&prompt, actual_x(prompt, COLS - 4));
-    retval = nanogetstr(allow_tabs, curranswer,
-#ifndef NANO_SMALL
-		history_list,
-		s
-		, &list
-		);
-    resetstatuspos = FALSE;
-    switch (retval) {
-	    retval = -1;
-	    resetstatuspos = TRUE;
-	    break;
-	    retval = (answer[0] == '\0') ? -2 : 0;
-	    resetstatuspos = TRUE;
-	    break;
-    }
-    blank_statusbar();
-    wnoutrefresh(bottomwin);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    fprintf(stderr, "answer = \"%s\"\n", answer);
-    /* If we've done tab completion, there might be a list of filename
-     * matches on the edit window at this point.  Make sure that they're
-     * cleared off. */
-    if (list)
-	edit_refresh();
-    return retval;
-void statusq_abort(void)
-    resetstatuspos = TRUE;
 void titlebar(const char *path)
     int space = COLS;