Commit d865da10 authored by Chris Allegretta's avatar Chris Allegretta
Browse files

DLR's latest and greatest

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
parent d793cc18
Showing with 88 additions and 48 deletions
+88 -48
......@@ -3,6 +3,27 @@ CVS code -
- Translation updates (see po/ChangeLog for details).
- Added pt_BR to ALL_LINGUAS (Jordi).
- files.c:
- Rework to use getpwent() exclusively and end reliance on
$HOME. Adapted from equivalent code in do_rcfile(). (DLR)
- Most likely fixed the check marked with FIXME, so that tab
completion works properly when we're trying to tab-complete a
username and the string already contains data. (DLR)
- nano.c:
do_next_word(), do_prev_word()
- If we're on the last/first line of the file, don't center the
screen; Pico doesn't in the former case. (DLR)
- Rework to call edit_refresh() regardless of the value of
current_x if ENABLE_COLOR is defined, so that multiple-line
color regexes are properly updated onscreen as they are in
do_delete(). (DLR)
- Rework to only call edit_refresh() unconditionally if
ENABLE_COLOR is defined; if it isn't, and we're not deleting
the end of the line, only call update_line(). (DLR)
GNU nano 1.1.10 - 07/25/2002
- General:
......@@ -72,7 +93,7 @@ GNU nano 1.1.10 - 07/25/2002
- Add a comment to nanorc.sample warning that an out-of-range
negative value for fill can make nano die complaining that
the screen is too small (which may not be immediately
obvious. (DLR)
obvious). (DLR)
- There were some opendir() calls in files.c without
corresponding closedir() calls; add them. (DLR)
- Move align() and null_at() from nano.c to utils.c, and move
......@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ int do_writeout_void(void)
char *real_dir_from_tilde(char *buf)
char *dirtmp = NULL, *find_user = NULL;
char *dirtmp = NULL;
int i = 1;
struct passwd *userdata;
......@@ -1908,16 +1908,15 @@ char *real_dir_from_tilde(char *buf)
if (buf[0] == '~') {
if (buf[1] == 0 || buf[1] == '/') {
if (getenv("HOME") != NULL) {
dirtmp = charalloc(strlen(buf) + 2 + strlen(getenv("HOME")));
sprintf(dirtmp, "%s%s", getenv("HOME"), &buf[1]);
/* Determine home directory using getpwent(), don't rely on
$HOME */
uid_t euid = geteuid();
do {
userdata = getpwent();
} while (userdata != NULL && userdata->pw_uid != euid);
else {
char *find_user = NULL;
/* Figure how how much of the str we need to compare */
for (i = 1; buf[i] != '/' && buf[i] != 0; i++)
......@@ -1931,16 +1930,13 @@ char *real_dir_from_tilde(char *buf)
userdata = getpwent());
if (userdata != NULL) { /* User found */
dirtmp = charalloc(strlen(buf) + 2 + strlen(userdata->pw_dir));
sprintf(dirtmp, "%s%s", userdata->pw_dir, &buf[i]);
......@@ -2189,9 +2185,15 @@ char *input_tab(char *buf, int place, int *lastwastab, int *newplace, int *list)
/* If the word starts with `~' and there is no slash in the word,
* then try completing this word as a username. */
/* FIXME -- this check is broken! */
if (*tmp == '~' && !strchr(tmp, '/'))
/* If the original string begins with a tilde, and the part
we're trying to tab-complete doesn't contain a slash, copy
the part we're tab-completing into buf, so tab completion
will result in buf's containing only the tab-completed
username. */
if (buf[0] == '~' && !strchr(tmp, '/')) {
buf = mallocstrcpy(buf, tmp);
matches = username_tab_completion(tmp, &num_matches);
/* Try to match everything in the current working directory that
* matches. */
......@@ -378,9 +378,7 @@ void shortcut_init(int unjustify)
nano_reverse_msg = _("Search backwards");
nano_dos_msg = _("Write file out in DOS format");
nano_mac_msg = _("Write file out in Mac format");
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
nano_backup_msg = _("Back up original file when saving");
nano_regexp_msg = _("Use regular expressions");
nano_bracket_msg = _("Find other bracket");
......@@ -529,8 +529,7 @@ int no_help(void)
return ISSET(NO_HELP) ? 2 : 0;
#if defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) || defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) || \
defined(DISABLE_HELP) || defined(NANO_SMALL)
#if defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY) || defined(DISABLE_SPELLER) || defined(DISABLE_HELP) || defined(NANO_SMALL)
void nano_disabled_msg(void)
statusbar(_("Sorry, support for this function has been disabled"));
......@@ -691,8 +690,13 @@ int do_next_word(void)
placewewant = xplustabs();
if (current->lineno >= editbot->lineno)
if (current->lineno >= editbot->lineno) {
/* If we're on the last line, don't center the screen. */
if (current->lineno == filebot->lineno)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
else {
/* If we've jumped lines, refresh the old line. We can't just
use current->prev here, because we may have skipped over some
......@@ -746,8 +750,13 @@ int do_prev_word(void)
placewewant = xplustabs();
if (current->lineno <= edittop->lineno)
if (current->lineno <= edittop->lineno) {
/* If we're on the first line, don't center the screen. */
if (current->lineno == fileage->lineno)
edit_update(current, CENTER);
else {
/* If we've jumped lines, refresh the old line. We can't just
use current->prev here, because we may have skipped over some
......@@ -980,6 +989,7 @@ void do_early_abort(void)
int do_backspace(void)
int refresh = 0;
if (current_x > 0) {
assert(current_x <= strlen(current->data));
/* Let's get dangerous */
......@@ -994,6 +1004,9 @@ int do_backspace(void)
refresh = 1;
} else {
filestruct *previous;
const filestruct *tmp;
......@@ -1046,16 +1059,20 @@ int do_backspace(void)
fprintf(stderr, _("After, data = \"%s\"\n"), current->data);
refresh = 1;
if (refresh)
return 1;
int do_delete(void)
int refresh = 0;
/* blbf -> blank line before filebot (see below) */
int blbf = 0;
......@@ -1070,7 +1087,9 @@ int do_delete(void)
strlen(current->data) - current_x);
refresh = 1;
} else if (current->next != NULL && (current->next != filebot || blbf)) {
/* We can delete the line before filebot only if it is blank: it
becomes the new magic line then. */
......@@ -1091,15 +1110,16 @@ int do_delete(void)
/* Have to renumber before doing update_line(). */
update_line(current, current_x);
refresh = 1;
} else
return 0;
update_line(current, current_x);
if (refresh)
return 1;
......@@ -1925,8 +1945,7 @@ int do_tab(void)
return 1;
#if !defined(DISABLE_WRAPPING) && !defined(NANO_SMALL) || \
#if !defined(DISABLE_WRAPPING) && !defined(NANO_SMALL) || !defined(DISABLE_JUSTIFY)
/* The "indentation" of a line is the white-space between the quote part
* and the non-white-space of the line. */
size_t indent_length(const char *line) {
......@@ -1974,8 +1993,8 @@ static int justify_format(int changes_allowed, filestruct *line,
*front = ' ';
/* these tests are safe since line->data + skip is not a space */
if (*front == ' ' && *(front-1) == ' ' && *(front-2) != '.' &&
*(front-2) != '!' && *(front-2) != '?') {
if (*front == ' ' && *(front - 1) == ' ' && *(front - 2) != '.' &&
*(front - 2) != '!' && *(front - 2) != '?') {
/* Now *front is a space we want to remove. We do that by
* simply failing to assign it to *back */
if (!changes_allowed)
......@@ -2001,7 +2020,7 @@ static int justify_format(int changes_allowed, filestruct *line,
return 1;
/* This assert merely documents a fact about the loop above. */
assert(changes_allowed || back==front);
assert(changes_allowed || back == front);
/* Now back is the new end of line->data. */
if (back != front) {
......@@ -2057,7 +2076,7 @@ static int quotes_match(const char *a_line, size_t a_quote,
IFREG(const char *b_line, const regex_t *qreg)) {
/* Here is the assumption about a_quote: */
assert(a_quote == quote_length(IFREG(a_line, qreg)));
return a_quote==quote_length(IFREG(b_line, qreg)) &&
return a_quote == quote_length(IFREG(b_line, qreg)) &&
!strncmp(a_line, b_line, a_quote);
......@@ -2222,7 +2241,7 @@ int do_justify(void) {
regex_t qreg; /* qreg is the compiled quotation regexp.
* We no longer care about quotestr */
* We no longer care about quotestr. */
int rc = regcomp(&qreg, quotestr, REG_EXTENDED);
if (rc) {
......@@ -2270,8 +2289,8 @@ int do_justify(void) {
} else {
/* this line is not part of a paragraph. Move down until we get
* to a non "blank" line */
/* This line is not part of a paragraph. Move down until we get
* to a non "blank" line. */
do {
/* There is no next paragraph, so nothing to justify. */
if (current->next == NULL)
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