# $Id$
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nano-0.9.10\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-08-30 23:15-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-06-08 20:56+07:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Tedi Heriyanto <tedi-h@usa.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian <id@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: cut.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "add_to_cutbuffer called with inptr->data = %s\n"
msgstr "add_to_cutbuffer dipangil dgn inptr->data = %s\n"

#: cut.c:150
msgid "Blew away cutbuffer =)\n"
msgstr "Hapus cutbuffer =>\n"

#: files.c:120
msgid "read_line: not on first line and prev is NULL"
msgstr "read_line: tidak di baris pertama dan sebelumnya adalah NULL"

#: files.c:182 files.c:199
#, c-format
msgid "Read %d lines"
msgstr "Membaca %d baris"

#: files.c:217 search.c:174
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "\"%s\" tidak ditemukan"

#. We have a new file
#: files.c:221
msgid "New File"
msgstr "File Baru"

#: files.c:230
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is a directory"
msgstr "File \"%s\" adalah sebuah direktori"

#: files.c:235
msgid "Reading File"
msgstr "Membaca File"

#: files.c:248
msgid "File to insert [from ./] "
msgstr "File untuk disisipkan "

#: files.c:273 files.c:297 files.c:487 nano.c:1150
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Dibatalkan"

#: files.c:319 files.c:339 files.c:352 files.c:369 files.c:375
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file for writing: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka file untuk menulis: %s"

#: files.c:327
msgid "Could not open file: Path length exceeded."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka file: panjang path terlampaui"

#: files.c:357
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote >%s\n"
msgstr "Tulis >%s\n"

#: files.c:384
#, c-format
msgid "Could not close %s: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat menutup %s: %s"

#. Try a rename??
#: files.c:405 files.c:416 files.c:421
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s for writing: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuka %s untuk menulis: %s"

#: files.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Could not set permissions %o on %s: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat menset permisi %o pada %s: %s"

#: files.c:434
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote %d lines"
msgstr "Menulis %d baris"

#: files.c:466
msgid "File Name to write"
msgstr "Nama file untuk ditulis"

#: files.c:471
#, c-format
msgid "filename is %s"
msgstr "Namafile adalah %s"

#: files.c:476
msgid "File exists, OVERWRITE ?"
msgstr "File ada, DITIMPA ?"

#: global.c:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Constant cursor position"
msgstr "-c     Menampilkan posisi kursor secara konstan\n"

#: global.c:122
msgid "Autoindent"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:123
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:124
msgid "No help mode"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:125
msgid "Pico messages"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:126
msgid "Mouse support"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:127
msgid "Cut to end"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:128
msgid "Regular expressions"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:129
msgid "No auto wrap"
msgstr ""

#: global.c:171
msgid "Invoke the help menu"
msgstr "Panggil menu bantuan"

#: global.c:172
msgid "Write the current file to disk"
msgstr "Tulis file ini ke disk"

#: global.c:173
msgid "Exit from nano"
msgstr "Keluar dari nano"

#: global.c:174
msgid "Goto a specific line number"
msgstr "Ke nomor baris tertentu"

#: global.c:175
msgid "Justify the current paragraph"
msgstr "Justifikasi paragraf ini"

#: global.c:176
msgid "Replace text within the editor"
msgstr "Ganti teks dalam editor"

#: global.c:177
msgid "Insert another file into the current one"
msgstr "Sertakan file lain ke file ini"

#: global.c:178
msgid "Search for text within the editor"
msgstr "Cari teks dalam editor"

#: global.c:179
msgid "Move to the previous screen"
msgstr "Pindah ke layar sebelumnya"

#: global.c:180
msgid "Move to the next screen"
msgstr "Pindah ke layar berikut"

#: global.c:181
msgid "Cut the current line and store it in the cutbuffer"
msgstr "Hapus baris saat ini dan taruh dalam cutbuffer"

#: global.c:182
msgid "Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line"
msgstr "Kembalikan dari cutbuffer ke baris ini"

#: global.c:183
msgid "Show the posititon of the cursor"
msgstr "Tampilkan posisi kursor"

#: global.c:184
msgid "Invoke the spell checker (if available)"
msgstr "Panggil spell checker (jika ada)"

#: global.c:185
msgid "Move up one line"
msgstr "Naik satu baris"

#: global.c:186
msgid "Move down one line"
msgstr "Turun satu baris"

#: global.c:187
msgid "Move forward one character"
msgstr "Pindah satu karakter ke depan"

#: global.c:188
msgid "Move back one character"
msgstr "Pindah satu karakter ke belakang"

#: global.c:189
msgid "Move to the beginning of the current line"
msgstr "Pindah ke awal baris ini"

#: global.c:190
msgid "Move to the end of the current line"
msgstr "Pindah ke akhir baris ini"

#: global.c:191
msgid "Go to the first line of the file"
msgstr "Ke baris terawal file"

#: global.c:192
msgid "Go to the last line of the file"
msgstr "Ke baris terakhir file"

#: global.c:193
msgid "Refresh (redraw) the current screen"
msgstr "Refresh layar saat ini"

#: global.c:194
msgid "Mark text at the current cursor location"
msgstr "Tandai teks pada lokasi kursor saat ini"

#: global.c:195
msgid "Delete the character under the cursor"
msgstr "Hapus karakter pada kursor"

#: global.c:197
msgid "Delete the character to the left of the cursor"
msgstr "Hapus satu karakter di kiri kursor"

#: global.c:198
msgid "Insert a tab character"
msgstr "Masukkan karakter tab"

#: global.c:199
msgid "Insert a carriage return at the cursor position"
msgstr "Sertakan carriage return di posisi kursor"

#: global.c:201
msgid "Make the current search or replace case (in)sensitive"
msgstr "Jadikan pencarian/penggantian saat ini case (in)sensitive"

#: global.c:202
msgid "Cancel the current function"
msgstr "Batalkan fungsi ini"

#: global.c:206 global.c:316 global.c:388
msgid "Get Help"
msgstr "Cari Bantuan"

#: global.c:209 global.c:217
msgid "WriteOut"
msgstr "Tulis"

#: global.c:213 global.c:377
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Keluar"

#: global.c:221 global.c:312 global.c:333 global.c:352
msgid "Goto Line"
msgstr "Ke baris"

#: global.c:226 global.c:304
msgid "Justify"
msgstr "Justifikasi"

#: global.c:229 global.c:300 global.c:330
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Ganti"

#: global.c:233
msgid "Read File"
msgstr "Baca File"

#: global.c:237
msgid "Where Is"
msgstr "Di mana"

#: global.c:241 global.c:369
msgid "Prev Page"
msgstr "Halaman sebelumnya"

#: global.c:245 global.c:373
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr "Halaman berikutnya"

#: global.c:249
msgid "Cut Text"
msgstr "Potong Teks"

#: global.c:252
msgid "UnCut Txt"
msgstr "UnCut Teks"

#: global.c:256
msgid "Cur Pos"
msgstr "Pos Kursor"

#: global.c:260
msgid "To Spell"
msgstr "Mengeja"

#: global.c:264
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Naik"

#: global.c:267
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Turun"

#: global.c:270
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Depan"

#: global.c:273
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Belakang"

#: global.c:276
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Awal"

#: global.c:279
msgid "End"
msgstr "Akhir"

#: global.c:282
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Refresh"

#: global.c:285
msgid "Mark Text"
msgstr "Tandai Teks"

#: global.c:288
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Hapus"

#: global.c:292
msgid "Backspace"
msgstr "Backspace"

#: global.c:296
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tab"

#: global.c:307
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Enter"

#: global.c:320 global.c:340 global.c:359
msgid "First Line"
msgstr "Baris pertama"

#: global.c:323 global.c:343 global.c:362
msgid "Last Line"
msgstr "Baris terakhir"

#: global.c:326 global.c:346
msgid "Case Sens"
msgstr "Case Sens"

#: global.c:336 global.c:355 global.c:365 global.c:381 global.c:385
#: global.c:391 winio.c:994
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Batal"

#: global.c:349
msgid "No Replace"
msgstr ""

#: nano.c:116
msgid ""
"Buffer written to 'nano.save'\n"
msgstr ""
"Buffer ditulis ke 'nano.save'\n"

#: nano.c:123
msgid "Key illegal in VIEW mode"
msgstr "Kunci ilegal dalam mode VIEW"

#: nano.c:163
msgid ""
" nano help text\n"
" The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of "
"the UW Pico text editor.  There are four main sections of the editor: The "
"top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and "
"whether or not the file has been modified.  Next is the main editor window "
"showing the file being edited.  The status line is the third line from the "
"bottom and shows important messages. The bottom two lines show the most "
"commonly used shortcuts in the editor.\n"
" The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated "
"with a caret (^) symbol.  Alt-key sequences are notated with an at (@) "
"symbol.  The following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. "
"Optional keys are shown in parentheses:\n"
msgstr ""
"bantuan nano\n"
"Nano editor dirancang untuk meniru fungsi dan kemudahan teks editor\n"
"UW Pico. Terdapat empat buah bagian utama editor : Baris teratas\n"
"menunjukkan versi program, file yang sedang diedit, dan\n"
"informasi apakah file telah dimodifikasi atau tidak. Berikutnya\n"
"adalah jendela editor utama menunjukkan file yang sedang diedit\n"
"Baris status adalah baris ketiga dari bawah dan \n"
"menampilkan pesan-pesan penting. Dua baris terbawah menunjukkan\n"
"shortcut yang umum digunakan dalam editor.\n"
"Notasi untuk shortcut adalah : urutan kunci Control dilambangkan\n"
"dengan simbol caret (^). Urutan kunci Alt ditandai dengan\n"
"simbol at (@). Kunci-kunci berikut tersedia dalam jendela editor utama.\n"
"Kunci-kunci opsional ditunjukkan dalam kurung:\n"

#: nano.c:264
msgid "free_node(): free'd a node, YAY!\n"
msgstr "free_node(): bebaskan sebuah node, YAY!\n"

#: nano.c:269
msgid "free_node(): free'd last node.\n"
msgstr "free_node(): bebaskan node terakhir.\n"

#: nano.c:321
msgid ""
"Usage: nano [GNU long option] [option] +LINE <file>\n"
msgstr "Pemakaian: nano [GNU long option] [option] +LINE <file>\n"

#: nano.c:322
msgid "Option\t\tLong option\t\tMeaning\n"
msgstr "Option: Long option     Arti\n"

#: nano.c:324
msgid " -T \t\t--tabsize=[num]\t\tSet width of a tab to num\n"
msgstr ""

#: nano.c:327
msgid " -R\t\t--regexp\t\tUse regular expressions for search\n"
msgstr ""

#: nano.c:331
msgid " -V \t\t--version\t\tPrint version information and exit\n"
msgstr "-V      --version       Tampilkan versi dan keluar\n"

#: nano.c:333
msgid " -c \t\t--const\t\t\tConstantly show cursor position\n"
msgstr "-c      --const         Menampilkan posisi kursor secara konstan\n"

#: nano.c:335
msgid " -h \t\t--help\t\t\tShow this message\n"
msgstr "-h      --help          Tampilkan pesan ini\n"

#: nano.c:338
msgid " -k \t\t--cut\t\t\tLet ^K cut from cursor to end of line\n"
msgstr ""

#: nano.c:341
msgid " -i \t\t--autoindent\t\tAutomatically indent new lines\n"
msgstr "-i      --autoindent    Indentasi baris barus secara otomatis\n"

#: nano.c:343
msgid " -l \t\t--nofollow\t\tDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite.\n"
msgstr "-l      --nofollow      Jangan ikuti link simbolik, timpa.\n"

#: nano.c:346
msgid " -m \t\t--mouse\t\t\tEnable mouse\n"
msgstr "-m      --mouse         Aktifkan mouse\n"

#: nano.c:351
msgid ""
" -r [#cols] \t--fill=[#cols]\t\tSet fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n"
msgstr "-r [#cols]      --fill=[#cols]  Set fill col ke (wrap line di) #cols\n"

#: nano.c:353
msgid " -p\t \t--pico\t\t\tMake bottom 2 lines more Pico-like\n"
msgstr "-p      --pico  Buat dua baris terbawah seperti Pico\n"

#: nano.c:355
msgid " -s [prog] \t--speller=[prog]\tEnable alternate speller\n"
msgstr "-s [prog]       --speller=[prog]        Aktifkan speller alternatif\n"

#: nano.c:357
msgid " -t \t\t--tempfile\t\tAuto save on exit, don't prompt\n"
msgstr ""
"-t      --tempfile      Autosave saat keluar, jangan minta konfirmasi\n"

#: nano.c:359
msgid " -v \t\t--view\t\t\tView (read only) mode\n"
msgstr "-v      --view  Mode Tampil (baca saja)\n"

#: nano.c:361
msgid " -w \t\t--nowrap\t\tDon't wrap long lines\n"
msgstr "-w      --nowrap        Jangan wrap baris panjang\n"

#: nano.c:363
msgid " -x \t\t--nohelp\t\tDon't show help window\n"
msgstr "-x      --nohelp        Jangan tampilkan jendela bantuan\n"

#: nano.c:365
msgid " -z \t\t--suspend\t\tEnable suspend\n"
msgstr "-z      --suspend       Aktifkan suspend\n"

#: nano.c:367
msgid " +LINE\t\t\t\t\tStart at line number LINE\n"
msgstr "+LINE                   Mulai pada nomor baris LINE\n"

#: nano.c:369
msgid ""
"Usage: nano [option] +LINE <file>\n"
msgstr ""
"Pemakaian: nano [option] +LINE <file>\n"

#: nano.c:370
msgid "Option\t\tMeaning\n"
msgstr "Option          Arti\n"

#: nano.c:371
msgid " -T [num]\tSet width of a tab to num\n"
msgstr " -T [num]\tGanti lebar tabulasi manjadi num\n"

#: nano.c:372
msgid " -R\t\tUse regular expressions for search\n"
msgstr ""

#: nano.c:373
msgid " -V \t\tPrint version information and exit\n"
msgstr "-V     Tampilkan informasi versi dan keluar\n"

#: nano.c:374
msgid " -c \t\tConstantly show cursor position\n"
msgstr "-c     Menampilkan posisi kursor secara konstan\n"

#: nano.c:375
msgid " -h \t\tShow this message\n"
msgstr "-h     Tampilkan pesan ini\n"

#: nano.c:377
msgid " -k \t\tLet ^K cut from cursor to end of line\n"
msgstr ""

#: nano.c:379
msgid " -i \t\tAutomatically indent new lines\n"
msgstr "-i     Indent baris barus secara otomatis\n"

#: nano.c:381
msgid " -l \t\tDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite.\n"
msgstr "-l     Jangan ikuti link simbolik, timpa.\n"

#: nano.c:384
msgid " -m \t\tEnable mouse\n"
msgstr "-m     Aktifkan mouse\n"

#: nano.c:388
msgid " -r [#cols] \tSet fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n"
msgstr "-r [#cols]   Set fill col ke (wrap line di) #cols\n"

#: nano.c:389
msgid " -s [prog]  \tEnable alternate speller\n"
msgstr "-s [prog]    Aktifkan speller alternatif\n"

#: nano.c:390
msgid " -p \t\tMake bottom 2 lines more Pico-like\n"
msgstr "-p     Buat dua baris terbawah seperti Pico\n"

#: nano.c:391
msgid " -t \t\tAuto save on exit, don't prompt\n"
msgstr "-t     Autosave saat keluar, jangan minta konfirmasi.\n"

#: nano.c:392
msgid " -v \t\tView (read only) mode\n"
msgstr "-v     Mode Tampil (baca saja)\n"

#: nano.c:393
msgid " -w \t\tDon't wrap long lines\n"
msgstr "-w     Jangan wrap baris panjang\n"

#: nano.c:394
msgid " -x \t\tDon't show help window\n"
msgstr "-x     Jangan tampilkan jendela bantuan\n"

#: nano.c:395
msgid " -z \t\tEnable suspend\n"
msgstr "-z     Aktifkan suspend\n"

#: nano.c:396
msgid " +LINE\t\tStart at line number LINE\n"
msgstr "+LINE    Mulai pada nomor baris LINE\n"

#: nano.c:403
#, c-format
msgid " nano version %s by Chris Allegretta (compiled %s, %s)\n"
msgstr "nano versi %s oleh Chris Allegretta (compiled %s, %s)\n"

#: nano.c:405
msgid " Email: nano@asty.org\tWeb: http://www.asty.org/nano\n"
msgstr "Email: nano@asty.org    Web: http://www.asty.org/nano\n"

#: nano.c:440
msgid "Mark Set"
msgstr "Set Tanda"

#: nano.c:445
msgid "Mark UNset"
msgstr "Unset Tanda"

#: nano.c:885
#, c-format
msgid "check_wrap called with inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"
msgstr "check_wrap dipanggil dengan inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:936
#, c-format
msgid "current->data now = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "current->data sekarang =\"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "After, data = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Setelah, data= \"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:1059
msgid "Error deleting tempfile, ack!"
msgstr "Kesalahan menghapus tempfile, ack!"

#: nano.c:1077
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a temporary filename: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat nama file sementara: %s"

#: nano.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "Could not invoke spell program \"%s\""
msgstr "Tidak dapat memanggil program ejaan \"%s\""

#. Why 32512? I dont know!
#: nano.c:1106
msgid "Could not invoke \"ispell\""
msgstr "Tidak dapat memanggil \"ispell\""

#: nano.c:1119
msgid "Finished checking spelling"
msgstr "Selesai memeriksa ejaan"

#: nano.c:1137
msgid "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING \"No\" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? "
msgstr "Simpan buffer termodifikasi (JAWAB \"No\" AKAN MENGHAPUS PERUBAHAN) ?"

#: nano.c:1278
msgid "Cannot resize top win"
msgstr "Tidak dapat menganti ukuran jendela atas"

#: nano.c:1280
msgid "Cannot move top win"
msgstr "Tidak dapat memindahkan jendela atas"

#: nano.c:1282
msgid "Cannot resize edit win"
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengganti ukuran jendela edit"

#: nano.c:1284
msgid "Cannot move edit win"
msgstr "Tidak dapat memindah jendela edit"

#: nano.c:1286
msgid "Cannot resize bottom win"
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengganti ukuran jendela bawah"

#: nano.c:1288
msgid "Cannot move bottom win"
msgstr "Tidak dapat memindah jendela bawah"

#: nano.c:1829
msgid "Main: set up windows\n"
msgstr "Main: menset jendela\n"

#: nano.c:1844
msgid "Main: bottom win\n"
msgstr "Main: jendela bawah\n"

#: nano.c:1850
msgid "Main: open file\n"
msgstr "Main: membuka file\n"

#: nano.c:1918
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-[-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Saya mendapat Alt-%c! (%d)\n"

#: nano.c:1943
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Saya mendapat Alt-%c! (%d)\n"

#: search.c:72
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Case Sensitive Regexp Search%s%s"
msgstr "Pencarian case sensitif%s%s"

#: search.c:74
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Regexp Search%s%s"
msgstr "Pencarian%s%s"

#: search.c:77
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Case Sensitive Search%s%s"
msgstr "Pencarian case sensitif%s%s"

#: search.c:79
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Search%s%s"
msgstr "Pencarian%s%s"

#: search.c:82
#, fuzzy
msgid " (to replace)"
msgstr " (ganti)"

#: search.c:90
msgid "Search Cancelled"
msgstr "Batalkan pencarian"

#: search.c:188
msgid "Search Wrapped"
msgstr "Pancarian diulangi dari awal"

#: search.c:239
#, c-format
msgid "Replaced %d occurences"
msgstr "%d tempat terganti"

#: search.c:241
msgid "Replaced 1 occurence"
msgstr "Terganti 1 tempat"

#: search.c:376 search.c:397 search.c:420
msgid "Replace Cancelled"
msgstr "Batalkan penggantian"

#: search.c:393
#, c-format
msgid "Replace with [%s]"
msgstr "Ganti dengan [%s]"

#. last_search is empty
#: search.c:418
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Ganti dengan"

#: search.c:459
msgid "Replace this instance?"
msgstr "Ganti kata ini?"

#. Ask for it
#: search.c:510
msgid "Enter line number"
msgstr "Masukkan nomor baris"

#: search.c:512
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Dibatalkan"

#: search.c:532
msgid "Come on, be reasonable"
msgstr "Ayo, yang masuk akal"

#: search.c:537
#, c-format
msgid "Only %d lines available, skipping to last line"
msgstr "Hanya %d baris tersedia, melompat ke baris akhir"

#: winio.c:120
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "actual_x_from_start for xplus=%d returned %d\n"
msgstr "actual_x untuk xplus=%d mengembalikan %d\n"

#: winio.c:410
#, c-format
msgid "input '%c' (%d)\n"
msgstr "input '%c' (%d)\n"

#: winio.c:444
msgid "New Buffer"
msgstr "Buffer baru"

#: winio.c:447
msgid "  File: ..."
msgstr " File: ..."

#: winio.c:455
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Dimodifikasi"

#: winio.c:910
#, c-format
msgid "Moved to (%d, %d) in edit buffer\n"
msgstr "Pindah ke (%d, %d) dalam buffer edit\n"

#: winio.c:921
#, c-format
msgid "current->data = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "current->data = \"%s\"\n"

#: winio.c:964
#, c-format
msgid "I got \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Saya mendapat \"%s\"\n"

#: winio.c:989
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ya"

#: winio.c:991
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"

#: winio.c:993
msgid "No"
msgstr "Tidak"

#: winio.c:1129
#, c-format
msgid "do_cursorpos: linepct = %f, bytepct = %f\n"
msgstr "do_cursorpos: linepct = %f, bytepct = %f\n"

#: winio.c:1133
msgid "line %d of %d (%.0f%%), character %d of %d (%.0f%%)"
msgstr "baris %d dari %d (%f.0f%%), karakter %d dari %d (%.0f%%)"

#: winio.c:1257
msgid "Dumping file buffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Kirim buffer file ke stderr...\n"

#: winio.c:1259
msgid "Dumping cutbuffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Kirim cutbuffer ke stderr...\n"

#: winio.c:1261
msgid "Dumping a buffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Kirim buffer ke stderr...\n"

#~ msgid "To Search"
#~ msgstr "Mencari"

#~ msgid " Y"
#~ msgstr "Y"

#~ msgid " A"
#~ msgstr "A"

#~ msgid " N"
#~ msgstr "N"

#~ msgid "^C"
#~ msgstr "^C"

#~ msgid "nano: malloc: out of memory!"
#~ msgstr "nano: malloc: memori habis!"