# nano Finnish Translation.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Pauli Virtanen <pauli.virtanen@saunalahti.fi>, 2000.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nano 0.9.18\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-05-24 14:58+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-01-12 17:21+02:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Pauli Virtanen <pauli.virtanen@saunalahti.fi>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <fi@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: cut.c:43
#, c-format
msgid "add_to_cutbuffer called with inptr->data = %s\n"
msgstr "add_to_cutbuffer funktion parametri inptr->data = %s\n"

#: cut.c:156
msgid "Blew away cutbuffer =)\n"
msgstr "Leiketila katosi =)\n"

#: files.c:124
msgid "read_line: not on first line and prev is NULL"
msgstr "read_line: ei ensimm�isell� rivill� ja prev on NULL"

#: files.c:186 files.c:204
#, c-format
msgid "Read %d lines"
msgstr "%d rivi� luettu"

#: files.c:222 search.c:194
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "Ei l�ytynyt: \"%s\""

#. We have a new file
#: files.c:226
msgid "New File"
msgstr "Uusi tiedosto"

#: files.c:239
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is a directory"
msgstr "\"%s\" on hakemisto"

#. Don't open character or block files.  Sorry, /dev/sndstat!
#: files.c:242
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is a device file"
msgstr "\"%s\" on laitetiedosto"

#: files.c:249
msgid "Reading File"
msgstr "Lukee tiedostoa"

#: files.c:269
msgid "File to insert [from ./] "
msgstr "Lis�tt�v� tiedosto [hakemistossa ./]"

#: files.c:320 files.c:345 files.c:587 nano.c:1532
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Peruttu"

#: files.c:391 files.c:407 files.c:421 files.c:438 files.c:444
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file for writing: %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa ei voitu avata luettavaksi: %s"

#: files.c:426
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote >%s\n"
msgstr "Kirjoitettu: >%s\n"

#: files.c:453
#, c-format
msgid "Could not close %s: %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voitu sulkea: %s"

#. Try a rename??
#: files.c:476 files.c:485 files.c:490
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s for writing: %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voitu avata kirjoittamista varten: %s"

#: files.c:497
#, c-format
msgid "Could not set permissions %o on %s: %s"
msgstr "Oikeuksia %o ei voitu asettaa tiedostolle %s: %s"

#: files.c:502
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote %d lines"
msgstr "%d rivi� kirjoitettu"

#: files.c:540
msgid "File Name to write"
msgstr "Kirjoitettavan tiedoston nimi"

#: files.c:562
#, c-format
msgid "filename is %s"
msgstr "tiedoston nimi on %s"

#: files.c:576
msgid "File exists, OVERWRITE ?"
msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa, korvataanko?"

#: files.c:998
msgid "(more)"
msgstr "(lis��)"

#: files.c:1305
msgid "Can't move up a directory"
msgstr "Ei voi siirty� yl�hakemistoon"

#. We can't open this dir for some reason.  Complain
#: files.c:1315 files.c:1363
#, c-format
msgid "Can't open \"%s\": %s"
msgstr "Hakemistoa \"%s\" ei voi avata: %s"

#: files.c:1343 global.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "Goto Directory"
msgstr "Siirry"

#: files.c:1348
#, fuzzy
msgid "Goto Cancelled"
msgstr "Peruttu"

#: global.c:146
msgid "Constant cursor position"
msgstr "N�yt� kohdistimen sijainti aina"

#: global.c:147
msgid "Auto indent"
msgstr "Automaattinen sisennys"

#: global.c:148
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Keskeyt�"

#: global.c:149
msgid "Help mode"
msgstr "Ohjetila"

#: global.c:150
msgid "Pico mode"
msgstr "Pico-tila"

#: global.c:151
msgid "Mouse support"
msgstr "Hiirituki"

#: global.c:152
msgid "Cut to end"
msgstr "Leikkaa loppuun saakka"

#: global.c:154
msgid "Regular expressions"
msgstr "S��nn�lliset lausekkeet"

#: global.c:156
msgid "Auto wrap"
msgstr "Automaattinen rivitys"

#: global.c:201
msgid "Invoke the help menu"
msgstr "Avaa ohjevalikko"

#: global.c:202
msgid "Write the current file to disk"
msgstr "Kirjoita nykyinen tiedosto levylle"

#: global.c:203
msgid "Exit from nano"
msgstr "Poistu Nanosta"

#: global.c:204
msgid "Goto a specific line number"
msgstr "Siirry tietylle riville"

#: global.c:205
msgid "Justify the current paragraph"
msgstr "Tasaa nykyinen kappale"

#: global.c:206
msgid "Unjustify after a justify"
msgstr "Poista tasaus tasauksen j�lkeen"

#: global.c:207
msgid "Replace text within the editor"
msgstr "Etsi ja korvaa teksti�"

#: global.c:208
msgid "Insert another file into the current one"
msgstr "Lis�� toinen tiedosto nykyiseen tiedostoon"

#: global.c:209
msgid "Search for text within the editor"
msgstr "Etsi teksti�"

#: global.c:210
msgid "Move to the previous screen"
msgstr "Siirry edelliseen ruutuun"

#: global.c:211
msgid "Move to the next screen"
msgstr "Siirry seuraavaan ruutuun"

#: global.c:212
msgid "Cut the current line and store it in the cutbuffer"
msgstr "Leikkaa nykyinen rivi leiketilaan"

#: global.c:213
msgid "Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line"
msgstr "Kopioi rivi leiketilasta nykyiselle riville"

#: global.c:214
msgid "Show the position of the cursor"
msgstr "N�yt� kohdistimen sijainti"

#: global.c:215
msgid "Invoke the spell checker (if available)"
msgstr "K�ynnist� oikoluin (jos saatavilla)"

#: global.c:216
msgid "Move up one line"
msgstr "Siirry yksi rivi yl�sp�in"

#: global.c:217
msgid "Move down one line"
msgstr "Siirry yksi rivi alasp�in"

#: global.c:218
msgid "Move forward one character"
msgstr "Siirry yksi merkki eteenp�in"

#: global.c:219
msgid "Move back one character"
msgstr "Siirry yksi merkki taaksep�in"

#: global.c:220
msgid "Move to the beginning of the current line"
msgstr "Siirry nykyisen rivin alkuun"

#: global.c:221
msgid "Move to the end of the current line"
msgstr "Siirry nykyisen rivin loppuun"

#: global.c:222
msgid "Go to the first line of the file"
msgstr "Siirry tiedoston ensimm�iselle riville"

#: global.c:223
msgid "Go to the last line of the file"
msgstr "Siirry tiedoston viimeiselle riville"

#: global.c:224
msgid "Refresh (redraw) the current screen"
msgstr "Piirr� ruutu uudestaan"

#: global.c:225
msgid "Mark text at the current cursor location"
msgstr "Merkitse kohdistimen kohdalla oleva teksti"

#: global.c:226
msgid "Delete the character under the cursor"
msgstr "Poista kohdistimen kohdalla oleva merkki"

#: global.c:228
msgid "Delete the character to the left of the cursor"
msgstr "Poista kohdistimesta vasemmalle oleva merkki"

#: global.c:229
msgid "Insert a tab character"
msgstr "Lis�� sarkainmerkki"

#: global.c:230
msgid "Insert a carriage return at the cursor position"
msgstr "Lis�� rivinvaihto kohdistimen kohdalle"

#: global.c:232
msgid "Make the current search or replace case (in)sensitive"
msgstr "Muuta etsint�- tai korvaustoiminnon kirjainkoosta piittaamista."

#: global.c:233
msgid "Go to file browser"
msgstr "Siirry tiedostoselaimeen"

#: global.c:235
msgid "Cancel the current function"
msgstr "Peru nykyinen toiminto."

#: global.c:238
msgid "Get Help"
msgstr "Ohjeita"

#: global.c:241 global.c:422 global.c:449
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Lopeta"

#: global.c:244
msgid "WriteOut"
msgstr "Kirjoita"

#: global.c:249 global.c:338
msgid "Justify"
msgstr "Tasaa"

#: global.c:253 global.c:259
msgid "Read File"
msgstr "Lue tied."

#: global.c:263 global.c:334 global.c:362
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Korvaa"

#: global.c:267
msgid "Where Is"
msgstr "Etsi"

#: global.c:271 global.c:414 global.c:438
msgid "Prev Page"
msgstr "Ed. sivu"

#: global.c:275 global.c:418 global.c:442
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr "Seur. sivu"

#: global.c:279
msgid "Cut Text"
msgstr "Leikkaa"

#: global.c:283
msgid "UnJustify"
msgstr "Poista tasaus"

#: global.c:286
msgid "UnCut Txt"
msgstr "Liit�"

#: global.c:290
msgid "Cur Pos"
msgstr "Sijainti"

#: global.c:294
msgid "To Spell"
msgstr "Oikolue"

#: global.c:298
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Yl�s"

#: global.c:301
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Alas"

#: global.c:304
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Eteenp�in"

#: global.c:307
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Takaisin"

#: global.c:310
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Home"

#: global.c:313
msgid "End"
msgstr "End"

#: global.c:316
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Piirr� uudelleen"

#: global.c:319
msgid "Mark Text"
msgstr "Merkitse teksti�"

#: global.c:322
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Poista"

#: global.c:326
msgid "Backspace"
msgstr "Askelpalautin"

#: global.c:330
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Sarkain"

#: global.c:342
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Enter"

#: global.c:346 global.c:366 global.c:386
msgid "Goto Line"
msgstr "Siirry"

#: global.c:352 global.c:373 global.c:394 global.c:404
msgid "First Line"
msgstr "1. rivi"

#: global.c:355 global.c:376 global.c:397 global.c:407
msgid "Last Line"
msgstr "Viim. rivi"

#: global.c:358 global.c:379
msgid "Case Sens"
msgstr "Kirj. koko"

#: global.c:369 global.c:389 global.c:400 global.c:410 global.c:431
#: global.c:434 global.c:452 winio.c:1205
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peru"

#: global.c:382
msgid "No Replace"
msgstr "�l� korvaa"

#: global.c:427
msgid "To Files"
msgstr "Tiedosto"

#: global.c:446
#, fuzzy
msgid "Goto"
msgstr "Siirry"

#: nano.c:140
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Buffer written to %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Teksti kirjoitettu tiedostoon \"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:142
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No %s written (file exists?)\n"
msgstr ""
"Tiedostoa %s ei saatu kirjoitettua (onko se jo olemassa?)\n"

#: nano.c:151
msgid "Window size is too small for Nano..."
msgstr "Ikkuna on liian pieni Nanolle..."

#: nano.c:159
msgid "Key illegal in VIEW mode"
msgstr "Virheellinen n�pp�in katselutilassa"

#: nano.c:207
msgid ""
" nano help text\n"
" The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of "
"the UW Pico text editor.  There are four main sections of the editor: The "
"top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and "
"whether or not the file has been modified.  Next is the main editor window "
"showing the file being edited.  The status line is the third line from the "
"bottom and shows important messages. The bottom two lines show the most "
"commonly used shortcuts in the editor.\n"
" The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated "
"with a caret (^) symbol and are entered with the Control (Ctrl) key.  Escape-"
"key sequences are notated with the Meta (M) symbol and can be entered using "
"either the Esc, Alt or Meta key depending on your keyboard setup.  The "
"following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. Optional keys "
"are shown in parentheses:\n"
msgstr ""
" Nanon ohje\n"
" Nano-editori on suunniteltu vastaamaan UW Pico-editorin toiminnallisuutta "
"ja helppok�ytt�isyytt�. Editorin n�ytt� koostuu nelj�st� osasta: ylin rivi "
"n�ytt�� ohjelman versionumeron, nykyisen tiedoston nimen sek� sen, onko "
"tiedostoa muutettu. Seuraavana on tiedoston muokkausn�kym�. Tilarivi on "
"kolmas rivi alhaalta lukien ja n�ytt�� t�rke�t viestit. Alimmilla kahdella "
"rivill� on lueteltu useimmin tarvitut pikan�pp�imet.\n"
" N�pp�inohjeissa control-n�pp�imen komentoja merkit��n \"hatulla\" (^) ja "
"escape-n�pp�inkomentoja merkit��n M-merkill� (M). Niit� voi k�ytt�� joko "
"esc, alt tai meta -n�pp�imell� n�pp�imist�st� riippuen. Seuraavia "
"n�pp�inkomentoja voi k�ytt�� editorin p��ikkunassa. Lis�n�pp�imet ovat "

#: nano.c:301
msgid "delete_node(): free'd a node, YAY!\n"
msgstr "delete_node(): solmu vapautettu, YAY!\n"

#: nano.c:306
msgid "delete_node(): free'd last node.\n"
msgstr "delete_node(): viimeinen solmu vapautettu.\n"

#: nano.c:361
msgid ""
"Usage: nano [GNU long option] [option] +LINE <file>\n"
msgstr "K�ytt�: nano [GNU pitk�t valitsimet] [valitsimet] +RIVI <tiedosto>\n"

#: nano.c:362
msgid "Option\t\tLong option\t\tMeaning\n"
msgstr "Valitsin\tPitk� valitsin\t\tMerkitys\n"

#: nano.c:364
msgid " -T [num]\t--tabsize=[num]\t\tSet width of a tab to num\n"
msgstr " -T [luku]\t--tabsize=[luku]\tAseta sarkaimen leveys\n"

#: nano.c:367
msgid " -R\t\t--regexp\t\tUse regular expressions for search\n"
msgstr " -R\t\t--regexp\t\tEtsi s��nn�llisill� lausekkeilla\n"

#: nano.c:371
msgid " -V \t\t--version\t\tPrint version information and exit\n"
msgstr " -V \t\t--version\t\tTulosta versiotiedot ja lopeta\n"

#: nano.c:373
msgid " -c \t\t--const\t\t\tConstantly show cursor position\n"
msgstr " -c \t\t--const\t\t\tN�yt� kohdistimen sijainti jatkuvasti\n"

#: nano.c:375
msgid " -h \t\t--help\t\t\tShow this message\n"
msgstr " -h \t\t--help\t\t\tN�yt� t�m� ohje\n"

#: nano.c:377
msgid " -i \t\t--autoindent\t\tAutomatically indent new lines\n"
msgstr " -i \t\t--autoindent\t\tSisenn� uudet rivit automaattisesti\n"

#: nano.c:380
msgid " -k \t\t--cut\t\t\tLet ^K cut from cursor to end of line\n"
msgstr " -k \t\t--cut\t\t\t^K leikkaa rivin loppuun saakka\n"

#: nano.c:383
msgid " -l \t\t--nofollow\t\tDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite\n"
msgstr ""
" -l \t\t--nofollow\t\t�l� seuraa symbolisia linkkej�, vaan\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tkorvaa ne tiedostoilla.\n"

#: nano.c:386
msgid " -m \t\t--mouse\t\t\tEnable mouse\n"
msgstr " -m \t\t--mouse\t\t\tK�yt� hiirt�\n"

#: nano.c:390
msgid " -p\t \t--pico\t\t\tEmulate Pico as closely as possible\n"
msgstr " -p\t \t--pico\t\t\tJ�ljittele Picoa tarkasti\n"

#: nano.c:395
msgid ""
" -r [#cols] \t--fill=[#cols]\t\tSet fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n"
msgstr " -r [#lkm] \t--fill=[#lkm]\t\tRivit� annettua pidemm�t rivit\n"

#: nano.c:399
msgid " -s [prog] \t--speller=[prog]\tEnable alternate speller\n"
msgstr " -s [ohjelma] \t--speller=[ohjelma]\tK�yt� annettua oikolukuohjelmaa\n"

#: nano.c:402
msgid " -t \t\t--tempfile\t\tAuto save on exit, don't prompt\n"
msgstr ""
" -t \t\t--tempfile\t\tTallenna tiedosto kysym�tt�\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tpoistuttaessa \n"

#: nano.c:404
msgid " -v \t\t--view\t\t\tView (read only) mode\n"
msgstr " -v \t\t--view\t\t\tKatselutila (vain luku)\n"

#: nano.c:407
msgid " -w \t\t--nowrap\t\tDon't wrap long lines\n"
msgstr " -w \t\t--nowrap\t\t�l� rivit� pitki� rivej�\n"

#: nano.c:410
msgid " -x \t\t--nohelp\t\tDon't show help window\n"
msgstr " -x \t\t--nohelp\t\t�l� n�yt� ohjeikkunaa\n"

#: nano.c:412
msgid " -z \t\t--suspend\t\tEnable suspend\n"
msgstr " -z \t\t--suspend\t\tMahdollista keskeytt�minen\n"

#: nano.c:414
msgid " +LINE\t\t\t\t\tStart at line number LINE\n"
msgstr " +RIVI\t\t\t\t\tSiirry riville RIVI\n"

#: nano.c:416
msgid ""
"Usage: nano [option] +LINE <file>\n"
msgstr ""
"K�ytt�: nano [asetukset] +RIVI <tiedosto>\n"

#: nano.c:417
msgid "Option\t\tMeaning\n"
msgstr "Asetus\t\tMerkitys\n"

#: nano.c:418
msgid " -T [num]\tSet width of a tab to num\n"
msgstr " -T [leveys]\tAseta sarkaimen leveys\n"

#: nano.c:419
msgid " -R\t\tUse regular expressions for search\n"
msgstr " -R\t\tEtsi s��nn�llisill� lausekkeilla\n"

#: nano.c:420
msgid " -V \t\tPrint version information and exit\n"
msgstr " -V \t\tTulosta versiotiedot ja lopeta\n"

#: nano.c:421
msgid " -c \t\tConstantly show cursor position\n"
msgstr " -c \t\tN�yt� kohdistimen sijainti jatkuvasti\n"

#: nano.c:422
msgid " -h \t\tShow this message\n"
msgstr " -h \t\tN�yt� t�m� ohje\n"

#: nano.c:423
msgid " -i \t\tAutomatically indent new lines\n"
msgstr " -i \t\tSisenn� uudet rivit automaattisesti\n"

#: nano.c:425
msgid " -k \t\tLet ^K cut from cursor to end of line\n"
msgstr " -k \t\t^K leikkaa rivin loppuun saakka\n"

#: nano.c:428
msgid " -l \t\tDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite\n"
msgstr " -l \t\t�l� seuraa symbolisia linkkej�, vaan korvaa ne tiedostoilla.\n"

#: nano.c:431
msgid " -m \t\tEnable mouse\n"
msgstr " -m \t\tK�yt� hiirt�\n"

#: nano.c:434
msgid " -p \t\tEmulate Pico as closely as possible\n"
msgstr " -p \t\tJ�ljittele Picoa mahdollisimman tarkasti\n"

#: nano.c:438
msgid " -r [#cols] \tSet fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n"
msgstr " -r [#lkm] \tRivit� annettua pidemm�t rivit\n"

#: nano.c:441
msgid " -s [prog]  \tEnable alternate speller\n"
msgstr " -s [ohjelma]  \tK�yt� annettua oikolukuohjelmaa\n"

#: nano.c:443
msgid " -t \t\tAuto save on exit, don't prompt\n"
msgstr " -t \t\tTallenna tiedosto kysym�tt� poistuttaessa\n"

#: nano.c:444
msgid " -v \t\tView (read only) mode\n"
msgstr " -v \t\tKatselutila (vain luku)\n"

#: nano.c:446
msgid " -w \t\tDon't wrap long lines\n"
msgstr " -w \t\t�l� rivit� pitki� rivej�\n"

#: nano.c:448
msgid " -x \t\tDon't show help window\n"
msgstr " -x \t\t�l� n�yt� ohjeikkunaa\n"

#: nano.c:449
msgid " -z \t\tEnable suspend\n"
msgstr " -z \t\tMahdollista keskeytt�minen\n"

#: nano.c:450
msgid " +LINE\t\tStart at line number LINE\n"
msgstr " +RIVI\t\tSiirry riville RIVI\n"

#: nano.c:457
#, c-format
msgid " GNU nano version %s (compiled %s, %s)\n"
msgstr " GNU Nano, versio %s. (k��nnetty %s, %s)\n"

#: nano.c:460
msgid " Email: nano@nano-editor.org\tWeb: http://www.nano-editor.org"
msgstr ""
" S�hk�posti: nano@nano-editor.org\tInternet: http://www.nano-editor.org"

#: nano.c:461
msgid ""
" Compiled options:"
msgstr ""
" Mukaan k��nnetyt valitsimet:"

#: nano.c:539
msgid "Mark Set"
msgstr "Merkint� alkoi"

#: nano.c:544
msgid "Mark UNset"
msgstr "Merkint� loppui"

#: nano.c:1045
#, c-format
msgid "check_wrap called with inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"
msgstr "check_wrap -funktion parametri inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:1097
#, c-format
msgid "current->data now = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "current->data nyt = \"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:1149
#, c-format
msgid "After, data = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "J�lkeenp�in, data = \"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:1250
msgid "Edit a replacement"
msgstr "Muokkaa korvausta"

#: nano.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a temporary filename: %s"
msgstr "V�liaikaista tiedostonnime� ei voitu luoda: %s"

#: nano.c:1486
msgid "Spell checking failed: unable to write temp file!"
msgstr "Oikaisuluku ep�onnistui: v�liaikaistiedostoa ei voitu kirjoittaa"

#: nano.c:1498
msgid "Finished checking spelling"
msgstr "Oikoluku on valmis"

#: nano.c:1500
msgid "Spell checking failed"
msgstr "Oikaisuluku ep�onnistui"

#: nano.c:1519
msgid "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING \"No\" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? "
msgstr "Tallenna muutettu teksti (Muutokset h�vi�v�t, jos vastaat \"ei\") ? "

#: nano.c:1636
msgid "Received SIGHUP"
msgstr "Vastaanotettiin SIGHUP"

#: nano.c:1701
msgid "Cannot resize top win"
msgstr "Yl�ikkunan kokoa ei voi muuttaa"

#: nano.c:1703
msgid "Cannot move top win"
msgstr "Yl�ikkunaa ei voi siirt��"

#: nano.c:1705
msgid "Cannot resize edit win"
msgstr "Muokkausikkunan kokoa ei voi muuttaa"

#: nano.c:1707
msgid "Cannot move edit win"
msgstr "Muokkausikkunaa ei voi siirt��"

#: nano.c:1709
msgid "Cannot resize bottom win"
msgstr "Alaikkunan kokoa ei voi muuttaa"

#: nano.c:1711
msgid "Cannot move bottom win"
msgstr "Alaikkunaa ei voi siirt��"

#: nano.c:2020
msgid "Can now UnJustify!"
msgstr "Tasaamisen voi perua nyt."

#: nano.c:2131
#, c-format
msgid "%s enable/disable"
msgstr "%s k�yt�ss�/ei k�yt�ss�"

#: nano.c:2146
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "k�yt�ss�"

#: nano.c:2147
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "ei k�yt�ss�"

#: nano.c:2200
msgid "NumLock glitch detected.  Keypad will malfunction with NumLock off"
msgstr ""
"NumLock-ongelma: Numeron�pp�imist� toimii v��rin, kun NumLock ei ole p��ll�."

#: nano.c:2443
msgid "Main: set up windows\n"
msgstr "P��tila: ikkunoiden asettelu\n"

#: nano.c:2454
msgid "Main: bottom win\n"
msgstr "P��tila: alaikkuna\n"

#: nano.c:2460
msgid "Main: open file\n"
msgstr "P��tila: avaa tiedosto\n"

#: nano.c:2518
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-O-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-O-%c! (%d)\n"

#: nano.c:2545
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-[-1-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-[-1-%c! (%d)\n"

#: nano.c:2578
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-[-2-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-[-2-%c! (%d)\n"

#: nano.c:2624
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-[-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-[-%c! (%d)\n"

#: nano.c:2650
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-%c! (%d)\n"

#: rcfile.c:75
msgid ""
"Press return to continue starting nano\n"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:133
msgid "parse_rcfile: Read a comment\n"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:150
#, c-format
msgid "Error in %s on line %d: command %s not understood"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:163
#, c-format
msgid "parse_rcfile: Parsing option %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:179
#, c-format
msgid "Error in %s on line %d: option %s requires an argument"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:190
#, c-format
msgid "Error in %s on line %d: requested fill size %d too small"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:206
#, c-format
msgid "set flag %d!\n"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:211
#, c-format
msgid "unset flag %d!\n"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:220
msgid "Errors found in .nanorc file"
msgstr ""

#: rcfile.c:229
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open ~/.nanorc file, %s"
msgstr ""

#: search.c:118
#, c-format
msgid "Case Sensitive Regexp Search%s%s"
msgstr "Etsi kirjainkokotarkka s��nn. lauseke%s%s"

#: search.c:120
#, c-format
msgid "Regexp Search%s%s"
msgstr "Etsi s��nn. lauseke%s%s"

#: search.c:122
#, c-format
msgid "Case Sensitive Search%s%s"
msgstr "Kirjainkokotarkka etsint�%s%s"

#: search.c:124
#, c-format
msgid "Search%s%s"
msgstr "Etsint�%s%s"

#: search.c:127
msgid " (to replace)"
msgstr " (korvattava)"

#: search.c:136 search.c:327
msgid "Search Cancelled"
msgstr "Etsint� peruttu"

#: search.c:200
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s...\" not found"
msgstr "\"%s...\" ei l�ytynyt"

#: search.c:249
msgid "Search Wrapped"
msgstr "Etsint� jatkuu"

#: search.c:349
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Replaced %d occurrences"
msgstr "%d kohtaa korvattu"

#: search.c:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "Replaced 1 occurrence"
msgstr "1 kohta korvattu"

#: search.c:489 search.c:599 search.c:615
msgid "Replace Cancelled"
msgstr "Korvaus peruttu"

#: search.c:539
msgid "Replace this instance?"
msgstr "Korvataanko t�m� kohta?"

#: search.c:551
msgid "Replace failed: unknown subexpression!"
msgstr "Korvaus ep�onnistui: tuntematon alilauseke!"

#: search.c:640
#, c-format
msgid "Replace with [%s]"
msgstr "Korvaa merkkijonolla [%s]"

#: search.c:644 search.c:648
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Korvaa merkkijonolla"

#: search.c:682
msgid "Enter line number"
msgstr "Kirjoita rivin numero"

#: search.c:684
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Keskeytetty"

#: search.c:693
msgid "Come on, be reasonable"
msgstr "Jotakin j�rkev��, kiitos?"

#: utils.c:97
msgid "nano: malloc: out of memory!"
msgstr ""

#: utils.c:111
msgid "nano: calloc: out of memory!"
msgstr ""

#: utils.c:121
msgid "nano: realloc: out of memory!"
msgstr ""

#: winio.c:124
#, c-format
msgid "actual_x_from_start for xplus=%d returned %d\n"
msgstr "actual_x_from_start parametrilla xplus=%d palautti %d\n"

#: winio.c:291
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Aha! '%c' (%d)\n"
msgstr "sy�te '%c' (%d)\n"

#: winio.c:473
#, c-format
msgid "input '%c' (%d)\n"
msgstr "sy�te '%c' (%d)\n"

#: winio.c:522
msgid "New Buffer"
msgstr "Uusi teksti"

#: winio.c:526
msgid "  File: ..."
msgstr "  Tiedosto: ..."

#: winio.c:528
msgid "   DIR: ..."
msgstr "   HAKEMISTO: ..."

#: winio.c:539
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Muokattu"

#: winio.c:1081
#, c-format
msgid "Moved to (%d, %d) in edit buffer\n"
msgstr "Kohtaan (%d,%d) siirrytty muokkausruudussa\n"

#: winio.c:1092
#, c-format
msgid "current->data = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "current->data = \"%s\"\n"

#: winio.c:1149
#, c-format
msgid "I got \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Saatiin \"%s\"\n"

#. Yes, no and all are strings of any length.  Each string consists of
#. all characters accepted as a valid character for that value.
#. The first value will be the one displayed in the shortcuts.
#: winio.c:1178
msgid "Yy"
msgstr "Kk"

#: winio.c:1179
msgid "Nn"
msgstr "Ee"

#: winio.c:1180
msgid "Aa"
msgstr "aA"

#: winio.c:1194
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Kyll�"

#: winio.c:1198
msgid "All"
msgstr "Kaikki"

#: winio.c:1203
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ei"

#: winio.c:1403
#, c-format
msgid "do_cursorpos: linepct = %f, bytepct = %f\n"
msgstr "do_cursorpos: linepct = %f, bytepct = %f\n"

#: winio.c:1407
#, c-format
msgid "line %d of %d (%.0f%%), character %d of %d (%.0f%%)"
msgstr "rivi %d/%d (%.0f%%), merkki %d/%d (%.0f%%)"

#: winio.c:1551
msgid "Dumping file buffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Sy�tt�� tiedoston stderriin...\n"

#: winio.c:1553
msgid "Dumping cutbuffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Sy�tt�� leiketilan stderriin...\n"

#: winio.c:1555
msgid "Dumping a buffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Sy�tt�� tekstin stderriin...\n"

#: winio.c:1630
msgid "The nano text editor"
msgstr "Nano-editori"

#: winio.c:1631
msgid "version "
msgstr "versio "

#: winio.c:1632
msgid "Brought to you by:"
msgstr "Tehneet:"

#: winio.c:1633
msgid "Special thanks to:"
msgstr "Erikoiskiitokset:"

#: winio.c:1634
msgid "The Free Software Foundation"
msgstr "Free Software Foundation"

#: winio.c:1635
msgid "Pavel Curtis, Zeyd Ben-Halim and Eric S. Raymond for ncurses"
msgstr "Pavel Curtis, Zeyd Ben-Halim ja Eric S. Raymond ncursesista"

#: winio.c:1636
msgid "and anyone else we forgot..."
msgstr "ja kaikille muille, jotka unohdimme..."

#: winio.c:1637
msgid "Thank you for using nano!\n"
msgstr "Kiitos Nanon k�ytt�misest�!\n"

#~ msgid "Only %d lines available, skipping to last line"
#~ msgstr "Vain %d rivi� olemassa: siirtyy viimeiselle riville"