list.h 2.43 KB
#ifndef __LIST_H__
#define __LIST_H__

#include <stddef.h>

 * A growable array of pointers.
 * Can store values of any pointer type (e.g. vector_t*, body_t*).
 * The list automatically grows its internal array when more capacity is needed.
typedef struct list list_t;

 * A function that can be called on list elements to release their resources.
 * Examples: free, body_free
typedef void (*free_func_t)(void *);

 * Allocates memory for a new list with space for the given number of elements.
 * The list is initially empty.
 * Asserts that the required memory was allocated.
 * @param initial_size the number of elements to allocate space for
 * @param freer if non-NULL, a function to call on elements in the list
 *   in list_free() when they are no longer in use
 * @return a pointer to the newly allocated list
list_t *list_init(size_t initial_size, free_func_t freer);

 * Releases the memory allocated for a list.
 * @param list a pointer to a list returned from list_init()
void list_free(list_t *list);

void list_free_data(list_t *list);

 * Gets the size of a list (the number of occupied elements).
 * Note that this is NOT the list's capacity.
 * @param list a pointer to a list returned from list_init()
 * @return the number of elements in the list
size_t list_size(list_t *list);

 * Gets the element at a given index in a list.
 * Asserts that the index is valid, given the list's current size.
 * @param list a pointer to a list returned from list_init()
 * @param index an index in the list (the first element is at 0)
 * @return the element at the given index, as a void*
void *list_get(list_t *list, size_t index);

 * Removes the element at a given index in a list and returns it,
 * moving all subsequent elements towards the start of the list.
 * Asserts that the index is valid, given the list's current size.
 * @param list a pointer to a list returned from list_init()
 * @return the element at the given index in the list
void *list_remove(list_t *list, size_t index);

 * Appends an element to the end of a list.
 * If the list is filled to capacity, resizes the list to fit more elements
 * and asserts that the resize succeeded.
 * Also asserts that the value being added is non-NULL.
 * @param list a pointer to a list returned from list_init()
 * @param value the element to add to the end of the list
void list_add(list_t *list, void *value);

#endif // #ifndef __LIST_H__