vector.h 3.61 KB
#ifndef __VECTOR_H__
#define __VECTOR_H__
#include <stdbool.h>

 * A real-valued 2-dimensional vector.
 * Positive x is towards the right; positive y is towards the top.
 * vector_t is defined here instead of vector.c because it is passed *by value*.
typedef struct {
  double x;
  double y;
} vector_t;

 * The zero vector, i.e. (0, 0).
 * "extern" declares this global variable without allocating memory for it.
 * You will need to define "const vector_t VEC_ZERO = ..." in vector.c.
extern const vector_t VEC_ZERO;

 * Adds two vectors.
 * Performs the usual componentwise vector sum.
 * @param v1 the first vector
 * @param v2 the second vector
 * @return v1 + v2
vector_t vec_add(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

 * Subtracts two vectors.
 * Performs the usual componentwise vector difference.
 * @param v1 the first vector
 * @param v2 the second vector
 * @return v1 - v2
vector_t vec_subtract(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

 * Computes the additive inverse a vector.
 * This is equivalent to multiplying by -1.
 * @param v the vector whose inverse to compute
 * @return -v
vector_t vec_negate(vector_t v);

 * Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
 * Performs the usual componentwise product.
 * @param scalar the number to multiply the vector by
 * @param v the vector to scale
 * @return scalar * v
vector_t vec_multiply(double scalar, vector_t v);

 * Computes the dot product of two vectors.
 * See
 * @param v1 the first vector
 * @param v2 the second vector
 * @return v1 . v2
double vec_dot(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

 * Computes the distance between two vectors.
 * @param v1 the first vector
 * @param v2 the second vector
 * @return double scalar distance
double vec_dist(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

 * Computes the cross product of two vectors,
 * which lies along the z-axis.
 * See
 * @param v1 the first vector
 * @param v2 the second vector
 * @return the z-component of v1 x v2
double vec_cross(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

 * Rotates a vector by an angle around (0, 0).
 * The angle is given in radians.
 * Positive angles are counterclockwise, according to the right hand rule.
 * See
 * (You can derive this matrix by noticing that rotation by a fixed angle
 * is linear and then computing what it does to (1, 0) and (0, 1).)
 * @param v the vector to rotate
 * @param angle the angle to rotate the vector
 * @return v rotated by the given angle
vector_t vec_rotate(vector_t v, double angle);

 * Returns the norm of the vector.
 * @param v the vector to calculate norm of
 * @return double, the norm
double vec_norm(vector_t v);

 * Normalizes the vector
 * @param v the vector to normalize
 * @return vector_t, the normalized vector
vector_t vec_normalize(vector_t v);

 * Returns a vector perpendicular to the input vector.
 * @param v the original vector
 * @return vector_t perpendicular vector
vector_t vec_perpendicular(vector_t v);

 * Returns whether two vectors are identical
 * @param v1: the first vector
 * @param v2: the second vector
 * @return bool: if both are equal.
bool vec_equals(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

 * Returns a vector whose components have magnitude
 * smaller than (or equal to) the second vector's components
 * @param v1 Vector with unconstrained components
 * @param v2 Vector describing x and y constrains
 * @return vector_t 
vector_t vec_trim(vector_t v1, vector_t v2);

#endif // #ifndef __VECTOR_H__