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Created with Raphaël 2.2.015Jul15Jun1413121110987416Maypushingmastermasterhelpful updatesfinal versionfinished gamefinished gamehicolors updatedmain menu initializedworking on main menu, menu, glow for play testing, finished game loopclean up code, remove make_pellet, move functions to custom_utilsabstracted away many methodssplit up code into chunks of functions to make slyce.c readablesounds working, scores workingfinish for daygiga brain abstractionbruh damn securedbruh damnabstracted textcollisions workingcollisions workingerror collisionsoopsremoved excess print statementsdashing works, glow in progressworking on glowadd stdbool to player.hbullet collisions sorta workbullet collisions somewhat workingbullets actually spawn in correct positionbullets spawn in correct positionsurelyadded slug-slug collisionsadded bodies match slug colorpellets add bodies to slugpellets spawnfor armeet 😘beautiful abstractions fr who is this guyeverything good except foodpost ashug nukeHUGE CHANGES BIG ABSTRACTION OPACITY???