from termcolor import colored
from utils import choices_to_str
choices = ["sleep", "cheer", "dowork"]
inventory = []
# The `colored` function prints out text in the color provided!
print(colored("Hello! Welcome to a boring adventure!", "green"))
print(colored("You are in a dark room. Choose one of the following:", "blue"))
# done is a "boolean variable" (i.e., either True or False)
# We use it to control when the `while` loop should end!
done = False
while not done:
# `choices_to_str` is a function we wrote to turn a choices
# list into a string where each choice is underlined. If you
# want to check it out, it's in `` on the left!
prompt = choices_to_str(choices)
action = input(prompt + " >>> ")
if action == "sleep" and "work" in inventory:
print(colored("ZZZZ...zzzz", "blue"))
done = True
elif action == "sleep":
print(colored("You still have work to do!", "red"))
elif action == "dowork":
print(colored("You're done with your work now!", "green"))
elif action == "cheer":
print("Hip hip hooray!! You're still tired!")
print(colored("The adventure is over!", "green"))
Adam Blank authoredd03ff149