lab1info.txt 1.08 KB
CS122 Assignment 1 - NanoDB Set-Up and Storage Layer - Logistics

Please completely fill out this document so that we know who participated on
the assignment, any late extensions received, and how much time the assignment
took for your team.  Thank you!

L1.  List your team name and the people who worked on this assignment.

     <team name>


L2.  Specify the commit-hash of the Git commit you are submitting for your
     assignment.  (You can list the hashes of your commits with the command
     "git log".)

     Commit hash:  <hash>

L3.  Specify how many late tokens you are applying to this assignment, if any.
     Similarly, if your team received an extension from Donnie then please
     indicate how many days extension you received.  You may leave this blank
     if it is not relevant to this submission.

     <tokens / extension>

L4.  For each teammate, briefly describe what parts of the assignment each
     teammate focused on, along with the total hours spent on the assignment.