Spec Comments
- Add the markers for minimum, goal, and stretch goal
- To facillitate testing -> To facilitate testing
- Clarify getGuessesRemaining to state "how many more wrong guesses can the player make before the game ends"
- Test for exceptions in constructor doesn't match spec
- Passing in -1 for wordLength should yield an IllegalArgumentException in the constructor, not IllegalStateException as expected by the test
- IllegalStateException should be tested by passing in Integer.MAX_VALUE or some large number for wordLength
- Move mention of IllegalStateException for the word list from makeGuess to constructor
- maxGuesses should be restricted to 1 or greater, as by the interpretation of the tests, when you reach the maximum number of guesses wrong, the game ends. If maxGuesses is set to 0, then the game immediately ends without a guess.
- In makeGuess, not sure if you want to keep assumption of valid input, or add an exception and corresponding tests
- Mention somewhere that '-' "alphabetically" comes before any letter
- Mention somewhere the number of guesses the game starts with
- Why is the second return bolded...?
Interlude: Playing A Game III:
- How does it fair? -> How does it fare?
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