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package edu.caltech.cs2.project01;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;

public class SubstitutionCipher {
    private String ciphertext;
    private Map<Character, Character> key;

    // Use this Random object to generate random numbers in your code,
    // but do not modify this line.
    private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();

     * Construct a SubstitutionCipher with the given cipher text and key
     * @param ciphertext the cipher text for this substitution cipher
     * @param key the map from cipher text characters to plaintext characters
    public SubstitutionCipher(String ciphertext, Map<Character, Character> key) {
        // TODO: Student fill this in

     * Construct a SubstitutionCipher with the given cipher text and a randomly
     * initialized key.
     * @param ciphertext the cipher text for this substitution cipher
    public SubstitutionCipher(String ciphertext) {
        // TODO: Student fill this in

     * Returns the unedited cipher text that was provided by the user.
     * @return the cipher text for this substitution cipher
    public String getCipherText() {
        // TODO: Student fill this in
        return null;

     * Applies this cipher's key onto this cipher's text.
     * That is, each letter should be replaced with whichever
     * letter it maps to in this cipher's key.
     * @return the resulting plain text after the transformation using the key
    public String getPlainText() {
        // TODO: Student fill this in
        return null;

     * Returns a new SubstitutionCipher with the same cipher text as this one
     * and a modified key with exactly one random pair of characters exchanged.
     * @return the new SubstitutionCipher
    public SubstitutionCipher randomSwap() {
        // TODO: Student fill this in
        return null;

     * Returns the "score" for the "plain text" for this cipher.
     * The score for each individual quadgram is calculated by
     * the provided likelihoods object. The total score for the text is just
     * the sum of these scores.
     * @param likelihoods the object used to find a score for a quadgram
     * @return the score of the plain text as calculated by likelihoods
    public double getScore(QuadGramLikelihoods likelihoods) {
        // TODO: Student fill this in
        return 0.0;

     * Attempt to solve this substitution cipher through the hill
     * climbing algorithm. The SubstitutionCipher this is called from
     * should not be modified.
     * @param likelihoods the object used to find a score for a quadgram
     * @return a SubstitutionCipher with the same ciphertext and the optimal
     *  found through hill climbing
    public SubstitutionCipher getSolution(QuadGramLikelihoods likelihoods) {
        // TODO: Student fill this in
        return null;