## Here is an example for PHP
syntax "php" "\.php[2345s~]?$"
magic "PHP script text"
## php markings
color brightgreen "(<\?(php)?|\?>)"
## functions
color white "\<[a-z_]*\("
## types
color green "\<(var|float|global|double|bool|char|int|enum|const)\>"
## structure
color brightyellow "\<(class|new|private|public|function|for|foreach|if|while|do|else|elseif|case|default|switch)\>"
## control flow
color magenta "\<(goto|continue|break|return)\>"
## strings
color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\.|[^"])*""
## comments
color brightblue "//.*"
color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"
#color blue start="<" end=">"
#color red "&[^;[[:space:]]]*;"
## Trailing whitespace
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
Chris Allegretta authored
* Initial libmagic implementation, adapted from Eitan Adler <eitanadlerlist@gmail.com>. New nanorc entry "magic" to enable this functionality, nanorc file and man page updates. git-svn-id: svn://svn.savannah.gnu.org/nano/trunk/nano@4528 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8