• Mike Frysinger's avatar
    syntax: avoid using black colors · eb68cd1c
    Mike Frysinger authored
    We should avoid defining color schemes that are unreadable on common
    white-on-black or black-on-white terminals.  Change the black in the
    autoconf error strings to brightred for that reason.
autoconf.nanorc 557 Bytes
## Here is an example for Autoconf.

syntax "autoconf" "\.(ac|m4)$"
comment "#"

# Keywords:
color yellow "\<(if|test|then|elif|else|fi|for|in|do|done)\>"
color yellow "(=|!=|&&|\|\|)"

# Macros:
color cyan "\<[[:upper:]_[:digit:]]+\>"

# Version numbers:
color red "\<[-_.0-9]+\>"

# Strings:
color red "\"[^"]*\""  "\'[^']*\'"

# Backticks:
color green "`[^`]*`"

# Error lines:
color brightred "^\*\*\*.*"

# Brackets:
color magenta "\[|\]|\(|\)"

# Comments:
color blue "^[[:blank:]]*#.*"  "\<dnl.*"

# Trailing whitespace:
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"