Commit 09e95b2d authored by Benno Schulenberg's avatar Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

tweaks: frob a few comments

Showing with 14 additions and 24 deletions
+14 -24
......@@ -523,20 +523,15 @@ void browser_refresh(void)
size_t infolen;
/* The length of the file information in columns. */
int infomaxlen = 7;
/* The maximum length of the file information in
* columns: seven for "--", "(dir)", or the file size,
* and 12 for "(parent dir)". */
/* The maximum length of the file information in columns:
* normally seven, but will be twelve for "(parent dir)". */
bool dots = (COLS >= 15 && namelen >= longest - infomaxlen);
/* Do we put an ellipsis before the filename? Don't set
* this to TRUE if we have fewer than 15 columns (i.e.
* one column for padding, plus seven columns for a
* filename other than ".."). */
char *disp = display_string(thename, dots ? namelen -
longest + infomaxlen + 4 : 0, longest, FALSE);
/* If we put an ellipsis before the filename, reserve
* one column for padding, plus seven columns for "--",
* "(dir)", or the file size, plus three columns for the
* ellipsis. */
/* Whether to put an ellipsis before the filename? We don't
* waste space on dots when there are fewer than 15 columns. */
char *disp = display_string(thename, dots ?
namelen + infomaxlen + 4 - longest : 0, longest, FALSE);
/* The filename (or a fragment of it) in displayable format.
* When a fragment, account for dots plus one space padding. */
/* If this is the selected item, start its highlighting, and
* remember its location to be able to place the cursor on it. */
......@@ -548,7 +543,7 @@ void browser_refresh(void)
blank_line(edit, line, col, longest);
/* If dots is TRUE, we will display something like "...ename". */
/* If the name is too long, we display something like "...ename". */
if (dots)
mvwaddstr(edit, line, col, "...");
mvwaddstr(edit, line, dots ? col + 3 : col, disp);
......@@ -557,21 +552,16 @@ void browser_refresh(void)
col += longest;
/* Show information about the file. We don't want to report
* file sizes for links, so we use lstat(). */
/* Show information about the file: "--" for symlinks (except when
* they point to a directory) and for files that have disappeared,
* "(dir)" for directories, and the file size for normal files. */
if (lstat(filelist[i], &st) == -1 || S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
/* If the file doesn't exist (i.e. it's been deleted while
* the file browser is open), or it's a symlink that doesn't
* point to a directory, display "--". */
if (stat(filelist[i], &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
info = mallocstrcpy(NULL, "--");
/* If the file is a symlink that points to a directory,
* display it as a directory. */
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep this at most 7 characters. */
info = mallocstrcpy(NULL, _("(dir)"));
} else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
/* If the file is a directory, display it as such. */
if (strcmp(thename, "..") == 0) {
/* TRANSLATORS: Try to keep this at most 12 characters. */
info = mallocstrcpy(NULL, _("(parent dir)"));
......@@ -584,6 +574,7 @@ void browser_refresh(void)
info = charalloc(infomaxlen + 1);
/* Massage the file size into a human-readable form. */
if (st.st_size < (1 << 10))
modifier = ' '; /* bytes */
else if (st.st_size < (1 << 20)) {
......@@ -597,8 +588,7 @@ void browser_refresh(void)
modifier = 'G'; /* gigabytes */
/* Show the size if less than a terabyte,
* otherwise show "(huge)". */
/* Show the size if less than a terabyte, else show "(huge)". */
if (result < (1 << 10))
sprintf(info, "%4ju %cB", (intmax_t)result, modifier);
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