Commit 124a8595 authored by Benno Schulenberg's avatar Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

syntax: html: be more precise with tags, and paint attribute names

A tag begins not merely with a "<" but it must be followed by an
ASCII alphabetic character or one of "/", "!" and "?".

Further, color all the valid attribute names in red.
parent 322120c9
Showing with 19 additions and 2 deletions
+19 -2
## Here is a short example for HTML.
## Here is an example for HTML.
syntax "html" "\.html?$"
magic "HTML document text"
comment "<!--|-->"
color cyan start="<" end=">"
# Tags:
color cyan start="<[[:alpha:]/!?]" end=">"
# Bold, italic, and underlined:
color brightmagenta "</?[biu]>"
# Named character references:
color red "&[^;[:space:]]*;"
# Strings:
color green ""(\\.|[^"])*""
# Attributes:
color red "(abbr|accept(-charset)?|accesskey|action|alink|align|alt|archive|axis|background|bgcolor|border)="
color red "(cell(padding|spacing)|char(off|set)?|checked|cite|class(id)?|compact|code(base|tag)?|cols(pan)?)="
color red "(content(editable)?|contextmenu|coords|data|datetime|declare|defer|dir|disabled|enctype)="
color red "(for|frame(border)?|headers|height|hidden|href(lang)?|hspace|http-equiv|id|ismap)="
color red "(label|lang|link|longdesc|margin(height|width)|maxlength|media|method|multiple)="
color red "(name|nohref|noresize|noshade|object|onclick|onfocus|onload|onmouseover|profile|readonly|rel|rev)="
color red "(rows(pan)?|rules|scheme|scope|scrolling|selected|shape|size|span|src|standby|start|style|summary)="
color red "(tabindex|target|text|title|type|usemap|valign|value(type)?|vlink|vspace|width|xmlns|xml:space)="
# Comments:
color yellow start="<!--" end="-->"
Markdown is supported
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