Commit 1cc030f7 authored by Urja Rannikko's avatar Urja Rannikko Committed by Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

bindings: hard-bind Alt+Left and Alt+Right to buffer switching

This also fixes

Reported-by: default avatarUrja Rannikko <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarUrja Rannikko <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarBenno Schulenberg <>
No related merge requests found
Showing with 66 additions and 19 deletions
+66 -19
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ int controlleft, controlright, controlup, controldown, controlhome, controlend;
#ifndef NANO_TINY
int shiftcontrolleft, shiftcontrolright, shiftcontrolup, shiftcontroldown;
int shiftcontrolhome, shiftcontrolend;
int altleft, altright, altup, altdown;
int shiftaltleft, shiftaltright, shiftaltup, shiftaltdown;
......@@ -420,28 +421,45 @@ functionptrtype func_from_key(int *kbinput)
void assign_keyinfo(sc *s, const char *keystring, const int keycode)
s->keystr = keystring;
s->meta = (keystring[0] == 'M');
s->meta = (keystring[0] == 'M' && keystring[2] != '\xE2');
assert(strlen(keystring) > 1 && (!s->meta || strlen(keystring) > 2));
if (keycode)
s->keycode = keycode;
else if (keystring[0] == '^') {
s->keycode = keycode_from_string(keystring);
/* Parse the given keystring and return the corresponding keycode,
* or return -1 when the string is invalid. */
int keycode_from_string(const char *keystring)
if (keystring[0] == '^') {
if (strcasecmp(keystring, "^Space") == 0)
s->keycode = 0;
return 0;
if (strlen(keystring) == 2)
return keystring[1] - 64;
s->keycode = keystring[1] - 64;
} else if (s->meta) {
return -1;
} else if (keystring[0] == 'M') {
if (strcasecmp(keystring, "M-Space") == 0)
s->keycode = (int)' ';
return (int)' ';
if (keystring[1] == '-')
return tolower((unsigned char)keystring[2]);
s->keycode = tolower((unsigned char)keystring[2]);
} else if (keystring[0] == 'F')
s->keycode = KEY_F0 + atoi(&keystring[1]);
else if (!strcasecmp(keystring, "Ins"))
s->keycode = KEY_IC;
return -1;
} else if (keystring[0] == 'F') {
int fn = atoi(&keystring[1]);
if ((fn < 0) || (fn > 63))
return -1;
return KEY_F0 + fn;
} else if (!strcasecmp(keystring, "Ins"))
return KEY_IC;
else if (!strcasecmp(keystring, "Del"))
s->keycode = KEY_DC;
return KEY_DC;
return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -1121,6 +1139,10 @@ void shortcut_init(void)
add_to_sclist(MMOST, "\xE2\x86\x92", KEY_RIGHT, do_right, 0);
add_to_sclist(MSOME, "^\xE2\x86\x90", CONTROL_LEFT, do_prev_word_void, 0);
add_to_sclist(MSOME, "^\xE2\x86\x92", CONTROL_RIGHT, do_next_word_void, 0);
add_to_sclist(MMAIN, "M-\xE2\x86\x90", ALT_LEFT, switch_to_prev_buffer_void, 0);
add_to_sclist(MMAIN, "M-\xE2\x86\x92", ALT_RIGHT, switch_to_next_buffer_void, 0);
} else
......@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ void help_init(void)
if (scsfound == 1) {
sprintf(ptr, "%s ", s->keystr);
/* Unicode arrows take three bytes instead of one. */
if (s->keystr[0] == '\xE2' || s->keystr[1] == '\xE2')
if (strstr(s->keystr, "\xE2") != NULL)
ptr += 8;
ptr += 6;
......@@ -2525,6 +2525,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Ask for the codes for Shift+Control+Home/End. */
shiftcontrolhome = get_keycode("kHOM6", SHIFT_CONTROL_HOME);
shiftcontrolend = get_keycode("kEND6", SHIFT_CONTROL_END);
/* Ask for the codes for Alt+Left/Right/Up/Down. */
altleft = get_keycode("kLFT3", ALT_LEFT);
altright = get_keycode("kRIT3", ALT_RIGHT);
altup = get_keycode("kUP3", ALT_UP);
altdown = get_keycode("kDN3", ALT_DOWN);
/* Ask for the codes for Shift+Alt+Left/Right/Up/Down. */
shiftaltleft = get_keycode("kLFT4", SHIFT_ALT_LEFT);
shiftaltright = get_keycode("kRIT4", SHIFT_ALT_RIGHT);
......@@ -568,6 +568,10 @@ enum
#define SHIFT_CONTROL_DOWN 0x408
#define SHIFT_CONTROL_HOME 0x413
#define SHIFT_CONTROL_END 0x414
#define ALT_LEFT 0x415
#define ALT_RIGHT 0x416
#define ALT_UP 0x417
#define ALT_DOWN 0x418
#define SHIFT_ALT_LEFT 0x409
#define SHIFT_ALT_RIGHT 0x40a
#define SHIFT_ALT_UP 0x40b
......@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ extern int shiftcontrolup;
extern int shiftcontroldown;
extern int shiftcontrolhome;
extern int shiftcontrolend;
extern int altleft;
extern int altright;
extern int altup;
extern int altdown;
extern int shiftaltleft;
extern int shiftaltright;
extern int shiftaltup;
......@@ -327,6 +331,7 @@ size_t length_of_list(int menu);
const sc *first_sc_for(int menu, void (*func)(void));
int the_code_for(void (*func)(void), int defaultval);
functionptrtype func_from_key(int *kbinput);
int keycode_from_string(const char *keystring);
void assign_keyinfo(sc *s, const char *keystring, const int keycode);
void print_sclist(void);
void shortcut_init(void);
......@@ -410,12 +410,7 @@ void parse_binding(char *ptr, bool dobind)
else if (keycopy[0] != '^' && keycopy[0] != 'M' && keycopy[0] != 'F') {
rcfile_error(N_("Key name must begin with \"^\", \"M\", or \"F\""));
goto free_copy;
} else if ((keycopy[0] == 'M' && keycopy[1] != '-') ||
(keycopy[0] == '^' && ((keycopy[1] < 'A' || keycopy[1] > 'z') ||
keycopy[1] == '[' || keycopy[1] == '`' ||
(strlen(keycopy) > 2 && strcmp(keycopy, "^Space") != 0))) ||
(strlen(keycopy) > 3 && strcmp(keycopy, "^Space") != 0 &&
strcmp(keycopy, "M-Space") != 0)) {
} else if (keycode_from_string(keycopy) < 0) {
rcfile_error(N_("Key name %s is invalid"), keycopy);
goto free_copy;
......@@ -523,6 +523,10 @@ int parse_kbinput(WINDOW *win)
} else if (retval == shiftcontrolend) {
shift_held = TRUE;
} else if (retval == altleft) {
return ALT_LEFT;
} else if (retval == altright) {
return ALT_RIGHT;
} else if (retval == shiftaltleft) {
shift_held = TRUE;
return KEY_HOME;
......@@ -954,6 +958,18 @@ int convert_sequence(const int *seq, size_t seq_len)
#ifndef NANO_TINY
case '3':
switch (seq[4]) {
case 'A': /* Esc [ 1 ; 3 A == Alt-Up on xterm. */
return ALT_UP;
case 'B': /* Esc [ 1 ; 3 B == Alt-Down on xterm. */
return ALT_DOWN;
case 'C': /* Esc [ 1 ; 3 C == Alt-Right on xterm. */
return ALT_RIGHT;
case 'D': /* Esc [ 1 ; 3 D == Alt-Left on xterm. */
return ALT_LEFT;
case '4':
/* When the arrow keys are held together with Shift+Meta,
* act as if they are Home/End/PgUp/PgDown with Shift. */
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