Commit 2a438459 authored by Jordi Mallach's avatar Jordi Mallach
Browse files

2007-12-09 Jordi Mallach <>

        * LINGUAS: Add zh_CN.
        * es.po, fr.po, it.po, nb.po, nl.po, pt_BR.po: New pull from the TP,
        to fetch the now corrected latest pt_BR file.

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
Showing with 1011 additions and 815 deletions
+1011 -815
2007-12-09 Jordi Mallach <>
* LINGUAS: Add zh_CN.
* es.po, fr.po, it.po, nb.po, nl.po, pt_BR.po: New pull from the TP,
to fetch the now corrected latest pt_BR file.
2007-12-08 Jordi Mallach <>
* zh_CN.po: New Simplified Chinese translation by
# List of available languages.
bg ca cs da de es eu fi fr ga gl hu id it ms nb nl nn pl pt_BR ro ru rw sr sv tr uk vi zh_TW
bg ca cs da de es eu fi fr ga gl hu id it ms nb nl nn pl pt_BR ro ru rw sr sv tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW
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