Commit 34bdc35d authored by David Lawrence Ramsey's avatar David Lawrence Ramsey
Browse files

readd tab completion of history strings, with a few minor tweaks

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
No related merge requests found
Showing with 129 additions and 48 deletions
+129 -48
......@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ CVS code -
do_gotolinecolumn_void()), nano.1, and nano.texi. (DLR,
suggested by PFTank)
- Overhaul the history code to work more consistently, and clean
up various parts of it. Note that history tab completion has
been removed. New function history_has_changed(); changes to
load_history(), writehist(), thanks_for_all_the_fish(),
history_init(), find_node() (renamed find_history()),
update_history(), get_history_older(), get_history_newer(),
do_search(), do_replace(), nanogetstr(), and statusq();
removal of remove_node(), insert_node(), and
get_history_completion(). (DLR)
up various parts of it. New function history_has_changed();
changes to load_history(), writehist(),
thanks_for_all_the_fish(), history_init(), find_node()
(renamed find_history()), update_history(),
get_history_older(), get_history_newer(),
get_history_completion(), do_search(), do_replace(),
nanogetstr(), and statusq(); removal of remove_node() and
insert_node(). (DLR)
- Replace all instances of strncpy() with charcpy(), since the
only difference between them is that the former pads strings
with nulls when they're longer than the number of characters
......@@ -2915,8 +2915,6 @@ void load_history(void)
* replace history) from oldest to newest. Assume the last
* history entry is a blank line. */
filestruct **history = &search_history;
filestruct **historyage = &searchage;
filestruct **historybot = &searchbot;
char *line = NULL;
size_t buflen = 0;
ssize_t read;
......@@ -2928,13 +2926,9 @@ void load_history(void)
if (read > 0) {
unsunder(line, read);
update_history(history, historyage, historybot,
} else {
update_history(history, line);
} else
history = &replace_history;
historyage = &replaceage;
historybot = &replacebot;
......@@ -322,6 +322,9 @@ char *histfilename(void);
void load_history(void);
bool writehist(FILE *hist, filestruct *histhead);
void save_history(void);
char *get_history_completion(filestruct **h, char *s, size_t len);
/* Public functions in global.c. */
......@@ -527,9 +530,9 @@ void do_find_bracket(void);
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
bool history_has_changed(void);
void history_init(void);
filestruct *find_history(filestruct *h, const char *s);
void update_history(filestruct **h, filestruct **hage, filestruct
**hbot, const char *s);
filestruct *find_history(filestruct *h_start, filestruct *h_end, const
char *s, size_t len);
void update_history(filestruct **h, const char *s);
char *get_history_older(filestruct **h);
char *get_history_newer(filestruct **h);
......@@ -649,7 +652,7 @@ char *display_string(const char *buf, size_t start_col, size_t len, bool
void nanoget_repaint(const char *buf, const char *inputbuf, size_t x);
int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
filestruct *history_list,
filestruct **history_list,
const shortcut *s
......@@ -658,7 +661,7 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
int statusq(bool allow_tabs, const shortcut *s, const char *curranswer,
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
filestruct *history_list,
filestruct **history_list,
const char *msg, ...);
void statusq_abort(void);
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ int search_init(bool replacing, bool use_answer)
i = statusq(FALSE, replacing ? replace_list : whereis_list,
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
"%s%s%s%s%s%s", _("Search"),
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ void do_search(void)
/* If answer is not "", add this search string to the search history
* list. */
if (answer[0] != '\0')
update_history(&search_history, &searchage, &searchbot, answer);
update_history(&search_history, answer);
......@@ -905,14 +905,14 @@ void do_replace(void)
* copy answer into last_search. */
if (answer[0] != '\0') {
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
update_history(&search_history, &searchage, &searchbot, answer);
update_history(&search_history, answer);
last_search = mallocstrcpy(last_search, answer);
i = statusq(FALSE, replace_list_2, last_replace,
#ifndef NANO_SMALL
_("Replace with"));
......@@ -920,8 +920,7 @@ void do_replace(void)
/* Add this replace string to the replace history list. i == 0
* means that the string is not "". */
if (i == 0)
update_history(&replace_history, &replaceage, &replacebot,
update_history(&replace_history, answer);
if (i != 0 && i != -2) {
......@@ -1140,32 +1139,42 @@ void history_init(void)
replacebot = replace_history;
/* Return the first node containing the string s in the history list,
* starting at h, or NULL if there isn't one. */
filestruct *find_history(filestruct *h, const char *s)
/* Return the first node containing the first len characters of the
* string s in the history list, starting at h_start and ending at
* h_end, or NULL if there isn't one. */
filestruct *find_history(filestruct *h_start, filestruct *h_end, const
char *s, size_t len)
assert(h != NULL);
filestruct *p;
for (; h->next != NULL; h = h->next) {
if (strcmp(s, h->data) == 0)
return h;
for (p = h_start; p != h_end->next && p != NULL; p = p->next) {
if (strncmp(s, p->data, len) == 0)
return p;
return NULL;
/* Update a history list. h should be the current position in the list,
* hage should be the top of the list, and hbot should be the bottom of
* the list. */
void update_history(filestruct **h, filestruct **hage, filestruct
**hbot, const char *s)
/* Update a history list. h should be the current position in the
* list. */
void update_history(filestruct **h, const char *s)
filestruct *p;
filestruct **hage = NULL, **hbot = NULL, *p;
assert(h != NULL && s != NULL);
if (*h == search_history) {
hage = &searchage;
hbot = &searchbot;
} else if (*h == replace_history) {
hage = &replaceage;
hbot = &replacebot;
assert(h != NULL && hage != NULL && hbot != NULL && s != NULL);
assert(hage != NULL && hbot != NULL);
/* If this string is already in the history, delete it. */
p = find_history(*hage, s);
p = find_history(*hage, *hbot, s, (size_t)-1);
if (p != NULL) {
filestruct *foo, *bar;
......@@ -1239,4 +1248,55 @@ char *get_history_newer(filestruct **h)
return (*h)->data;
/* Move h to the next string that's a tab completion of the string s,
* looking at only the first len characters of s, and return that
* string. If there isn't one, or if len is 0, don't move h, truncate s
* to len characters, and return s. */
char *get_history_completion(filestruct **h, char *s, size_t len)
assert(s != NULL);
if (len > 0) {
filestruct *hage = NULL, *hbot = NULL, *p;
assert(h != NULL);
if (*h == search_history) {
hage = searchage;
hbot = searchbot;
} else if (*h == replace_history) {
hage = replaceage;
hbot = replacebot;
assert(hage != NULL && hbot != NULL);
/* Search the history list from the entry after the current
* position to the bottom for a match of len characters. */
p = find_history((*h)->next, hbot, s, len);
if (p != NULL) {
*h = p;
return (*h)->data;
/* Search the history list from the top to the current position
* for a match of len characters. */
p = find_history(hage, *h, s, len);
if (p != NULL) {
*h = p;
return (*h)->data;
/* If we're here, we didn't find a match, or len is 0. Truncate s
* to len characters, and return it. */
null_at(&s, len);
return s;
......@@ -2431,7 +2431,7 @@ void nanoget_repaint(const char *buf, const char *inputbuf, size_t x)
* statusq(). */
int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
filestruct *history_list,
filestruct **history_list,
const shortcut *s
......@@ -2447,6 +2447,13 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
/* Whether we've pressed Tab. */
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
size_t complete_len = 0;
/* The length of the original string that we're trying to
* tab complete, if any. */
int last_kbinput = ERR;
/* The key we pressed before the current key. */
char *history = NULL;
/* The current history string. */
char *magichistory = NULL;
......@@ -2494,6 +2501,19 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
switch (kbinput) {
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
if (history_list != NULL) {
if (last_kbinput != NANO_TAB_KEY)
complete_len = strlen(answer);
if (complete_len > 0) {
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer,
answer, complete_len));
statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
} else
if (allow_tabs)
answer = input_tab(answer, &statusbar_x, &tabbed,
......@@ -2506,7 +2526,7 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
* history list, answer isn't blank, and
* magichistory isn't set, save answer in
* magichistory. */
if (history_list->next == NULL &&
if ((*history_list)->next == NULL &&
answer[0] != '\0' && magichistory == NULL)
magichistory = mallocstrcpy(NULL, answer);
......@@ -2514,7 +2534,7 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
* save it in answer. If there is no older search,
* don't do anything. */
if ((history =
get_history_older(&history_list)) != NULL) {
get_history_older(history_list)) != NULL) {
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, history);
statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
......@@ -2535,7 +2555,7 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
* save it in answer. If there is no newer search,
* don't do anything. */
if ((history =
get_history_newer(&history_list)) != NULL) {
get_history_newer(history_list)) != NULL) {
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, history);
statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
......@@ -2544,7 +2564,7 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
* the history list, answer is blank, and
* magichistory is set, save magichistory in
* answer. */
if (history_list->next == NULL &&
if ((*history_list)->next == NULL &&
answer[0] == '\0' && magichistory != NULL) {
answer = mallocstrcpy(answer, magichistory);
statusbar_x = strlen(answer);
......@@ -2560,6 +2580,10 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
if (finished)
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC) && !defined(DISABLE_TABCOMP)
last_kbinput = kbinput;
nanoget_repaint(buf, answer, statusbar_x);
......@@ -2588,7 +2612,7 @@ int nanogetstr(bool allow_tabs, const char *buf, const char *curranswer,
* interpreted. */
int statusq(bool allow_tabs, const shortcut *s, const char *curranswer,
#if !defined(NANO_SMALL) && defined(ENABLE_NANORC)
filestruct *history_list,
filestruct **history_list,
const char *msg, ...)
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