Commit 4239e5fe authored by Benno Schulenberg's avatar Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

tweaks: put declarations always first, so it will compile on Haiku

No related merge requests found
Showing with 32 additions and 22 deletions
+32 -22
......@@ -1987,6 +1987,7 @@ bool write_file(const char *name, FILE *f_open, bool tmp,
/* If we must set the filename, and it changed, adjust things. */
if (!nonamechange && strcmp(openfile->filename, realname) != 0) {
char *newname;
char *oldname = openfile->syntax ? openfile->syntax->name : "";
filestruct *line = openfile->fileage;
......@@ -1997,7 +1998,7 @@ bool write_file(const char *name, FILE *f_open, bool tmp,
char *newname = openfile->syntax ? openfile->syntax->name : "";
newname = openfile->syntax ? openfile->syntax->name : "";
/* If the syntax changed, discard and recompute the multidata. */
if (strcmp(oldname, newname) != 0) {
......@@ -2457,14 +2458,15 @@ char **username_tab_completion(const char *buf, size_t *num_matches,
size_t buf_len)
char **matches = NULL;
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
const struct passwd *userdata;
assert(buf != NULL && num_matches != NULL && buf_len > 0);
*num_matches = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
const struct passwd *userdata;
while ((userdata = getpwent()) != NULL) {
if (strncmp(userdata->pw_name, buf + 1, buf_len - 1) == 0) {
/* Cool, found a match. Add it to the list. This makes a
......@@ -899,9 +899,10 @@ void pick_up_name(const char *kind, char *ptr, char **storage)
if (!strcmp(ptr, "\"\""))
*storage = NULL;
else if (*ptr == '"') {
*storage = mallocstrcpy(NULL, ++ptr);
char* q = *storage;
char* p = *storage;
char *p, *q;
p = q = *storage = mallocstrcpy(NULL, ++ptr);
/* Snip out the backslashes of escaped characters. */
while (*p != '"') {
if (*p == '\0') {
......@@ -653,12 +653,14 @@ void undo_cut(undo *u)
/* Redo a cut, or undo an uncut. */
void redo_cut(undo *u)
filestruct *oldcutbuffer = cutbuffer, *oldcutbottom = cutbottom;
/* If we cut the magicline, we may as well not crash. :/ */
if (!u->cutbuffer)
filestruct *oldcutbuffer = cutbuffer, *oldcutbottom = cutbottom;
cutbuffer = cutbottom = NULL;
cutbuffer = NULL;
cutbottom = NULL;
goto_line_posx(u->lineno, u->begin);
......@@ -678,7 +680,9 @@ void do_undo(void)
undo *u = openfile->current_undo;
filestruct *f, *t = NULL;
filestruct *oldcutbuffer, *oldcutbottom;
char *data, *undidmsg = NULL;
size_t from_x, to_x;
if (!u) {
statusbar(_("Nothing in undo buffer!"));
......@@ -767,8 +771,8 @@ void do_undo(void)
undidmsg = _("line break");
size_t from_x = (u->begin == 0) ? 0 : u->mark_begin_x;
size_t to_x = (u->begin == 0) ? u->mark_begin_x : u->begin;
from_x = (u->begin == 0) ? 0 : u->mark_begin_x;
to_x = (u->begin == 0) ? u->mark_begin_x : u->begin;
f->data = charealloc(f->data, strlen(f->data) +
strlen(&u->strdata[from_x]) + 1);
strcat(f->data, &u->strdata[from_x]);
......@@ -787,7 +791,8 @@ void do_undo(void)
case INSERT:
undidmsg = _("text insert");
filestruct *oldcutbuffer = cutbuffer, *oldcutbottom = cutbottom;
oldcutbuffer = cutbuffer;
oldcutbottom = cutbottom;
cutbuffer = NULL;
cutbottom = NULL;
openfile->mark_begin = fsfromline(u->mark_begin_lineno);
......@@ -832,7 +837,7 @@ void do_undo(void)
/* Redo the last thing(s) we undid. */
void do_redo(void)
filestruct *f;
filestruct *f, *shoveline;
char *data, *redidmsg = NULL;
undo *u = openfile->undotop;
......@@ -883,7 +888,7 @@ void do_redo(void)
case ENTER:
redidmsg = _("line break");
filestruct *shoveline = make_new_node(f);
shoveline = make_new_node(f);
shoveline->data = mallocstrcpy(NULL, u->strdata);
data = mallocstrncpy(NULL, f->data, u->begin + 1);
data[u->begin] = '\0';
......@@ -1406,11 +1411,12 @@ fprintf(stderr, " >> Updating... action = %d, openfile->last_action = %d, openf
* bottom-->top, then swap the mark points. */
if ((u->lineno == u->mark_begin_lineno && u->begin < u->mark_begin_x)
|| u->lineno < u->mark_begin_lineno) {
ssize_t line = u->lineno;
size_t x_loc = u->begin;
u->begin = u->mark_begin_x;
u->mark_begin_x = x_loc;
ssize_t line = u->lineno;
u->lineno = u->mark_begin_lineno;
u->mark_begin_lineno = line;
} else
......@@ -1487,6 +1493,9 @@ bool do_wrap(filestruct *line)
size_t next_line_len = 0;
/* The length of next_line. */
size_t old_x = openfile->current_x;
filestruct * oldLine = openfile->current;
/* There are three steps. First, we decide where to wrap. Then, we
* create the new wrap line. Finally, we clean up. */
......@@ -1529,8 +1538,6 @@ bool do_wrap(filestruct *line)
size_t old_x = openfile->current_x;
filestruct * oldLine = openfile->current;
openfile->current = line;
/* Step 2, making the new wrap line. It will consist of indentation
......@@ -2385,6 +2385,12 @@ void edit_draw(filestruct *fileptr, const char *converted,
/* The place in converted from where painting starts. */
regmatch_t match;
/* The match positions of a single-line regex. */
const filestruct *start_line = fileptr->prev;
/* The first line before fileptr that matches 'start'. */
const filestruct *end_line = fileptr;
/* The line that matches 'end'. */
regmatch_t startmatch, endmatch;
/* The match positions of the start and end regexes. */
/* Two notes about regexec(). A return value of zero means
* that there is a match. Also, rm_eo is the first
......@@ -2440,12 +2446,6 @@ void edit_draw(filestruct *fileptr, const char *converted,
/* Second case: varnish is a multiline expression. */
const filestruct *start_line = fileptr->prev;
/* The first line before fileptr that matches 'start'. */
const filestruct *end_line = fileptr;
/* The line that matches 'end'. */
regmatch_t startmatch, endmatch;
/* The match positions of the start and end regexes. */
/* Assume nothing gets painted until proven otherwise below. */
fileptr->multidata[varnish->id] = CNONE;
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