Commit 8e05c315 authored by David Lawrence Ramsey's avatar David Lawrence Ramsey
Browse files

in nanorc.sample, simplify the "nanorc" regex for commands

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
Showing with 2 additions and 1 deletion
+2 -1
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ CVS code -
by DLR, suggested by John M. Gabriele)
- Explicitly mention that all regexes should be extended regular
expressions. (DLR, suggested by John M. Gabriele)
- Simplify the "nanorc" regex for commands. (DLR)
- Miscellaneous minor fixes. (DLR)
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
# syntax "nanorc" "(\.|/|)nanorc$"
## highlight possible errors and parameters
# icolor brightwhite "^[[:space:]]*(set|unset|include|syntax|i?color).*$"
# icolor brightwhite "^[[:space:]]*((un)?set|include|syntax|i?color).*$"
## set, unset and syntax
# icolor cyan "^[[:space:]]*(set|unset)[[:space:]]+(autoindent|backup|backupdir|backwards|boldtext|brackets|casesensitive|const|cut|fill|historylog|matchbrackets|morespace|mouse|multibuffer|noconvert|nofollow|nohelp|nonewlines|nowrap|operatingdir|preserve|punct)\>" "^[[:space:]]*(set|unset)[[:space:]]+(quickblank|quotestr|rebinddelete|rebindkeypad|regexp|smarthome|smooth|speller|suspend|tabsize|tabstospaces|tempfile|view|whitespace|wordbounds)\>"
# icolor green "^[[:space:]]*(set|unset|syntax)\>"
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