Commit 95fffa99 authored by Benno Schulenberg's avatar Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

tweaks: adjust two comments, move two declarations, rewrap three lines

No related merge requests found
Showing with 16 additions and 18 deletions
+16 -18
......@@ -1368,20 +1368,19 @@ void update_multiline_undo(ssize_t lineno, char *indentation)
u->newsize = openfile->totsize;
/* Update an undo item, or determine whether a new one is really needed
* and bounce the data to add_undo instead. The latter functionality
* just feels gimmicky and may just be more hassle than it's worth,
* so it should be axed if needed. */
/* Update an undo record, after checking that a new one is not needed. */
void update_undo(undo_type action)
undo *u;
undo *u = openfile->undotop;
char *char_buf;
int char_len;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " >> Updating an undo... action = %d\n", action);
/* Change to an add if we're not using the same undo struct
* that we should be using. */
/* If the action is different or the position changed, don't update the
* current record but add a new one instead. */
if (action != openfile->last_action ||
(action != ENTER && action != CUT && action != INSERT &&
openfile->current->lineno != openfile->current_undo->lineno)) {
......@@ -1389,27 +1388,27 @@ fprintf(stderr, " >> Updating an undo... action = %d\n", action);
u = openfile->undotop;
u->newsize = openfile->totsize;
switch (u->type) {
case ADD: {
char *char_buf = charalloc(MAXCHARLEN);
int char_len = parse_mbchar(&openfile->current->data[u->mark_begin_x], char_buf, NULL);
u->strdata = addstrings(u->strdata, u->strdata ? strlen(u->strdata) : 0, char_buf, char_len);
case ADD:
char_buf = charalloc(MAXCHARLEN);
char_len = parse_mbchar(&openfile->current->data[u->mark_begin_x],
char_buf, NULL);
u->strdata = addstrings(u->strdata, u->strdata ? strlen(u->strdata) : 0,
char_buf, char_len);
u->mark_begin_lineno = openfile->current->lineno;
u->mark_begin_x = openfile->current_x;
case ENTER:
u->strdata = mallocstrcpy(NULL, openfile->current->data);
u->mark_begin_x = openfile->current_x;
case BACK:
case DEL: {
char *char_buf = charalloc(MAXCHARLEN);
int char_len = parse_mbchar(&openfile->current->data[openfile->current_x], char_buf, NULL);
case DEL:
char_buf = charalloc(MAXCHARLEN);
char_len = parse_mbchar(&openfile->current->data[openfile->current_x],
char_buf, NULL);
if (openfile->current_x == u->begin) {
/* They deleted more: add removed character after earlier stuff. */
u->strdata = addstrings(u->strdata, strlen(u->strdata), char_buf, char_len);
......@@ -1425,7 +1424,6 @@ fprintf(stderr, " >> Updating an undo... action = %d\n", action);
case JOIN:
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