Commit 9d658cec authored by David Lawrence Ramsey's avatar David Lawrence Ramsey
Browse files

add "cxx" and "hxx" to the list of extensions that the "c-file" regexes

apply to, and add "warning" and "error" to them as well

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
No related merge requests found
Showing with 6 additions and 2 deletions
+6 -2
......@@ -352,6 +352,10 @@ CVS code -
and put it back so that it isn't lost. This is especially
needed if the keystroke is part of a multibyte character.
- nanorc.sample:
- Add "cxx" and "hxx" to the list of extensions that the
"c-file" regexes apply to, and add "warning" and "error" to
them as well. (Mike Frysinger)
- nanorc.5:
- Update the description of how the "color" regex works. (DLR)
- Clarify descriptions of the characters that aren't allowed
......@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@
## color will use a transparent color. If you don't want this, be sure
## to set the background color to black or white.
# syntax "c-file" "\.(c|C|cc|cpp|h|H|hh|hpp)$"
# syntax "c-file" "\.(c|C|cc|cpp|cxx|h|H|hh|hpp|hxx)$"
# color red "\<[A-Z_]{2,}\>"
# color green "\<(float|double|bool|char|int|short|long|sizeof|enum|void|static|const|struct|union|typedef|extern|signed|unsigned|inline)\>"
# color green "\<(class|namespace|template|public|protected|private|typename|this|friend|virtual|using|mutable|volatile|register|explicit)\>"
# color brightyellow "\<(for|if|while|do|else|case|default|switch|goto|continue|break|return)\>"
# color brightyellow "\<(try|throw|catch|operator|new|delete)\>"
# color brightcyan "^ *# *(define|undef|include|ifn?def|endif|elif|else|if)"
# color brightcyan "^ *# *(define|undef|include|ifn?def|endif|elif|else|if|warning|error)"
# color brightmagenta "'([^\]|(\\['abfnrtv\\]))'" "'\\(([0-7][0-7]?)|([0-3][0-7][0-7]))'" "'\\x[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]?'"
## You will in general want your comments and strings to come last,
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