Commit b0df953a authored by Robert Siemborski's avatar Robert Siemborski
Browse files

updated for totsize fixes + experimental do_wrap

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
parent ea19c736
Showing with 5 additions and 1 deletion
+5 -1
......@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ since last release (CVS Only) - 06/06/2000
- Rewrite of display functions to correct the display problems
we had been seeing. Affects: add_marked_sameline, edit_add,
and many others. (Rob Siemborski)
- cut.c
- totsize fixes (Rob Siemborski)
- nano.c
- totsize fixes (Rob Siemborski)
- experimental do_wrap and check_wrap (Adam Rogoyski)
nano-0.9.10 - 06/04/2000
- es.po:
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