Commit b8d92feb authored by David Lawrence Ramsey's avatar David Lawrence Ramsey
Browse files

in nanorc.sample, replace instances of \" with ", since quotes inside

string parameters don't need to be escaped with backslashes

git-svn-id: svn:// 35c25a1d-7b9e-4130-9fde-d3aeb78583b8
No related merge requests found
Showing with 10 additions and 8 deletions
+10 -8
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ CVS code -
- doc/nanorc.sample:
- Tweak the "c-file" regex for characters to accept '"' again,
as it's apparently valid. (DLR)
- Replace instances of \" with ", since quotes inside string
parameters don't need to be escaped with backslashes. (DLR)
GNU nano 1.3.11 - 2006.03.30
- General:
......@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@
## because syntax highlighting rules will be applied in the order they
## are read in.
# color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
# color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*""
## This string is VERY resource intensive!
# color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^\"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^\"])*""
# color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
## And we want to have some nice comment highlighting too
# color brightblue "//.*"
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
## Requests
# color brightgreen "^\.[[:space:]]*[^[[:space:]]]*"
## Comments
# color yellow "^\.\\\".*$"
# color yellow "^\.\\".*$"
## Strings
# color green "(\\|\\\\)\*."
# color green "(\\|\\\\)\*\(.."
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
# color green "\<(boolean|byte|char|double|float|int|long|new|short|this|transient|void)\>"
# color red "\<(break|case|catch|continue|default|do|else|finally|for|if|return|switch|throw|try|while)\>"
# color cyan "\<(abstract|class|extends|final|implements|import|instanceof|interface|native|package|private|protected|public|static|strictfp|super|synchronized|throws|volatile)\>"
# color red ""[^\"]*""
# color red ""[^"]*""
# color yellow "\<(true|false|null)\>"
# color blue "//.*"
# color blue start="/\*" end="\*/"
......@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
# icolor brightred "^[[:space:]]*[._A-Z0-9]*:"
# color brightcyan "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*(define|undef|include|ifn?def|endif|elif|else|if|warning|error)"
## Highlight strings (note: VERY resource intensive)
# color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^\"])*""
# color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^\"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^\"])*""
# color brightyellow "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*""
# color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
## Highlight comments
# color brightblue "//.*"
# color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
# color brightblue "\<(cat|cd|chmod|chown|cp|echo|env|export|grep|install|let|ln|make|mkdir|mv|rm|sed|set|tar|touch|umask|unset)\>"
# icolor brightred "\$\{?[_A-Z0-9]+\}?"
# color yellow "#.*$"
# color brightyellow ""(\\.|[^\"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
# color brightyellow ""(\\.|[^"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
## Here is an example for your .nanorc
......@@ -349,6 +349,6 @@
# icolor yellow "^[[:space:]]*i?color[[:space:]]*(bright)?(white|black|red|blue|green|yellow|magenta|cyan)?(,(white|black|red|blue|green|yellow|magenta|cyan))?\>"
# icolor magenta "^[[:space:]]*i?color\>" "\<(start|end)="
## strings
# icolor white "\"(\\.|[^\"])*\""
# icolor white ""(\\.|[^"])*""
## comments
# icolor blue "^[[:space:]]*#.*$"
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