Commit cbf4f77d authored by Benno Schulenberg's avatar Benno Schulenberg
Browse files

titlebar: don't reshow version when dropping back to a single buffer

When multiple files were open and [x/n] was being shown in the title
bar, don't show nano's name and version number when just one buffer
remains open, but show [1/1] instead.  It is less surprising.
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Showing with 7 additions and 1 deletion
+7 -1
......@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ void make_new_buffer(void)
/* There is more than one file open: show "Close" in help lines. */
exitfunc->desc = close_tag;
more_than_one = TRUE;
/* Make the new buffer the current one, and start initializing it. */
......@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ bool inhelp = FALSE;
char *title = NULL;
/* When not NULL: the title of the current help text. */
bool more_than_one = FALSE;
/* Whether more than one buffer is or has been open. */
int didfind = 0;
/* Whether the last search found something. */
......@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ extern filestruct *pletion_line;
extern bool inhelp;
extern char *title;
extern bool more_than_one;
extern int didfind;
extern int controlleft;
......@@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ void titlebar(const char *path)
* then sacrifice the prefix, and only then start dottifying. */
/* When multiple buffers are open, show which one out of how many. */
if (path == NULL && firstfile != firstfile->next) {
if (path == NULL && more_than_one) {
indicator = charalloc(24);
sprintf(indicator, "[%i/%i]", buffer_number(openfile),
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