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Created with Raphaël 2.2.07Dec5432130Nov29272623201714131230Oct2928272423222120181512111020Sep1413118632130Aug292827262521171615141210765432131Jul302928272524222117161413121110432130Jun292726252423222120171615141312876432131May30282725242322211817161514121065432129Apr272625242317161513121110875431Mar302928232221201917141312111094129Feb282625242322build: add configure option --disable-wordcomp to disable word completionnew feature: complete a fragment to a longer word found in the buffertweaks: move a cursor-on switch to a more logical place (again)docs: correct and improve the description of --disable-wrappingprompt: remove two fragments of dead codescreen: remove an unneeded blanking of the statusbartweaks: remove some more annoying conditional compilationtweaks: remove a superfluous cleanup callbuild: clean out the revision.h file, to make 'make distcheck' passscreen: switch the cursor back on only in the main looptweaks: replace some unneeded direct calls of edit_refresh()tweaks: get rid of some spurious textual references to edit_refresh()input: add the shifted PageUp and PageDown keycodes produced by VTEscreen: don't restore the previous menu after a yesno prompttweaks: reshuffle three initializations and trim some commentsscreen: don't request an update of the edit window for every yesno promptdocs: tweak some lines in the NEWS filegeneral: gettextize three overlooked statusbar messagesoops: the yesno prompt for replacing does not want a visible cursortweaks: remove a bit of obscuring conditional compilationtweaks: move a switching on of the cursor to a more logical placetweaks: fix compilation when configured with --enable-tinydocs: add info about Slang to README.GIT, and improve info about glib2files: give feedback when restricted mode prevents overwriting a fileinput: properly check the full escape sequences for all keysrcfile: actually avoid opening directories and devicestweaks: factor out a small functionrcfile: check the vital shortcuts just once, not for every included filetweaks: remove an annoying conditional compilation of an argumentrcfile: actually don't try to open things that cannot be syntax filestweaks: reshuffle some things in a more linear mannerfiles: trying to open a non-existent file will never succeedinput: distinguish <Shift+Home> from <Home> on an rxvt terminalinput: distinguish <Alt+Left> from <Alt+Right> on an rxvt terminalinput: make Shift+Alt+Arrow work properly on rxvt and Eterm terminalssyntax: avoid using black colorsconfigure: fix ncurses lib symbol checkingdocs: mention that libncursesw5-dev is needed for building from gitstartup: activate restricted mode earlier, so --help will reflect itbinding: always initialize some keycode variables to a standard value