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Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Feb21201816151413121110976531Jan29262524222120171514131211109743231Dec302923222018118765432130Nov2928262524232221121110876231Oct2928275Sep429Aug16131211986432131Jul30292826252322191817151312106528Jun2723201817141174231May2821208328Apr252120181714131211875328Mar2725232221201715148727Feb2521181615973120Jan146328Dec30Nov21Sep29Aug10732131Jul272422211716131211732130Jun29282725232221201918Not moving too many bytes -- that is: not moving them beyond theSorting the prev_word() and next_word() functions in the standard way:The amount to scroll is never zero, so there is no need to check.Condensing some code by factoring out a repetition.Eliding the function free_openfilestruct() as it is used only once.Removing four unneeded checks for NULL.Not requiring a third Tab to show the list of possible completionsReducing an allocation to what is actually needed.Parsing a character in the correct buffer: in the first matchAvoiding a memory leak when tabbing on a string that doesn't occur in theDeleting a debugging leftover.Allowing the parameter of free_filestruct() to be NULL,Fixing Savannah bug #47127 the proper way,Deleting two dead prototypes, adjusting two comments for correctness,Deleting a redundant assignment. The multidata pointer is alreadyAvoiding the loss a buffer when getcwd() fails.Freeing not just the struct but also the data it contains,Saying that the 2.5 branch is a "rolling" release, that lock files are done,Renaming and condensing some stuff, and correcting the main comment,Doing the copying of typed stuff from input to output just once.Restoring the mentioned behavior also for the internal spell fixer.Making the iteration through replacement matches behave the same again as theSwitching the cursor on and off at the appropriate moments (that is: whenAllocating enough space for printing out the line and column numbers.Rebuilding the file list only when necessary, and not for each and everyBack to SVN, and fix typo in NEWSGNU nano 2.5.2 releaseMaking the formatter command more visible in the Go syntax file.Condensing some declarations, rewrapping some lines, and improving aNot leaving curses mode in the formatter, as that would hideGoing to the next item in the list before freeing the current one.Adding remark to Changelog that Savannah bug #47111 is fixed.Freeing the position-history records that are dropped.Switching the cursor on in the right place: in the central input routine.Removing two SVN Id tags and a duplication.Thanking a Spanish, a Catalan, and a Croat translator.Allowing only control sequences in the proper range to be rebound.Plugging a sneaky memory leak. This fixes Savannah bug #47003Preventing a chain of editing actions from continuing after a discard.Adjusting the version number in the docs before release.