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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Apr12765432131Mar15Oct524Sep1730AugMerge branch 'master' of't pad at end of blocksFix test targetAdd tests for huffman + myzip and update makefileAdd more testsMake directories if they don't exist in unzipAdd myunzip0 testsUpdate makefilewrite to output file in myzipmyzipImplement myunzipMake sure length <= 258Fix lz77Add more testsAdd tests for reading fixed Huffman codesUpdate Huffman testsFix incorrectly hardcoded min_codeUpdate gitignoreAdd src/inflate (ignored by gitignore in last commit)Start tests, move some files aroundRemove unused importUpdate makefileMerge branch 'master' of header file for inflateSome work on deflateCheck that suffix of input file ends in '.deflate'Implement task 2.2 dynamic huffman codesAdd huffman and example fileMerge branch 'master' of better huffman code representation in inflateSimplify code with get_n_bits methodImplement task 2.1 fixed Hufmann decodeAdd myzip0 and MakefileImplement task 1.2 myunzip0Update .gitlab-ci.ymlMerge branch 'fix/design_doc' into 'master'Flesh out design docUpdate DesignDocument.mdAdd initial design document templateAdds 'splains