• Donald H. (Donnie) Pinkston, III's avatar
    Documents and code changes for Assignment 3 · c7b4e8f9
    Donald H. (Donnie) Pinkston, III authored
    The design document and information document are included under the doc
    directory now.
    Added a lot of documentation, particularly to the Schema class.
    Made a few changes to the ArithmeticOperator and BooleanOperator
    classes' simplify() methods so that we can do some basic
    Added the StatisticsUpdater so that it's easier for students to modify
    statistics based on selection predicates.
    Fixed a bug in SelectClause where ORDER BY clauses were using the
    FROM-clause schema rather than the SELECT-clause schema.
PredicateUtils.java 7.26 KB
package edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema;

 * A collection of helpful utilities that can be used for generating,
 * analyzing and manipulating predicates.
public class PredicateUtils {
    /** This class should not be instantiated. */
    private PredicateUtils() {
        throw new RuntimeException("This class should not be instantiated.");

     * This helper function takes a collection of conjuncts that should comprise
     * a predicate, and creates a predicate for evaluating these conjuncts.  The
     * exact nature of the predicate depends on the conjuncts:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If the collection contains only one conjunct, the method simply
     *       returns that one conjunct.</li>
     *   <li>If the collection contains two or more conjuncts, the method
     *       returns a {@link BooleanOperator} that performs an <tt>AND</tt> of
     *       all conjuncts.</li>
     *   <li>If the collection contains <em>no</em> conjuncts then the method
     *       returns <tt>null</tt>.
     * </ul>
     * @param conjuncts the collection of conjuncts to combine into a predicate.
     * @return a predicate for evaluating the conjuncts, or <tt>null</tt> if the
     *         input collection contained no conjuncts.
    public static Expression makePredicate(Collection<Expression> conjuncts) {
        Expression predicate = null;
        if (conjuncts.size() == 1) {
            predicate = conjuncts.iterator().next();
        else if (conjuncts.size() > 1) {
            predicate = new BooleanOperator(
                BooleanOperator.Type.AND_EXPR, conjuncts);
        return predicate;

    public static Expression makePredicate(Expression... conjuncts) {
        ArrayList<Expression> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Expression conjunct : conjuncts)

        return makePredicate(list);

     * <p>
     * This method takes a predicate <tt>expr</tt> and stores all of its
     * conjuncts into the specified collection of conjuncts.  Specifically, if
     * the predicate is a Boolean <tt>AND</tt> operation then each term will
     * individually be added to the collection of conjuncts.  Any other kind
     * of predicate will be stored as-is into the collection.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note that this method is not clever enough to handle many basic
     * scenarios, such as <tt>P1 AND (P2 AND P3)</tt>, and so forth.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Also, note that the input expression is not modified; references to the
     * various conjuncts are simply collected into the specified collection.
     * </p>
     * @param expr the expression to pull the conjuncts out of
     * @param conjuncts the collection of conjuncts to add the predicate (or its
     *        components) to.
    public static void collectConjuncts(Expression expr,
                                        Collection<Expression> conjuncts) {
        // If there is no condition, just return without doing anything.
        if (expr == null)

        // If it's an AND expression, add the terms to the set of conjuncts.
        if (expr instanceof BooleanOperator) {
            BooleanOperator boolExpr = (BooleanOperator) expr;
            if (boolExpr.getType() == BooleanOperator.Type.AND_EXPR) {
                for (int iTerm = 0; iTerm < boolExpr.getNumTerms(); iTerm++)
            else {
                // The Boolean expression is an OR or NOT, so we can't add the
                // terms themselves.
        else {
            // The predicate is not a Boolean expression, so just store it.

     * <p>
     * This method takes a collection of expressions, and finds those
     * expressions that can be evaluated solely against the provided schemas.
     * In other words, if an expression doesn't refer to any symbols outside
     * of the specified schemas, then it will be included in the result
     * collection.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The last argument to this method is a series of {@link Schema} objects
     * to check expressions against.  For example, we can perform operations
     * like this:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     *   Schema s1 = ...;
     *   Schema s2 = ...;
     *   // Find expressions in srcExprs that can be evaluated against s1, and
     *   // add them to dstExprs.  Do not remove matching exprs from srcExprs.
     *   findExprsUsingSchemas(srcExprs, false, dstExprs, s1);
     *   // Find expressions in srcExprs that can be evaluated against the
     *   // combination of s1 and s2, and add them to dstExprs.  Remove
     *   // matching exprs from srcExprs.
     *   findExprsUsingSchemas(srcExprs, true, dstExprs, s1, s2);
     * </pre>
     * @param srcExprs the input collection of expressions to check against
     *        the provided schemas.
     * @param remove if {@code true}, the matching expressions will be
     *        removed from the {@code srcExprs} collection.  Otherwise, the
     *        {@code srcExprs} collection is left unchanged.
     * @param dstExprs the collection to add the matching expressions to.
     *        This collection is <u>not</u> cleared by this method; any
     *        previous contents in the collection will be left unchanged.
     * @param schemas an array of one or more schemas to check the input
     *        expressions against.  If an expression can be evaluated solely
     *        against these schemas then it will be added to the results.
    public static void findExprsUsingSchemas(Collection<Expression> srcExprs,
        boolean remove, Collection<Expression> dstExprs, Schema... schemas) {

        ArrayList<ColumnName> symbols = new ArrayList<ColumnName>();

        Iterator<Expression> termIter = srcExprs.iterator();
        while (termIter.hasNext()) {
            Expression term = termIter.next();

            // Read all symbols from this term.

            // If *all* of the symbols in the term reference at least one of
            // the provided schemas, add it to the results (removing from this
            // operator, if so directed by caller).
            boolean allRef = true;
            for (ColumnName colName : symbols) {
                // Determine if *this* symbol references at least one schema.
                boolean ref = false;
                for (Schema schema : schemas) {
                    if (schema.getColumnIndex(colName) != -1) {
                        ref = true;

                // If this symbol doesn't reference any of the schemas then
                // this term doesn't qualify.
                if (!ref) {
                    allRef = false;

            if (allRef) {
                if (remove)