Commit c7b4e8f9 authored by Donald H. (Donnie) Pinkston, III's avatar Donald H. (Donnie) Pinkston, III
Browse files

Documents and code changes for Assignment 3

The design document and information document are included under the doc
directory now.

Added a lot of documentation, particularly to the Schema class.

Made a few changes to the ArithmeticOperator and BooleanOperator
classes' simplify() methods so that we can do some basic

Added the StatisticsUpdater so that it's easier for students to modify
statistics based on selection predicates.

Fixed a bug in SelectClause where ORDER BY clauses were using the
FROM-clause schema rather than the SELECT-clause schema.
parent 67f1b287
No related merge requests found
Showing with 679 additions and 36 deletions
+679 -36
CS122 Assignment 3 - Table Statistics and Plan Costing - Design Document
Fill in answers for all questions based on your team's work on Assignment 3.
A: Statistics Collection
A1. Using pseudocode, summarize the implementation of your HeapTupleFile
analyze() function. Please summarize your actual code; do not simply
paste in the assignment description or the actual code you wrote.
B: Plan Costing Estimates
B1. Briefly describe how you estimate the number of tuples and the cost
of a file-scan plan node. What factors does your cost include?
B2. Briefly describe how you estimate the number of tuples and the cost
of a simple-filter plan node. What factors does your cost include?
B3. Briefly describe how you estimate the number of tuples and the cost
of a nested-loop join plan node. What factors does your cost include?
B4. For each kind of comparison (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=), how do you update the
estimated number of distinct values for each kind of comparison that your
StatisticsUpdater implementation supports? Are there cases where you make
no changes to the statistics?
B5. For each kind of comparison (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=), how do you update the
estimated min and max values for each kind of comparison that your
StatisticsUpdater implementation supports? Are there cases where you make
no changes to the statistics?
C: Costing SQL Queries
Answer these questions after you have loaded the stores-28K.sql data, and
have analyzed all of the tables in that schema.
C1. Paste the output of running: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM cities;
Do not include debug lines, just the output of the command itself.
C2. What is the estimated number of tuples that will be produced by each
of these queries:
SELECT * FROM cities WHERE population > 1000000;
<paste output here>
SELECT * FROM cities WHERE population > 5000000;
<paste output here>
SELECT * FROM cities WHERE population > 8000000;
<paste output here>
How many tuples does each query produce?
Briefly explain the difference between the estimated number of tuples
and the actual number of tuples for these queries.
C3. Paste the output of running these commands:
EXPLAIN SELECT store_id FROM stores, cities
WHERE stores.city_id = cities.city_id AND
cities.population > 1000000;
<paste output here>
(SELECT city_id FROM cities
WHERE population > 1000000) AS big_cities
ON stores.city_id = big_cities.city_id;
<paste output here>
The estimated number of tuples produced should be the same, but the
costs should be different. Explain why.
C4. The assignment gives this example "slow" query:
SELECT store_id, property_costs
FROM stores, cities, states
WHERE stores.city_id = cities.city_id AND
cities.state_id = states.state_id AND
state_name = 'Oregon' AND property_costs > 500000;
How long does this query take to run, in seconds?
Include the EXPLAIN output for the above query here.
<paste output here>
How would you rewrite this query (e.g. using ON clauses, subqueries
in the FROM clause, etc.) to be as optimal as possible? Also include
the result of EXPLAINing your query.
D: Extra Credit [OPTIONAL]
If you implemented any extra-credit tasks for this assignment, describe
them here. The description should be like this, with stuff in "<>" replaced.
(The value i starts at 1 and increments...)
D<i>: <one-line description>
<brief summary of what you did, including the specific classes that
we should look at for your implementation>
<brief summary of test-cases that demonstrate/exercise your extra work>
E: Feedback [OPTIONAL]
WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK! Thoughtful and constructive input will help us to
improve future versions of the course. These questions are OPTIONAL, and
your answers will not affect your grade in any way (including if you hate
everything about the assignment and databases in general, or Donnie and/or
the TAs in particular). Feel free to answer as many or as few of them as
you wish.
E1. What parts of the assignment were most time-consuming? Why?
E2. Did you find any parts of the assignment particularly instructive?
Correspondingly, did any parts feel like unnecessary busy-work?
E3. Did you particularly enjoy any parts of the assignment? Were there
any parts that you particularly disliked?
E4. Were there any critical details that you wish had been provided with the
assignment, that we should consider including in subsequent versions of
the assignment?
E5. Do you have any other suggestions for how future versions of the
assignment can be improved?
CS122 Assignment 3 - Table Statistics and Plan Costing
Please completely fill out this document so that we know who participated on
the assignment, any late extensions received, and how much time the assignment
took for your team. Thank you!
L1. List your team name and the people who worked on this assignment.
<team name>
L2. Specify the tag and commit-hash of the Git commit you are submitting for
your assignment. (You can list the hashes of all tags with the command
"git show-ref --tags".)
Tag: <tag>
Commit hash: <hash>
L3. Specify how many late tokens you are applying to this assignment, if any.
Similarly, if your team received an extension from Donnie then please
indicate how many days extension you received. You may leave this blank
if it is not relevant to this submission.
<tokens / extension>
L4. For each teammate, briefly describe what parts of the assignment each
teammate focused on, along with the total hours spent on the assignment.
......@@ -770,6 +770,7 @@ public class ArithmeticOperator extends Expression {
* Simplifies an arithmetic expression, computing as much of the expression
* as possible.
public Expression simplify() {
leftExpr = leftExpr.simplify();
rightExpr = rightExpr.simplify();
......@@ -435,6 +435,70 @@ public class BooleanOperator extends Expression {
* Simplifies a Boolean expression by eliminating and de-nesting as much of
* the expression as possible.
public Expression simplify() {
// Go through and try to simplify anything we can inside the operator
for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) {
Expression e = terms.get(i);
terms.set(i, e.simplify());
// There is only one simplification for the NOT expression:
// NOT (NOT P) = P
if (type == Type.NOT_EXPR) {
assert terms.size() == 1;
if (terms.get(0) instanceof BooleanOperator) {
BooleanOperator nested = (BooleanOperator) terms.get(0);
if (nested.type == Type.NOT_EXPR) {
assert nested.terms.size() == 1;
return nested.terms.get(0);
// If we fall through to here, we can't do any simplification of
// the NOT expression.
return this;
// Handle AND and OR expression simplifications.
assert type == Type.AND_EXPR || type == Type.OR_EXPR;
// If there is only one term, just return the term.
if (terms.size() == 1)
return terms.get(0);
int i = 0;
while (i < terms.size()) {
Expression e = terms.get(i);
if (e instanceof BooleanOperator) {
BooleanOperator b = (BooleanOperator) e;
// If the nested Boolean operator is the same type as this
// one, we can lift up the terms and put them in this
// operator.
if (b.type == type) {
terms.addAll(i, b.terms);
else {
// The way this loop is constructed, we will repeat this
// check/lift process for any child nodes we just lifted up,
// that are also BooleanOperators of the same type, since
// the new nodes will now be at index i.
return this;
* Performs a value-eqality test for whether the specified object is an
* expression with the same structure and contents.
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class PredicateUtils {
public static Expression makePredicate(Expression... conjuncts) {
ArrayList<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
ArrayList<Expression> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expression conjunct : conjuncts)
......@@ -223,15 +223,13 @@ public class FileScanNode extends SelectNode {
// Grab the schema and statistics from the table file.
schema = tupleFile.getSchema();
TableStats tableStats = tupleFile.getStats();
stats = tableStats.getAllColumnStats();
// TODO: Compute the cost of the plan node!
cost = null;
// TODO: Update the statistics based on the predicate.
stats = tableStats.getAllColumnStats();
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.OrderByExpression;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval.InvalidSQLException;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.SchemaNameException;
......@@ -285,19 +286,38 @@ public class SelectClause {
* If a <tt>LIMIT</tt> clause is specified, this method returns the
* specified limit; otherwise, the default of 0 is returned.
* @return the offset specified in the SQL
public int getLimit() {
return limit;
* Set the upper limit of how many rows should be produced by this query.
* A value of 0 means "unlimited." Negative values are disallowed and
* will cause an exception to be thrown.
* @param limit a positive number specifying the maximum number of tuples
* to produce, or 0 to specify "unlimited."
public void setLimit(int limit) {
if (limit < 0) {
throw new InvalidSQLException("Limit must be at least 0 (got " +
limit + ")");
this.limit = limit;
* If an <tt>OFFSET</tt> clause is specified, this method returns the
* specified offset; otherwise, 0 is returned.
* specified offset; otherwise, the default of 0 is returned.
* @return the offset specified in the SQL
......@@ -306,7 +326,22 @@ public class SelectClause {
* Set the starting offset for the rows that should be produced by this
* query. A value of 0 means "start with the first row" (in other words,
* "no offset"). Negative values are disallowed and will cause an
* exception to be thrown.
* @param offset a positive number specifying the number of tuples to skip
* during query evaluation, or 0 to specify "start at the
* beginning."
public void setOffset(int offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
throw new InvalidSQLException("Offset must be at least 0 (got " +
offset + ")");
this.offset = offset;
......@@ -378,8 +413,9 @@ public class SelectClause {
ColumnName colName = selVal.getWildcard();
if (colName.isTableSpecified()) {
if (!fromTables.contains(colName.getTableName())) {
throw new SchemaNameException("SELECT-value " + colName +
" specifies an unrecognized table name.");
throw new SchemaNameException(String.format(
"SELECT-value %s specifies an unrecognized " +
"table name.", colName));
......@@ -404,7 +440,8 @@ public class SelectClause {
resultColumnInfos.addAll(selVal.getColumnInfos(fromSchema, resultSchema));
// Construct a resultSchema which is the "summation" of all SelectValues' columnInfos.
// Construct a resultSchema which is the "summation" of all
// SelectValues' columnInfos.
resultSchema = new Schema(resultColumnInfos);
logger.debug("Query schema: " + resultSchema);
......@@ -436,11 +473,12 @@ public class SelectClause {
// ORDER BY clauses:
// ORDER BY clauses: These are computed from the result of the
// SELECT clause, not the result of the FROM clause.
for (OrderByExpression expr : orderByExprs) {
// ORDER BY expressions aren't allowed to have subqueries.
resolveExpressionRefs("ORDER BY clause", expr.getExpression(),
fromSchema, /* checkParentQueries */ false);
resultSchema, /* checkParentQueries */ false);
// All done! Return the computed schema.
......@@ -187,6 +187,17 @@ public class SelectValue implements Cloneable {
* Sets this SelectValue's alias result name to the specifie string.
* @param alias the alias to use for the column, or {@code null} if no
* alias should be used
public void setAlias(String alias) {
resultAlias = alias;
* Returns the wildcard {@link ColumnName} object or <tt>null</tt> if there
* is none.
......@@ -43,15 +43,6 @@ public class ColumnStats {
private Object maxValue;
/** Initializes a column-stats object to all "unknown" values. */
public ColumnStats() {
numUniqueValues = -1;
numNullValues = -1;
minValue = null;
maxValue = null;
* Initializes a column-stats object with the specified values.
......@@ -73,6 +64,19 @@ public class ColumnStats {
/** Initializes a column-stats object to all "unknown" values. */
public ColumnStats() {
this(-1, -1, null, null);
/** Copies another column-stats object into this object. */
public ColumnStats(ColumnStats stats) {
this(stats.numUniqueValues, stats.numNullValues,
stats.minValue, stats.maxValue);
* Returns the number of unique values for the column, or -1 if the number
* is unknown
......@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ public class SelectivityEstimator {
* (<em>high</em><sub>2</sub> - <em>low</em><sub>2</sub>), clamped
* to the range [0, 1].
private static float computeRatio(Object low1, Object high1,
Object low2, Object high2) {
public static float computeRatio(Object low1, Object high1,
Object low2, Object high2) {
Object diff1 = ArithmeticOperator.evalObjects(
ArithmeticOperator.Type.SUBTRACT, high1, low1);
......@@ -398,9 +398,13 @@ public class SelectivityEstimator {
Object diff2 = ArithmeticOperator.evalObjects(
ArithmeticOperator.Type.SUBTRACT, high2, low2);
diff1 = TypeConverter.getFloatValue(diff1);
diff2 = TypeConverter.getFloatValue(diff2);
Object ratio = ArithmeticOperator.evalObjects(
ArithmeticOperator.Type.DIVIDE, diff1, diff2);
// This should already be a float, but just in case...
float fltRatio = TypeConverter.getFloatValue(ratio);
logger.debug(String.format("Ratio: (%s - %s) / (%s - %s) = %.2f",
package edu.caltech.nanodb.queryeval;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.BooleanOperator;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.CompareOperator;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.LiteralValue;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.TypeConverter;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema;
* This helper class provides basic functionality for updating column
* statistics based on a selection predicate. The supported predicates are
* very limited, because the problem becomes very grungy for arbitrary
* predicates. Supported predicates include:
* <ul>
* <li>A single comparison between a column and a value</li>
* <li>
* A Boolean <tt>AND</tt> expression, although only the column-value
* comparisons within the expression will be used to update statistics
* </li>
* </ul>
public class StatisticsUpdater {
/** This class should not be instantiated. */
private StatisticsUpdater() {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This class should not be instantiated.");
* <p>
* This static helper takes a selection predicate, a schema the predicate
* is evaluated against, and input column-statistics, and produces output
* column-statistics that reflect the input arguments. The output is a
* deep-copy of the input, so that no accidental side-effects occur.
* </p>
* <p>
* Only a very limited number of selection predicates are supported, all
* centering around conjunctive selection based on "COLUMN op VALUE"
* components. Other kinds of predicates will not be used to update the
* statistics.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a predicate includes a column-reference that is not part of the
* input schema, then that part of the predicate will be ignored.
* </p>
* @param expr the selection predicate
* @param schema the schema that the selection predicate is evaluated
* against
* @param inputStats the column statistics of the input tuple-sequence
* that will be filtered by the selection predicate
* @return estimated column statistics
public static ArrayList<ColumnStats> updateStats(Expression expr,
Schema schema, List<ColumnStats> inputStats) {
// Make a deep copy of the incoming list so we can mutate it safely.
ArrayList<ColumnStats> outputStats = new ArrayList<>();
for (ColumnStats stat : inputStats)
outputStats.add(new ColumnStats(stat));
if (expr instanceof BooleanOperator) {
// The predicate includes a Boolean operation. If it's an AND
// operation (conjunctive selection) then look at each conjunct
// in sequence.
BooleanOperator boolOp = (BooleanOperator) expr;
if (boolOp.getType() == BooleanOperator.Type.AND_EXPR) {
for (int i = 0; i < boolOp.getNumTerms(); i++) {
Expression e = boolOp.getTerm(i);
if (e instanceof CompareOperator) {
// This conjunct appears to be a comparison. Unpack
// it and try to update the statistics based on the
// comparison.
updateCompareStats((CompareOperator) e, schema,
else if (expr instanceof CompareOperator) {
// The predicate appears to be a comparison. Unpack it and try to
// update the statistics based on the comparison.
updateCompareStats((CompareOperator) expr, schema, outputStats);
return outputStats;
* Try to update the column-statistics based on the passed-in comparison
* operation. Updates will only occur if the comparison is of the form
* @param comp The comparison operation to consider
* @param schema The schema that the operation is evaluated against
* @param stats the statistics to update based on the comparison
private static void updateCompareStats(CompareOperator comp,
Schema schema,
List<ColumnStats> stats) {
// Move the comparison into a normalized order so that it's easier to
// write the logic for analysis. Specifically, this will ensure that
// if we are comparing a column and a value, the column will always be
// on the left and the value will always be on the right.
Expression left = comp.getLeftExpression();
Expression right = comp.getRightExpression();
if (left instanceof ColumnValue && right instanceof LiteralValue) {
// Resolve the column name against the schema, so we can look up
// the corresponding statistics. If the column name is unknown,
// just return.
ColumnName colName = ((ColumnValue) left).getColumnName();
int colIdx = schema.getColumnIndex(colName);
if (colIdx == -1)
// Get the column's type from the schema, so we can coerce the
// value in the comparison to the same type.
ColumnInfo colInfo = schema.getColumnInfo(colIdx);
Object value = right.evaluate();
value = TypeConverter.coerceTo(value, colInfo.getType());
ColumnStats stat = stats.get(colIdx);
* NOTE: In Java, you can switch on an enumerated type, but you
* do not specify the fully qualified name. Thus, you will end up
* with something like this:
* switch (comp.getType()) {
* case EQUALS:
* ...
* break;
* case NOT_EQUALS:
* ...
* break;
* ... // etc.
* }
* If you need to declare local variables within a switch-block,
* you can always declare a nested block, like this:
* case SOMECASE: {
* int i = ...;
* ... // etc.
* break;
* }
* You may find the SelectivityEstimator.computeRatio() function
* to be useful for some of the operations in this code.
......@@ -158,9 +158,14 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* <p>
* Create a schema that is the concatenation of one or more other schemas.
* Schemas are copied in the order they are given. If a column name
* appears multiple times in the input, an exception will be generated.
* </p>
* <p>
* Keys will not be copied by this constructor.
* </p>
* @param schemas one or more schema objects to copy into this schema
......@@ -195,11 +200,24 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Returns an unmodifiable list of all the columns in the schema
* @return an unmodifiable list of all the columns in the schema
public List<ColumnInfo> getColumnInfos() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(columnInfos);
* Constructs and returns a list of {@link ColumnInfo} objects for the
* columns at the specified indexes. This method can be useful with
* {@link ColumnRefs} objects,to retrieve the columns referenced by a key.
* @param colIndexes an array of zero-based column indexes to retrieve
* @return a list of {@code ColumnInfo} objects for the specified columns
public ArrayList<ColumnInfo> getColumnInfos(int[] colIndexes) {
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> result = new ArrayList<>(colIndexes.length);
......@@ -210,11 +228,26 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Provides support for iteration over the columns in the schema.
* @return an iterator over the columns in this schema.
public Iterator<ColumnInfo> iterator() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(columnInfos).iterator();
* Add a column to the schema.
* @param colInfo the name and type of the column being added to the
* schema
* @return the zero-based index of the column in the schema
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code colInfo} is {@code null}
public int addColumnInfo(ColumnInfo colInfo) {
if (colInfo == null)
throw new NullPointerException("colInfo cannot be null");
......@@ -384,26 +417,26 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* This method iterates through all columns in this schema and sets them all
* to be on the specified table. This method will throw an exception if the
* result would be an invalid schema with duplicate column names.
* This method iterates through all columns in the schema, setting them
* to all have the specified table name. An exception will be thrown if
* the result would be an invalid schema with duplicate column names; in
* this case, the schema object will remain unchanged.
* @throws SchemaNameException if the schema contains columns with the same
* column name but different table names. In this case, resetting the
* table name will produce an invalid schema with ambiguous column
* names.
* @throws SchemaNameException if the schema contains columns with the
* same column name but different table names. In this case,
* resetting the table name will produce an invalid schema with
* ambiguous column names.
* @design (donnie) At present, this method does this by replacing each
* {@link edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo} object with a new
* object with updated information. This is because
* <code>ColumnInfo</code> is currently immutable.
* {@link ColumnInfo} object with a new object with updated
* information. This is because {@code ColumnInfo} is immutable.
public void setTableName(String tableName) throws SchemaNameException {
// First, verify that overriding the table names will not produce multiple
// ambiguous column names.
// First, verify that overriding the table names will not produce
// multiple ambiguous column names.
ArrayList<String> duplicateNames = null;
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<IndexedColumnInfo> > entry :
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<IndexedColumnInfo>> entry :
colsHashedByColumn.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().size() > 1) {
......@@ -442,7 +475,27 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1
* if the schema contains no column of the specified name. The
* column-name object is not required to specify a table name; however, if
* the table name is unspecified and the column name is ambiguous then an
* exception will be thrown.
* @param colName column-name object to use for looking up the column in
* the schema
* @return the zero-based index of the column, or -1 if the schema does
* not contain a column of the specified name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code colName} is {@code null}
* @throws SchemaNameException if {@code colName} doesn't specify a table
* name, and multiple columns have the specified column name
public int getColumnIndex(ColumnName colName) {
if (colName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("colInfo cannot be null");
if (colName.isColumnWildcard())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("colName cannot be a wildcard");
......@@ -450,17 +503,72 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1
* if the schema contains no column of the specified name. The
* column-info object is not required to specify a table name; however, if
* the table name is unspecified and the column name is ambiguous then an
* exception will be thrown.
* @param colInfo column-info object to use for looking up the column in
* the schema
* @return the zero-based index of the column, or -1 if the schema does
* not contain a column of the specified name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code colInfo} is {@code null}
* @throws SchemaNameException if {@code colInfo} doesn't specify a table
* name, and multiple columns have the specified column name
public int getColumnIndex(ColumnInfo colInfo) {
if (colInfo == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("colInfo cannot be null");
return getColumnIndex(colInfo.getTableName(), colInfo.getName());
* Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1
* if the schema contains no column of the specified name. The table name
* is unspecified; if the column name is ambiguous then an exception will
* be thrown.
* @param colName the column name to look up
* @return the zero-based index of the column, or -1 if the schema does
* not contain a column of the specified name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code colName} is {@code null}
* @throws SchemaNameException if multiple columns have the specified
* column name
public int getColumnIndex(String colName) {
return getColumnIndex(null, colName);
* Finds the index of the specified column in this schema, or returns -1
* if the schema contains no column of the specified name. The table name
* may be specified or it may be {@code null}; if {@code null} and the
* column name is ambiguous then an exception will be thrown.
* @param tblName the table name, or {@code null} if the table name is not
* known or unspecified
* @param colName the column name to look up
* @return the zero-based index of the column, or -1 if the schema does
* not contain a column of the specified name.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code colName} is {@code null}
* @throws SchemaNameException if {@code tblName} is {@code null} and
* multiple columns have the specified column name
public int getColumnIndex(String tblName, String colName) {
if (colName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("colName cannot be null");
ArrayList<IndexedColumnInfo> colList = colsHashedByColumn.get(colName);
if (colList == null)
......@@ -671,6 +779,15 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Adds another candidate key to the schema.
* @param ck the candidate key to add to the schema.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ck} is {@code null}, or if
* {@code ck} is a primary key and the schema already contains a
* primary key.
public void addCandidateKey(KeyColumnRefs ck) {
if (ck == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ck cannot be null");
......@@ -685,19 +802,30 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Returns a count of how many candidate keys are present on the schema.
* @return a count of how many candidate keys are present on the schema.
public int numCandidateKeys() {
return candidateKeys.size();
* Returns an unmodifiable list of candidate keys present on the schema.
* @return an unmodifiable list of candidate keys present on the schema.
public List<KeyColumnRefs> getCandidateKeys() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(candidateKeys);
* This helper function returns {@code true} if this table has a candidate
* key on the set of columns specified in the argument.
* Returns {@code true} if this schema has a candidate key on the set of
* columns specified in the argument. The columns are specified by an
* array of zero-based indexes.
* @param colIndexes the set of columns to check against this table
* to see if it's a candidate key
......@@ -710,11 +838,33 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Returns {@code true} if this schema has a candidate key on the set of
* columns specified in the argument. The columns are specified by a
* {@code ColumnRefs} object.
* @param colRefs the set of columns to check against this table to see if
* it's a candidate key
* @return {@code true} if this table has a candidate key on the
* specified columns; {@code false} otherwise
public boolean hasKeyOnColumns(ColumnRefs colRefs) {
return hasKeyOnColumns(colRefs.getCols());
* Returns any candidate-key from this schema that has the specified set
* of columns. Note that the key's columns may be in a different order
* than those specified in the argument.
* @param colIndexes the set of columns to check against this table
* to see if it's a candidate key
* @return a candidate key on the specified columns, or {@code null}
* if the schema contains no key on the specified columns
public KeyColumnRefs getKeyOnColumns(int[] colIndexes) {
for (KeyColumnRefs ck : candidateKeys)
if (ck.hasSameColumns(colIndexes))
......@@ -724,11 +874,33 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Returns any candidate-key from this schema that has the specified set
* of columns. Note that the key's columns may be in a different order
* than those specified in the argument.
* @param colRefs the set of columns to check against this table to see if
* it's a candidate key
* @return a candidate key on the specified columns, or {@code null}
* if the schema contains no key on the specified columns
public KeyColumnRefs getKeyOnColumns(ColumnRefs colRefs) {
return getKeyOnColumns(colRefs.getCols());
* Returns all candidate-keys from this schema that have the specified set
* of columns. Note that keys may specify columns in a different order
* than those specified in the argument. If there are no keys on the
* specified columns, this method will return an empty list.
* @param colIndexes the set of columns to check against this table
* to see if it's a candidate key
* @return a list of candidate keys on the specified columns
public List<KeyColumnRefs> getAllKeysOnColumns(int[] colIndexes) {
ArrayList<KeyColumnRefs> keys = new ArrayList<>();
......@@ -741,6 +913,17 @@ public class Schema implements Serializable, Iterable<ColumnInfo> {
* Returns all candidate-keys from this schema that have the specified set
* of columns. Note that keys may specify columns in a different order
* than those specified in the argument. If there are no keys on the
* specified columns, this method will return an empty list.
* @param colRefs the set of columns to check against this table
* to see if it's a candidate key
* @return a list of candidate keys on the specified columns
public List<KeyColumnRefs> getAllKeysOnColumns(ColumnRefs colRefs) {
return getAllKeysOnColumns(colRefs.getCols());
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