• Donald H. (Donnie) Pinkston, III's avatar
    Documents and code changes for Assignment 3 · c7b4e8f9
    Donald H. (Donnie) Pinkston, III authored
    The design document and information document are included under the doc
    directory now.
    Added a lot of documentation, particularly to the Schema class.
    Made a few changes to the ArithmeticOperator and BooleanOperator
    classes' simplify() methods so that we can do some basic
    Added the StatisticsUpdater so that it's easier for students to modify
    statistics based on selection predicates.
    Fixed a bug in SelectClause where ORDER BY clauses were using the
    FROM-clause schema rather than the SELECT-clause schema.
SelectValue.java 10.6 KB
package edu.caltech.nanodb.queryast;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnName;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ColumnValue;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression;

import edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.ScalarSubquery;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.ColumnInfo;
import edu.caltech.nanodb.relations.Schema;

 * This class represents a single expression in a <tt>SELECT</tt> clause.  The
 * expression can be one of the following:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>An {@link edu.caltech.nanodb.expressions.Expression} that evaluates
 *       to a single value</li>
 *   <li>A wildcard expression like "<tt>*</tt>" or "<tt>loan.*</tt>" that
 *       evaluates to a set of column values</li>
 *   <li>A scalar subquery (often correlated) that evaluates to a single column
 *       and row</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * The {@link #isWildcard} method can be used to determine if an object of this
 * type represents a wildcard value.
public class SelectValue implements Cloneable {

    public static final String UNNAMED_COLUMN_PREFIX = "?unnamed";

     * If this select-value is a simple expression then this field will be
     * set to the expression.  Otherwise, this value will be {@code null}.
    private Expression expression = null;

     * If this select-value is a scalar subquery then this field references the
     * subquery expression.  Otherwise, this value will be {@code null}.
    private SelectClause scalarSubquery = null;

     * If this select-value is an expression or a scalar subquery, this field
     * will optionally specify an alias for the expression's value.  This is for
     * expressions such as "<tt>SELECT balance * interest AS new_balance
     * FROM loans</tt>".  For this example, the result-alias would be
     * "<tt>new_balance</tt>".
    private String resultAlias = null;

     * If the <tt>SELECT</tt> clause includes a wildcard column specifier
     * (e.g. "<tt>*</tt>" or "<tt>product.*</tt>") then this field will
     * contain the details of that specifier.  If the expression doesn't
     * include a wildcard then this field will be <code>null</code>, and
     * the {@link #expression} field will specify the expression.
    private ColumnName wildcardColumnName = null;

     * Construct a select-value object from an expression and an optional
     * alias or nickname value.
     * @param e The expression that generates the select-value.
     * @param alias If not <code>null</code>, this is the column name to
     *        assign to the result value.
     * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if {@code e} is {@code null}
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if {@code e} is a wildcard
     *         expression, and {@code alias} is also specified
    public SelectValue(Expression e, String alias) {
        if (e == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();

        expression = e;
        resultAlias = alias;

        if (e instanceof ColumnValue) {
            ColumnName colName = ((ColumnValue) e).getColumnName();
            if (colName.isColumnWildcard()) {
                wildcardColumnName = colName;

                if (alias != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Wildcard expressions cannot have an alias");
        else if (e instanceof ScalarSubquery) {
            scalarSubquery = ((ScalarSubquery) e).getSubquery();

     * Construct a select-value object from an expression, with no alias.
     * @param e The expression that generates the select-value.
     * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if {@code e} is {@code null}
    public SelectValue(Expression e) {
        this(e, null);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

        if (wildcardColumnName != null)
        else if (scalarSubquery != null)

        if (wildcardColumnName == null && resultAlias != null)
            buf.append(" AS ").append(resultAlias);

        return buf.toString();

     * Returns true if this SelectValue is a wildcard expression, either of the
     * form "<tt>*</tt>" or "<tt>loan.*</tt>".
     * @return true if this select expression is a wildcard expression.
    public boolean isWildcard() {
        return (wildcardColumnName != null);

    public boolean isExpression() {
        return (expression != null);

    public boolean isSimpleColumnValue() {
        return (expression instanceof ColumnValue);

     * Returns this SelectValue's expression or null if this is a wildcard.
     * @return the expression that generates the select value
    public Expression getExpression() {
        return expression;

    public void setExpression(Expression e) {
        expression = e;

    public boolean isScalarSubquery() {
        return (scalarSubquery != null);

     * Returns this SelectValue's alias result name or <tt>null</tt> if it is
     * unspecified.
     * @return the string alias, or <tt>null</tt> if unspecified
    public String getAlias() {
        return resultAlias;

     * Sets this SelectValue's alias result name to the specifie string.
     * @param alias the alias to use for the column, or {@code null} if no
     *        alias should be used
    public void setAlias(String alias) {
        resultAlias = alias;

     * Returns the wildcard {@link ColumnName} object or <tt>null</tt> if there
     * is none.
     * @return the wildcard specification, or <tt>null</tt> if unspecified
    public ColumnName getWildcard() {
        return wildcardColumnName;

    public SelectClause getScalarSubquery() {
        return scalarSubquery;

     * This function returns the column-details of all results that will be
     * produced by this select-value.  For example, if the select value is a
     * wildcard such as <tt>*</tt> or <tt>tbl.*</tt> then the referenced
     * column details will be retrieved from the input-schema.
     * <p>
     * If the select value is an expression then the result column-info is
     * determined from the expression itself.  For example, the expression
     * might simply be a column <tt>a</tt>, or <tt>tbl.a</tt>; in these cases
     * the column-info is retrieved from the input schema.  Expressions can
     * also be renamed; this renaming is applied here.  However, if a complex
     * expression doesn't have a name then it will be assigned a unique name.
     * @param inputSchema the schema against which the select-value will be
     *        evaluated
     * @param resultSchema the current result schema "so far".  This is
     *        provided so that if the select-value is unnamed then a unique
     *        name can be generated.
     * @return a collection of one or more column-information objects
     *         containing the schema for this select-value.
    public List<ColumnInfo> getColumnInfos(Schema inputSchema, Schema resultSchema) {
        ArrayList<ColumnInfo> results = new ArrayList<>();

        if (wildcardColumnName != null) {
            // The values matching the wildcard column-name will appear in the
            // SELECT clause's output.
        else if (expression != null) {
            ColumnInfo colInfo = expression.getColumnInfo(inputSchema);
            if (resultAlias != null) {
                // The result has an alias specified, so set the column name
                // to be that alias.
                colInfo = new ColumnInfo(resultAlias, colInfo.getType());
            else if (colInfo.getName() == null) {
                // The column didn't have a name specified, so generate one
                // that is unique in the result schema.

                int i = 1;
                while (true) {
                    String name = UNNAMED_COLUMN_PREFIX + Integer.toString(i);
                    if (resultSchema.numColumnsWithName(name) > 0) {

                    colInfo = new ColumnInfo(name, colInfo.getType());
        else if (scalarSubquery != null) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Support for scalar subqueries is currently incomplete.");
        else {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Select-value doesn't specify any values");

        return results;

     * Checks if the argument is a SelectValue with the same fields.
     * @param obj the object to which we are comparing
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof SelectValue) {
            SelectValue other = (SelectValue) obj;

            return Objects.equals(expression, other.expression) &&
                   Objects.equals(resultAlias, other.resultAlias) &&
                   Objects.equals(wildcardColumnName, other.wildcardColumnName);

        return false;

     * Computes the hashcode of a SelectValue.  This method is used to see if
     * two SelectValues CAN be equal.
    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;

        hash = 31 * hash + (expression != null ? expression.hashCode() : 0);
        hash = 31 * hash + (resultAlias != null ? resultAlias.hashCode() : 0);
        hash = 31 * hash + (wildcardColumnName != null ?
                            wildcardColumnName.hashCode() : 0);

        return hash;

    /** Creates a copy of a select value. */
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        SelectValue sel = (SelectValue) super.clone();

        if (expression != null)
            sel.expression = expression.duplicate();

        // TODO:  For now, presume that the scalar subquery is immutable.
        if (scalarSubquery != null)
            sel.scalarSubquery = scalarSubquery;

        if (resultAlias != null)
            sel.resultAlias = resultAlias;      // Strings are immutable

        if (wildcardColumnName != null)
            sel.wildcardColumnName = (ColumnName) wildcardColumnName.clone();

        return sel;