fi.po 18.6 KB
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# nano Finnish Translation.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Pauli Virtanen <>, 2000.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nano 0.9.11\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2000-06-20 22:31-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-06-21 23:08+03:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Pauli Virtanen <>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: cut.c:43
#, c-format
msgid "add_to_cutbuffer called with inptr->data = %s\n"
msgstr "add_to_cutbuffer funktion parametri inptr->data = %s\n"

#: cut.c:148
msgid "Blew away cutbuffer =)\n"
msgstr "Leiketila katosi =)\n"

#: files.c:119
msgid "read_line: not on first line and prev is NULL"
msgstr "read_line: ei ensimmisell rivill ja prev on NULL"

#: files.c:180 files.c:193
#, c-format
msgid "Read %d lines"
msgstr "%d rivi luettu"

#: files.c:211 search.c:126 search.c:144
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" not found"
msgstr "Tiedostoa \"%s\" ei ole"

#. We have a new file
#: files.c:215
msgid "New File"
msgstr "Uusi tiedosto"

#: files.c:224
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" is a directory"
msgstr "\"%s\" on hakemisto"

#: files.c:229
msgid "Reading File"
msgstr "Tiedostoa luetaan"

#: files.c:242
msgid "File to insert [from ./] "
msgstr "Listtv tiedosto [hakemistossa ./]"

#: files.c:270 files.c:294 files.c:458 nano.c:1166
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Peruttu"

#: files.c:306 files.c:322 files.c:334 files.c:351 files.c:357
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file for writing: %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa ei voitu avata luettavaksi: %s"

#: files.c:314
msgid "Could not open file: Path length exceeded."
msgstr "Tiedostoa ei voitu avata: liian pitk tiedostonnimi."

#: files.c:339
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote >%s\n"
msgstr "Kirjoitettu: >%s\n"

#: files.c:366
#, c-format
msgid "Could not close %s: %s"
msgstr "Tiedosto %s ei sulkeutunut: %s"

#. Try a rename??
#: files.c:387 files.c:398 files.c:403
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s for writing: %s"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voitu avata kirjoitettavaksi: %s"

#: files.c:409
#, c-format
msgid "Could not set permissions %o on %s: %s"
msgstr "Oikeuksia %o ei voitu asettaa tiedostolle %s: %s"

#: files.c:416
#, c-format
msgid "Wrote %d lines"
msgstr "%d rivi kirjoitettu"

#: files.c:437
msgid "File Name to write"
msgstr "Kirjoitettavan tiedoston nimi"

#: files.c:442
#, c-format
msgid "filename is %s"
msgstr "tiedoston nimi on %s"

#: files.c:447
msgid "File exists, OVERWRITE ?"
msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa, korvataanko?"

#: global.c:110
msgid "Invoke the help menu"
msgstr "Avaa ohjevalikko"

#: global.c:111
msgid "Write the current file to disk"
msgstr "Kirjoita nykyinen tiedosto levylle"

#: global.c:112
msgid "Exit from nano"
msgstr "Poistu nanosta"

#: global.c:113
msgid "Goto a specific line number"
msgstr "Siirry tietylle riville"

#: global.c:114
msgid "Justify the current paragraph"
msgstr "Tasaa nykyinen kappale"

#: global.c:115
msgid "Replace text within the editor"
msgstr "Etsi ja korvaa teksti"

#: global.c:116
msgid "Insert another file into the current one"
msgstr "Lis toinen tiedosto nykyiseen tiedostoon"

#: global.c:117
msgid "Search for text within the editor"
msgstr "Etsi teksti"

#: global.c:118
msgid "Move to the previous screen"
msgstr "Siirry edelliseen ruutuun"

#: global.c:119
msgid "Move to the next screen"
msgstr "Siirry seuraavaan ruutuun"

#: global.c:120
msgid "Cut the current line and store it in the cutbuffer"
msgstr "Leikkaa nykyinen rivi leiketilaan"

#: global.c:121
msgid "Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line"
msgstr "Kopioi rivi leiketilasta nykyiselle riville"

#: global.c:122
msgid "Show the posititon of the cursor"
msgstr "Nyt kohdistimen sijainti"

#: global.c:123
msgid "Invoke the spell checker (if available)"
msgstr "Kynnist oikoluin (jos saatavilla)"

#: global.c:124
msgid "Move up one line"
msgstr "Siirry yksi rivi ylspin"

#: global.c:125
msgid "Move down one line"
msgstr "Siirry yksi rivi alaspin"

#: global.c:126
msgid "Move forward one character"
msgstr "Siirry yksi merkki eteenpin"

#: global.c:127
msgid "Move back one character"
msgstr "Siirry yksi merkki taaksepin"

#: global.c:128
msgid "Move to the beginning of the current line"
msgstr "Siirry nykyisen rivin alkuun"

#: global.c:129
msgid "Move to the end of the current line"
msgstr "Siirry nykyisen rivin loppuun"

#: global.c:130
msgid "Go to the first line of the file"
msgstr "Siirry tiedoston ensimmiselle riville"

#: global.c:131
msgid "Go to the last line of the file"
msgstr "Siirry tiedoston viimeiselle riville"

#: global.c:132
msgid "Refresh (redraw) the current screen"
msgstr "Piirr ruutu uudestaan"

#: global.c:133
msgid "Mark text at the current cursor location"
msgstr "Merkitse kohdistimen kohdalla oleva teksti"

#: global.c:134
msgid "Delete the character under the cursor"
msgstr "Poista kohdistimen kohdalla oleva merkki"

#: global.c:136
msgid "Delete the character to the left of the cursor"
msgstr "Poista kohdistimesta vasemmalle oleva merkki"

#: global.c:137
msgid "Insert a tab character"
msgstr "Lis sarkainmerkki"

#: global.c:138
msgid "Insert a carriage return at the cursor position"
msgstr "Lis rivinvaihto kohdistimen kohdalle"

#: global.c:140
msgid "Make the current search or replace case (in)sensitive"
msgstr "Muuta etsint- tai korvaustoiminnon kirjainkoosta piittaamista."

#: global.c:141
msgid "Cancel the current function"
msgstr "Peru nykyinen toiminto."

#: global.c:146 global.c:256 global.c:322
msgid "Get Help"
msgstr "Ohjeita"

#: global.c:149 global.c:157
msgid "WriteOut"
msgstr "Kirjoita"

#: global.c:153 global.c:311
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Lopeta"

#: global.c:161 global.c:252
msgid "Goto Line"
msgstr "Siirry"

#: global.c:166 global.c:244
msgid "Justify"
msgstr "Tasaa"

#: global.c:169 global.c:240
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Korvaa"

#: global.c:173
msgid "Read File"
msgstr "Lue tied."

#: global.c:177
msgid "Where Is"
msgstr "Etsi"

#: global.c:181 global.c:303
msgid "Prev Page"
msgstr "Ed. sivu"

#: global.c:185 global.c:307
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr "Seur. sivu"

#: global.c:189
msgid "Cut Text"
msgstr "Leikkaa"

#: global.c:192
msgid "UnCut Txt"
msgstr "Liit"

#: global.c:196
msgid "Cur Pos"
msgstr "Sijainti"

#: global.c:200
msgid "To Spell"
msgstr "Oikolue"

#: global.c:204
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Yls"

#: global.c:207
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Alas"

#: global.c:210
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Eteenpin"

#: global.c:213
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Takaisin"

#: global.c:216
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Home"

#: global.c:219
msgid "End"
msgstr "End"

#: global.c:222
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Piirr uudelleen"

#: global.c:225
msgid "Mark Text"
msgstr "Merkitse teksti"

#: global.c:228
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Poista"

#: global.c:232
msgid "Backspace"
msgstr "Askelpalautin"

#: global.c:236
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Sarkain"

#: global.c:247
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Enter"

#: global.c:260 global.c:277 global.c:293
msgid "First Line"
msgstr "1. rivi"

#: global.c:263 global.c:280 global.c:296
msgid "Last Line"
msgstr "Viim. rivi"

#: global.c:266 global.c:283
msgid "Case Sens"
msgstr "Kirj. koko"

#: global.c:270
msgid "To Replace"
msgstr "Korvattava"

#: global.c:273 global.c:289 global.c:299 global.c:315 global.c:319
#: global.c:325 winio.c:975
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Peru"

#: global.c:286
msgid "To Search"
msgstr "Etsittv"

#: nano.c:112
msgid ""
"Buffer written to ''\n"
msgstr "\nTeksti kirjoitettu tiedostoon ''\n"

#: nano.c:119
msgid "Key illegal in VIEW mode"
msgstr "Virheellinen nppin katselutilassa"

#: nano.c:159
msgid ""
" nano help text\n"
" The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of "
"the UW Pico text editor.  There are four main sections of the editor: The "
"top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and "
"whether or not the file has been modified.  Next is the main editor window "
"showing the file being edited.  The status line is the third line from the "
"bottom and shows important messages. The bottom two lines show the most "
"commonly used shortcuts in the editor.\n"
" The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated "
"with a caret (^) symbol.  Alt-key sequences are notated with an at (@) "
"symbol.  The following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. "
"Optional keys are shown in parentheses:\n"
msgstr ""
" nanon ohje\n"
" nano-editori on suunniteltu vastaamaan UW Pico-editorin toiminnallisuutta ja helppokyttisyytt. Editorin nytll nkyy nelj osaa. Ylin rivi nytt ohjelman versionumeron, nykyisen tiedoston nimen sek sen ett onko tiedostoa muutettu. Tilarivi on kolmas rivi alhaalta. Se nytt trket viestit. Alimmilla kahdella rivill on lueteltu useimmin tarvitut pikanppimet.\n"
" Nppinohjeissa Control-nppimen komentoja on merkitty hatulla (^). Alt-nppimen komentoja on merkitty at-merkill (@). Seuraavia nppinkomentoja voi kytt editorin pikkunassa. Valinnaiset nppimet ovat sulkeissa:\n"

#: nano.c:260
msgid "free_node(): free'd a node, YAY!\n"
msgstr "free_node(): node vapautettu, YAY!\n"

#: nano.c:265
msgid "free_node(): free'd last node.\n"
msgstr "free_node(): viimeinen node vapautettu.\n"

#: nano.c:310
msgid ""
"Usage: nano [GNU long option] [option] +LINE <file>\n"
msgstr "Kytt: nano [GNU pitkt komentoriviasetukset] [asetukset] +RIVI <tiedosto>\n"

#: nano.c:311
msgid "Option\t\tLong option\t\tMeaning\n"
msgstr "Asetus\t\tPitk asetus\t\tMerkitys\n"

#: nano.c:314
msgid " -T \t\t--tabsize=[num]\t\tSet width of a tab to num\n"
msgstr " -T \t\t--tabsize=[leveys]\tAseta sarkaimen leveys\n"

#: nano.c:318
msgid " -V \t\t--version\t\tPrint version information and exit\n"
msgstr " -V \t\t--version\t\tTulosta versiotiedot ja lopeta\n"

#: nano.c:320
msgid " -c \t\t--const\t\t\tConstantly show cursor position\n"
msgstr " -c \t\t--const\t\t\tNyt kohdistimen sijainti jatkuvasti\n"

#: nano.c:322
msgid " -h \t\t--help\t\t\tShow this message\n"
msgstr " -h \t\t--help\t\t\tNyt tm ohje\n"

#: nano.c:324
msgid " -i \t\t--autoindent\t\tAutomatically indent new lines\n"
msgstr " -i \t\t--autoindent\t\tSisenn uudet rivit automaattisesti\n"

#: nano.c:326
msgid " -l \t\t--nofollow\t\tDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite.\n"
msgstr ""
" -l \t\t--nofollow\t\tl seuraa symbolisia linkkej, vaan\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tkorvaa ne tiedostoilla.\n"

#: nano.c:329
msgid " -m \t\t--mouse\t\t\tEnable mouse\n"
msgstr " -m \t\t--mouse\t\t\tKyt hiirt\n"

#: nano.c:334
msgid ""
" -r [#cols] \t--fill=[#cols]\t\tSet fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n"
msgstr " -r [#lkm] \t--fill=[#lkm]\t\tRivit annettua pidemmt rivit\n"

#: nano.c:336
msgid " -p\t \t--pico\t\t\tMake bottom 2 lines more Pico-like\n"
msgstr " -p\t \t--pico\t\t\tNyt 2 alinta rivi kuin Pico\n"

#: nano.c:338
msgid " -s [prog] \t--speller=[prog]\tEnable alternate speller\n"
msgstr " -s [ohjelma] \t--speller=[ohjelma]\tKyt annettua oikolukuohjelmaa\n"

#: nano.c:340
msgid " -t \t\t--tempfile\t\tAuto save on exit, don't prompt\n"
msgstr ""
" -t \t\t--tempfile\t\tTallenna tiedosto kysymtt\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tpoistettaessa \n"

#: nano.c:342
msgid " -v \t\t--view\t\t\tView (read only) mode\n"
msgstr " -v \t\t--view\t\t\tKatselutila (vain luku)\n"

#: nano.c:344
msgid " -w \t\t--nowrap\t\tDon't wrap long lines\n"
msgstr " -w \t\t--nowrap\t\tl rivit pitki rivej\n"

#: nano.c:346
msgid " -x \t\t--nohelp\t\tDon't show help window\n"
msgstr " -x \t\t--nohelp\t\tl nyt ohjeikkunaa\n"

#: nano.c:348
msgid " -z \t\t--suspend\t\tEnable suspend\n"
msgstr " -z \t\t--suspend\t\tMahdollista keskeyttminen\n"

#: nano.c:350
msgid " +LINE\t\t\t\t\tStart at line number LINE\n"
msgstr " +RIVI\t\t\t\t\tSiirry riville RIVI\n"

#: nano.c:352
msgid ""
"Usage: nano [option] +LINE <file>\n"
msgstr "Kytt: nano [asetukset] +RIVI <tiedosto>\n\n"

#: nano.c:353
msgid "Option\t\tMeaning\n"
msgstr "Asetus\t\tMerkitys\n"

#: nano.c:355
msgid " -T [num]\tSet width of a tab to num\n"
msgstr " -T [leveys]\tAseta sarkaimen leveys\n"

#: nano.c:357
msgid " -V \t\tPrint version information and exit\n"
msgstr " -V \t\tTulosta versiotiedot ja lopeta\n"

#: nano.c:358
msgid " -c \t\tConstantly show cursor position\n"
msgstr " -c \t\tNyt kohdistimen sijainti jatkuvasti\n"

#: nano.c:359
msgid " -h \t\tShow this message\n"
msgstr " -h \t\tNyt tm ohje\n"

#: nano.c:360
msgid " -i \t\tAutomatically indent new lines\n"
msgstr " -i \t\tSisenn uudet rivit automaattisesti\n"

#: nano.c:362
msgid " -l \t\tDon't follow symbolic links, overwrite.\n"
msgstr " -l \t\tl seuraa symbolisia linkkej, vaan korvaa ne tiedostoilla.\n"

#: nano.c:365
msgid " -m \t\tEnable mouse\n"
msgstr " -m \t\tKyt hiirt\n"

#: nano.c:369
msgid " -r [#cols] \tSet fill cols to (wrap lines at) #cols\n"
msgstr " -r [#lkm] \tRivit annettua pidemmt rivit\n"

#: nano.c:370
msgid " -s [prog]  \tEnable alternate speller\n"
msgstr " -s [ohjelma]  \tKyt annettua oikolukuohjelmaa\n"

#: nano.c:371
msgid " -p \t\tMake bottom 2 lines more Pico-like\n"
msgstr " -p \t\tNyt 2 alinta rivi kuin Pico\n"

#: nano.c:372
msgid " -t \t\tAuto save on exit, don't prompt\n"
msgstr " -t \t\tTallenna tiedosto kysymtt poistettaessa\n"

#: nano.c:373
msgid " -v \t\tView (read only) mode\n"
msgstr " -v \t\tKatselutila (vain luku)\n"

#: nano.c:374
msgid " -w \t\tDon't wrap long lines\n"
msgstr " -w \t\tl rivit pitki rivej\n"

#: nano.c:375
msgid " -x \t\tDon't show help window\n"
msgstr " -x \t\tl nyt ohjeikkunaa\n"

#: nano.c:376
msgid " -z \t\tEnable suspend\n"
msgstr " -z \t\tMahdollista keskeyttminen\n"

#: nano.c:377
msgid " +LINE\t\tStart at line number LINE\n"
msgstr " +RIVI\t\tSiirry riville RIVI\n"

#: nano.c:384
#, c-format
msgid " nano version %s by Chris Allegretta (compiled %s, %s)\n"
msgstr " nano, versio %s. Chris Allegretta (knnetty %s, %s)\n"

#: nano.c:386
msgid " Email:\tWeb:\n"
msgstr " Maili:\tNetti:\n"

#: nano.c:411
msgid "Mark Set"
msgstr "Teksti merkitty"

#: nano.c:416
msgid "Mark UNset"
msgstr "Merkint poistettu"

#: nano.c:848
#, c-format
msgid "check_wrap called with inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"
msgstr "check_wrap -funktion parametri inptr->data=\"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:926
#, c-format
msgid "current->data now = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "current->data nyt = \"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:970
#, c-format
msgid "After, data = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Jlkeenpin, data = \"%s\"\n"

#: nano.c:1033
msgid "Error deleting tempfile, ack!"
msgstr "Vliaikaistiedostoa poistettaessa tapahtui virhe."

#: nano.c:1046 nano.c:1096
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create a temporary filename: %s"
msgstr "Vliaikaista tiedostonnime ei voitu luoda: %s"

#: nano.c:1068 nano.c:1118
#, c-format
msgid "Could not invoke spell program \"%s\""
msgstr "Oikoluinta \"%s\" ei voitu kynnist"

#. Why 32512? I dont know!
#: nano.c:1074 nano.c:1124
msgid "Could not invoke \"ispell\""
msgstr "\"ispell\" -ohjelmaa ei voitu kynnist"

#: nano.c:1086 nano.c:1136
msgid "Finished checking spelling"
msgstr "Oikoluku on valmis"

#: nano.c:1153
msgid "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING \"No\" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ? "
msgstr "Tallenna muutettu teksti (Muutokset hvivt, jos vastaat \"ei\") ? "

#: nano.c:1276
msgid "Cannot resize top win"
msgstr "Ylikkunan kokoa ei voi muuttaa"

#: nano.c:1278
msgid "Cannot move top win"
msgstr "Ylikkunaa ei voi siirt"

#: nano.c:1280
msgid "Cannot resize edit win"
msgstr "Muokkausikkunan kokoa ei voi muuttaa"

#: nano.c:1282
msgid "Cannot move edit win"
msgstr "Muokkausikkunaa ei voi siirt"

#: nano.c:1284
msgid "Cannot resize bottom win"
msgstr "Alaikkunan kokoa ei voi muuttaa"

#: nano.c:1286
msgid "Cannot move bottom win"
msgstr "Alaikkunaa ei voi siirt"

#: nano.c:1750
msgid "Main: set up windows\n"
msgstr "Ptila: ikkunoiden asettelu\n"

#: nano.c:1772
msgid "Main: bottom win\n"
msgstr "Ptila: alaikkuna\n"

#: nano.c:1778
msgid "Main: open file\n"
msgstr "Ptila: avaa tiedosto\n"

#: nano.c:1851
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-[-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-[-%c! (%d)\n"

#: nano.c:1867
#, c-format
msgid "I got Alt-%c! (%d)\n"
msgstr "Vastaanotettu Alt-%c! (%d)\n"

#: search.c:54
#, c-format
msgid "Case Sensitive Search%s"
msgstr "Kirjainkoosta vlittv etsint%s"

#: search.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Search%s"
msgstr "Etsint%s"

#: search.c:59
msgid "Search Cancelled"
msgstr "Etsint peruttu"

#: search.c:140
msgid "Search Wrapped"
msgstr "Etsint jatkuu"

#: search.c:190
#, c-format
msgid "Replaced %d occurences"
msgstr "%d kohtaa korvattu"

#: search.c:192
msgid "Replaced 1 occurence"
msgstr "1 kohta korvattu"

#: search.c:210 search.c:232 search.c:255
msgid "Replace Cancelled"
msgstr "Korvaus peruttu"

#: search.c:228
#, c-format
msgid "Replace with [%s]"
msgstr "Korvaa merkkijonolla [%s]"

#. last_search is empty
#: search.c:253
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Korvaa merkkijonolla"

#: search.c:294
msgid "Replace this instance?"
msgstr "Korvataanko tm kohta?"

#. Ask for it
#: search.c:359
msgid "Enter line number"
msgstr "Kirjoita rivin numero"

#: search.c:361
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Keskeytetty"

#: search.c:381
msgid "Come on, be reasonable"
msgstr "Jotakin jrkev, kiitos?"

#: search.c:386
#, c-format
msgid "Only %d lines available, skipping to last line"
msgstr "Vain %d rivi olemassa, siirrytn viimeiselle riville"

#: winio.c:118
#, c-format
msgid "actual_x_from_start for xplus=%d returned %d\n"
msgstr "actual_x_from_start parametrilla xplus=%d palautti %d\n"

#: winio.c:412
#, c-format
msgid "input '%c' (%d)\n"
msgstr "syte '%c' (%d)\n"

#: winio.c:448
msgid "New Buffer"
msgstr "Uusi teksti"

#: winio.c:451
msgid "  File: ..."
msgstr "  Tiedosto: ..."

#: winio.c:459
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Muokattu"

#: winio.c:892
#, c-format
msgid "Moved to (%d, %d) in edit buffer\n"
msgstr "Kohtaan (%d,%d) siirrytty muokkausruudussa\n"

#: winio.c:903
#, c-format
msgid "current->data = \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "current->data = \"%s\"\n"

#: winio.c:946
#, c-format
msgid "I got \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "Saatiin \"%s\"\n"

#: winio.c:970
msgid " Y"
msgstr " Y"

#: winio.c:970
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Kyll"

#: winio.c:972
msgid " A"
msgstr " A"

#: winio.c:972
msgid "All"
msgstr "Kaikki"

#: winio.c:974
msgid " N"
msgstr " N"

#: winio.c:974
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ei"

#: winio.c:975
msgid "^C"
msgstr "^C"

#: winio.c:1114
#, c-format
msgid "do_cursorpos: linepct = %f, bytepct = %f\n"
msgstr "do_cursorpos: linepct = %f, bytepct = %f\n"

#: winio.c:1118
msgid "line %d of %d (%.0f%%), character %d of %d (%.0f%%)"
msgstr "rivi %d/%d (%.0f%%), merkki %d/%d (%.0f%%)"

#: winio.c:1242
msgid "Dumping file buffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Sytetn tiedosto stderriin...\n"

#: winio.c:1244
msgid "Dumping cutbuffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Sytetn leiketila stderriin...\n"

#: winio.c:1246
msgid "Dumping a buffer to stderr...\n"
msgstr "Sytetn teksti stderriin...\n"